Chapter 1477: Go try it

Attempt was a little tense at this time.

Even if he is also a warrior in the realm of the Lord, at this time he still cannot control his mood swings.

At the beginning, in an ordinary restaurant in Xingta City, Guru and Ningluo first met Jing Yan, the Lord. At that time, he just felt that Jing Yan might be a master of level. He came into contact with Jing Yan and meant to associate with him. He also meant to absorb Jing Yan as much as possible to join Wandao Lingshan. However, he never expected that Jing Yan did come to Wandao Lingshan in the end, but he is the Lord Lord who is the Holy Land of Wandao.

In addition, the strength of the Lord of Jingyan is also so strong that he can't look up to him. Even the powerful Emperor of the Gods blows too much elders and admires the martial arts practice of the Lord of Jingyan.

Grumbling, his body trembled slightly.

"Master Hui Saint, I am better at the Ruijin field, so in this field, I have indeed mastered the third realm." Although Gougou bowed his head, his voice was loud.

"Well, yes," Jing Yan said.

All the warriors in Wandao Plaza stared at Jing Yan with eyebrows. No one spoke at this time, but waited, wondering what Jing Yan wanted to do.

According to Jing Yan's questioning, some people can't help but think of Rui Jinyun Hedan said by Jing Yan. Does the Lord of Jing Yan want to use what kind of Ruijin Yunhedan to use to verify the effect of Ruijin Yunhedan?

Thinking of such a possible warrior, he immediately shook his head secretly and thought it was impossible.

"Gang, now I'd like to ask you to show the Ruijin field and show the Taoist friends present." Jing Yan continued.

"Oh?" Goo purged slightly.

What does Lord Lord want me to do in Ruijin?

In front of these strong men, his third realm of Ruijin is completely pediatric. Which of these strong ones is not the power to master multiple ultimate fields?

However, the thickening was still in accordance with the instructions of the Lord of the Words, and the third realm of Ruijin was cast out.

Around his body, a layer of golden streamer suddenly appeared. The metallic law emits mighty fluctuations. Everyone present could clearly perceive the Ruijin field.

"Alright!" Jing Yan said.

"Yes! Goo immediately converged on the Ruijin field.

Jing Yan turned around and looked at the soldiers present.

"Dear friends, do you have any doubts about the third realm of Ruijin?" Jing Yan said with a narrow look in his eyes.

"It is true that the realm of Ruijin, where Daoyou is attacked, is indeed the third state. This is beyond doubt."

"Yeah! We old guys, if you can't even distinguish the third realm of Ruijin, that's a joke."

"Jingyan Holy Lord, what do you mean?"

"Teach your friends to show the third realm of Ruijin, Lord, what do you want to say?"

There were many warriors present, including emperors and deities, and of course they could at a glance be sure that the third realm of Ruijin was in play. There is nothing wrong with this.

"Don't worry, you will know next." Jing Yan shook his head gently and turned his eyes.

Jing Yan picked up a jade bottle from the long table. Inside this jade bottle is exactly what Jin Yanfang said.

Jing Yan raised his hand and threw the jade bottle, and the jade bottle slowly flew to the front of Goo.

"Gongyu, in this jade bottle, there is a sharp golden cloud crane Dan. Now, you open the jade bottle and swallow the elixir. Then, you try to transform into the third realm of Ruijin." Say.

Guru took the jade bottle subconsciously, but when he heard Jing Yan's words and confirmed it, his heart throbbed.

He looked up at Jing Yan, his lips moving.

He finally said, "Master, I ... I'm afraid of accidents!"

At this time, of course, Googlu knew what the Lord of the Words wanted to do. However, he was worried that the Lord Jingyan would not achieve the desired effect.

"Reassurance, you can just do what you should do. You don't need to think about other things. If you can use this elixir to transform the third realm of gold into the ultimate realm, you should be able to enter The third-rate **** is honored. "Jing Yan shook his head slightly and said comfortably to Goo.

Goo, looked at the other elders of Wandao Lingshan. Each of these elders looked at each other. In my heart, is it true that the Lord is really making a panacea that they have never heard of before? This panacea can help the warriors to transform into the field of sharp gold.

Sit down, open the jade bottle, and take out a golden halo elixir. After looking at Jingyan the Lord again, he swallowed it without hesitation.

He didn't know if this elixir could help himself to transform into the third realm of Ruijin. However, he believes that the Lord of Words will never harm himself. Even if this elixir is ineffective, it will definitely not cause any harm, so he swallowed the elixir without hesitation.

The soldiers all around looked at Gou Go swallowing the golden elixir, whispered, and whispered.

"Jingyan said, is it true?"

"In this world, in this universe, are there really such anti-tannic drugs?"

"But why haven't we heard of Ruijin Yunhe Dan before? Even the Wanbao Temple never seems to have such an elixir. If the Wanbao Temple has this elixir, even if it does not flow out, it will not be completely blocked Stay relevant, right? Marlboro, but Sundance! "

"I don't know, it seems very confident to see the Lord of the Words. But I still don't believe that there will be elixir that can directly transform the field of warriors, which is too bizarre."

"..." Everyone whispered.

Even the Emperor of the Emperor, the elder who blows too much hair, locks his eyebrows, sometimes looks at Jing Yan, and sometimes looks at the swallowing of taking the medicine.

If ~ ~ this sharp golden cloud crane can really help the warrior to transform into the field of sharp gold, then the news comes out, but ... it can be imagined that the entire world of Wandao will be severely shaken.

Who doesn't want this elixir?

Ordinary God wants! Third-rate God wants! Second-rate God wants! Emperor God God wants! God deities and even gods at the level of the emperor will also want to get it.

Even the ordinary Jiuding Master Divine Warrior, if he can master the ultimate realm, his combat power can also suppress many ordinary God Masters. Of course, it is relatively rare and almost impossible for warriors at the level of the main **** to understand the realm.

"Rui Jinyun He Dan ..."

"This name is a bit special! Ruijin Yunhe Dan, which can transform into the warrior's Ruijin field. Could there be several elixir such as Chiyan Yunhedan and Deadwood Yunhedan?" The elder's eyes changed with one.

If this is the case, then ... the Holy Land of Mando, I am afraid it won't be long before we can compete against the Manpower Temple in absolute strength, right? Perhaps in the near future, the Holy Land of Mando can really suppress the Temple of Manpower.

