Chapter 1248: Here comes the lord

He opened his eyes slowly, looked at himself, and in his eyes revealed his unbelievable expression.


Have you stepped into the realm of true God?

The purple house in the abdomen has been transformed into a Tao palace, with great power and spectacular spirits. All changes in the flesh indicate that he is already a true warrior in the realm of realism. But all of this was so dreamy for him that he couldn't accept the reality for a while, or that he couldn't adapt to such a huge change all at once.

He didn't have any preparations, he became a god!

"Senior! The junior thanked his predecessor for remaking grace." Gu's nephew, after all, also had some insight. He quickly responded and immediately bowed to Jing Yan to express his gratitude.

I thought that if I wanted to step into the realm of true God, it would take at least 10,000 years of accumulation and precipitation. However, I did not expect that now, in just less than two hours, I have gone through a journey that takes tens of thousands of years to go through.

Jing Yan waved his hands indifferently.

"Releasing the divine power and spirit, let the pillow Qingdanshi see it." Jing Yan said with a smile.

"Yes!" Gu's nephew immediately did.

"Wow!" Both the divine power and the divine spirit have undergone earth-shaking changes from two hours ago.


"Broken Dan is true, legend is true!"

"He really stepped into the real **** realm from the real world of nine stars."

"It's simply ... if it weren't for my own eyes, I would never believe in a panacea that would allow Jiuxing Xushen to enter the realm of God in two hours." Recommended Baidu / 棋-子 * 小 / 说 / 网read""

Dan teachers, seem a little crazy, excited incoherent.

All eyes looking at Jing Yan exude a burning scent. At this time, they didn't know where Jingxuan's Poxuandan came from, but that Poxuandan was real and had the same effect as the legend. Regardless of the ancient relic that Yan Yan found from the ancient ruins or how he obtained it, he may have the Dan Fang about Poxuan.

However, the Dan masters also knew that even if Yan Jin knew Dan Fang who broke Xu Dan, he would not easily tell them. In particular, their attitude toward Yanjin was not friendly at all. Many of them should even yell at the words.

Pillow Qing is as dead as a face, like a funeral test.

He knows that from today, the Dan Master named Yan Jin will rise to fame. And he was a stepping stone to the other side.

This was obviously an extremely tragic thing for him. The most painful thing for him was mainly that he actively provoked Jing Yan. He himself made this statement.

Among the boundless anger, there was deep remorse. Had known, why would he bother about that word today, just if he didn't see it?

Outside Luo Dan Tower.

Count the figures, slowly walk down the street, before Danlou.

The two headed by them are Yun Wangzong's chief Xiao Wangyue and Qimei the second. After these two lords, there are several elders who are too senior.

They came to Luodan Tower, naturally to greet the pillow Qingdan division.

"I heard that Mr. Pillow Qing is relatively big. In a moment, we must give the right thing." Xiao Wangyue paused slightly and whispered.

This time I was able to accidentally invite the pillow Qingdan division. In the eyes of Xiao Wangyue and others, it was indeed great luck. That pillow Dan master, but the person who won the head of Dan Dadian. Although Yun Xia Zong is expensive as one of the three major forces in the Haoyan Divine Realm, Yun Xia Zong has no way to do that if the Qing Dan master does not come.

Whether Zongmen Lan Mu Linggen can be saved, it depends on the means of pillow Qingdan.

"Relief master, we will certainly make Mr. Qing Qing satisfied." Chi Mei and several elders all said loudly.

"Well, there are other Dan divisions, we can't take it easy. After all, they all came here at the invitation of Yun Xiazong." Xiao Wangyue nodded and continued to say something.

After that, the group entered the Luo Danlou.


"Zhu Qingdan, now do you still think that my broken virtual dan is a fake one?" Jing Yan gazed at his eyes, staring at Qing Qing.

To be honest, Jing Yan originally had no plans to make things bigger. But this pillow is clear, but it is aggressive. I Jing Yan, is it a soft persimmon that can be kneaded at will.

Pillow was sullen and trembling at the corners of his mouth.

"Where did you get this shattered vanilla?" Pillow asked for a while, after clearing up.

When he said this, it also meant that he acknowledged that Jingxuan, which was broken by Jing Yan, was real. The contest between the two ended with his defeat. Although he was unwilling, he could not change the fact that he could not seal the mouths of all the people present.

"From an ancient ruin." Jing Yan said lightly.

He did not say that the elixir was made by himself. Because, once admitted, of course, you can make your own fame reverberate throughout the entire world of God in a very short period of time. However, his troubles followed. His strength is still far from being able to cope with all crises.

If he has now reached the level of the Lord of All Gods, then there is no need to have so many scruples, and it is generous to admit that Poxuan is made by himself without any problems.

"I know that many of my colleagues here want to ask me, do you know the Danfang that breaks Xu Dan. Here I can tell you clearly that I do not know the Danfang that breaks Xu Dan. Otherwise, I might have been famous Divine world, you will not be so strange to my name. "Jing Yan said true and false.

After listening to the first half of Jing Yan, many people still don't believe it, but after listening to the second half of the sentence, they may still have doubts, but at least they believe in Jing Yan. Because Jing Yan was right, if he knew how to break the fudandanfang, he would just make a few of them, and he would have been famous for the whole world.

But the actual situation is that they have never heard of the name Yanjin ~ ~ everyone, can't help but show disappointment.

However, what happened today is still making Jing Yan famous. After all, it is not just a magician who can stamp his feet on Pillow.

At this time, the ancient landlord quickly took out a messenger spar, looked at the message above, and his face changed slightly.

"You guys, I'll leave for a while, and I'm looking forward to forgiving you." Then, the landlord of Gu Yan left the hall.

The figure's face quickly moved from the top floor of Danlou to the bottom floor of Danlou.

"I've seen two lords!" Gu Yi smiled, and came to Xiao Wangyue and others, bowing slightly.

"The ancient landlord doesn't need to be polite, we are all old acquaintances." Xiao Wangyue nodded.

"Gulou Louzhu, I heard you are here. The business has been very hot recently, but you're rich." Chimei, the second sovereign, joked. (Qian Kun Sword God: / 18/18135 /)-(Qian Kun Sword God)