Chapter 1457: Handle it yourself

Jing Yan's eyes narrowed.

From the action of Beizhi Lingshan, it is obvious that the other party is trying to test the main branch of Wandao Lingshan, and is also trying to test himself as the new saint. This time, if you can't take advantage of it, it will inevitably make the other party look down, which will lead the other three branches to look down on Wandao Lingshan and look down on this new saint.

"Apart from the North Branch, have the other three branches moved recently?" Jing Yan sneered, and looked at Elder Su He again.

"The other three branches did not move, they should want to look at the situation before talking." Su He said.

"Since they want to see the excitement, let them look at it." Jing Yan raised his hands and turned to look at the sky.

"Master, what should we do in the end? Send someone to the junction with the North Branch, or leave it alone?" Seeing Jing Yan, there was no more hint. Elder Hongyuan couldn't help it.

"Elder Hongyuan, don't worry. I will handle this matter personally." Jing Yan smiled at Hongyuan.

"Well, several elders have worked hard, let's break up first!" Jing Yan said later.

"But ..." Several elders frowned at Jing Yan.

"I said, I will deal with it myself, you just need to keep it as it is. Elder Suhe, you have to work harder and pay close attention to the movement of the Wanbao Temple." Jing Yan shook his head.

Seeing Jing Yan say so, although Su He and a few others still don't know what Jing Yan is going to do, it's not good to continue to ask. They respect the King's Word as the Lord, but they do not just follow it, but obey it from the bottom of their hearts. They will not go against the will of the Lord in the context.

After several elders dispersed, Jing Yan didn't stop at the Tianshan Peak in Wandaodong, he walked away. Not only did the mountain peak descend, but also Wandao Lingshan flew towards the border of the North Branch.

It was only an ultimate nihility teleportation, and Jing Yan reached the border.

At the border, there are many disciples belonging to Wandao Lingshan and Beizhi Lingshan. However, judging from the current situation, the disciples of Wandao Lingshan are obviously in a weak position and showing a contracted attitude. The disciples of Beizhi Lingshan are much more arrogant, and from time to time, members of Beizhi Lingshan will enter the area of ​​Wandao Lingshan.

Jing Yan was on the sky, and after observing for a moment, he judged the situation of the two.

At this time, at the gathering place of the Beizhi Lingshan junction, the elder Zhanghe was exuberantly communicating with some high-level characters in the Beishan Lingshan through the messenger spar.

"Hahaha ..."

"Wan Dao Ling Shan is just a group of shrinking turtles. I have been at the border for a few years, and I have not even seen a second-rate **** elder of Wan Dao Ling Shan. I think they are afraid!

"What **** lord is actually a guise. That jingyan is the tortoise among the tortoises!"

"In the past few years, I have deliberately killed several master **** disciples of Wandao Lingshan. But what? The shrinking tortoises didn't even dare to put a fart."

"I stay here, hehe ... I'll see how long the shrinking turtles can tolerate."

Elder Zhang He often circulated messages to Beizhi Lingshan and said some words that vilified Wandao Lingshan. In fact, this is also true. Wandao Lingshan has indeed not taken any action against Zhanghe, the North Branch elder in recent years.

This also led to the illusion of the entire Beizhi Lingshan, thinking that Wandao Lingshan, as before, had not changed due to the presence of a holy Lord holding a Wandaoling.

Not only the Beizhiling Mountain, but also the other three Zhishan Mountains, all have similar views. Gradually, no one cares about the Lord named Jing Yan. Although there are thousands of orders, they are dead after all. Maybe they can **** them all. If they grab the Wan Dao Ling, they can rightfully overthrow Wan Dao Lingshan.

"Okay, I won't tell you. I have itchy hands again, so go out and take a circle to see if Wandao Lingshan has hit my hands without opening my eyes." Zhang He put away the spar of messaging.

He took a group of disciples of the main **** of Beizhi Lingshan, left the gathering place, and flew towards Wandao Lingshan. The group was immense and mighty.

Wandao Lingshan gathered, and soon detected the strangeness across the junction. A group of master martial arts gathered quickly. In this gathering place, the person in charge is also a Lord of God, but it is just a level of ordinary God. In the face of an emperor like Zhang He, the ordinary god-lord had no way to fight it.

He asked Wandao Lingshan for help many times, but the emperor and emperor had not been sent there, which made him very anxious. During this time, he was really struggling.

At this time, he heard reports from his subordinates that Elder Zhang He of the Lingzhi Mountain in North Branch killed him with a mighty group of people, and his face suddenly turned black.

"Too much bullying!"

"It's so deceiving. He is a powerful monarch and he doesn't harm him!" The ordinary god-headed person was so stomped.

"Captain, what should we do?"

"People in North Branch, it's so mean!"

"Well, what do our elders in Lingdao Mountain think? Are we allowed to be bullied by the North Branch?" The main gods in the gathering ground were filled with resentment.

"I see, otherwise we'll fight it! Even death, it's better to be so angry!" Some of the main gods are hot-tempered and feel so aggrieved, it might as well be better to die in battle.

"All calm!"

"What we have to do now is patience. I believe that the high-level leaders will not ignore this matter. We now have Lord God's leadership, Lord Lord must have plans." Pressed the hand, let everyone calm down.


Just then, a cyan figure suddenly landed in the courtyard, silent.

How this figure came, none of the people present were aware of it in advance. Even the general captain of the ordinary **** master martial arts, there is no sense. I have already seen people, only to find someone who broke into ~ ~ The martial arts in the entire courtyard were all surprised and discolored.

Although this gathering place is simpler, it also has some arrays. However, this sudden invader seemed not to be hindered by the formation at all.

The intruder was naturally the Jingyan who had just teleported from Wandao Lingshan.

"Who is it?" The captain yelled, and the divine power rolled out, ready to start.

Those masters and martial arts also watched Jingyan with alert eyes.

"It's me, Jing Yan!" Jing Yan smiled at everyone.


"You ... Are you Lord?" The captain suddenly recognized God, and then suddenly recognized Jing Yan.

Although this captain has never seen Jing Yan himself, he has also seen Jing Yan's video. So although Jing Yan was not recognized for the first time, when Jing Yan reported his name, he immediately recognized it.