Chapter 1544: Who is that person?

Xiaofeng nodded naturally.

She looked at Jing Yan with beautiful eyes and said, "It is only a long way to unlock the first seal, and to fully restore strength."

"First Seal?" Jing Yan frowned.

"Xiaofeng, the seal on your body is a lot heavy?" Jing Yan asked intently.

"Well! I did n’t know the exact details of the seal before unraveling the first seal. Now, I can vaguely feel that there should be several more seals in the back. It is difficult to unravel all these seals. After eating so many resources and adding a magical heart, he untied the first seal. "Xiaofeng said, shaking his head.

Jing Yan couldn't help but pat his head.

The situation now seems that it is really difficult to get Xiaofeng back to full strength. It is so difficult to unravel the first seal, and it is certainly more difficult to break the later seal.

After a pause, Jing Yan said: "Don't worry, take your time, one day you will recover all your strength."

"Xiaofeng, what is your strength now after you unravel this first seal?" Jing Yan asked curiously.

Before, Xiao Feng's strength was about the level of ordinary human gods.

"It should still be inferior to Yan Yan's strength, but it should be a lot better than most of your human gods!" Xiao Feng said lightly.

When Jing Yan heard this, his eyes widened.

Unraveling the first seal, is it more than the average emperor warrior?

"Xiao Feng, attack me once and try it." Jing Yan said to Xiaofeng that he was surprised.

"Brother Yan, be careful!" Xiaofeng knew what Jing Yan meant, and after hearing what Jing Yan said, he stretched out his hand and waved toward Jing Yan.

Within the space, black silk lines suddenly appeared. These silk threads are extremely fast, and they are near Jing Yan's body in an instant. It seems that they want to entangle Jing Yan's body.

From these black silk threads, Jing Yan felt extremely powerful waves of power. If it is entangled with these black threads, even if you want to get away, it is not easy.

Jing Yan did not dare to neglect, and quickly condensed the Cai Xia sword, urged the divine power to cut out, and wanted to cut the black silk thread.

However, the black silk did not break with the sweep of Jianguang. These black silk threads actually penetrated Jianguang strangely, and continued to linger on Jing Yan's body.

"This ..." Jing Yan was startled.

He hastily performed the ultimate realm of nothingness and left the place instantly. The next moment, appeared ten thousand meters away, and then cast the sword of chaos, the sword shadow rolled over the black silk thread that continued to entangle.

It took a lot of effort before Jing Yan wiped out the black silk thread.

"So scary!" Jing Yan couldn't help but admire.

"Brother Yan, I'm still better than you." Xiaofeng shook his head.

"It's already very strong. According to my inference, you should now be able to match the demons of the demons." Jing Yan said.

"Xiao Feng, does the magical heart help you to unlock the seal a lot?" Jing Yan asked immediately.

"Well, the magical heart contains a special kind of energy, which can make it easier for me to break through the seal. In effect, it is ten times better than other resources. If it is not the magical heart of the eastern toad, I want to unlock the first A double seal may take a long time. "Xiaofeng nodded.

"It seems ... we need to go to the burial god's realm immediately. Maybe there can be a few more monsters killed." Jing Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

It's better to help Xiaofeng unlock the seal with the magic heart than using other resources!


The next day, Jing Yan took a group of human deities, the emperor-level gods, and Xiaofeng, starting from the Nine Realms to the burial gods realm.

Emperor Zhanyue and other powerful men of the nine gods have also left the nine gods to return to their own gods.

"Master, I still feel that it is a more risky behavior for my brother to go to the burial gods realm." Among the group of seventh gods, Brother Shan Hai was still worried about the Emperor Zhanyue.

"Now, your master brother is much stronger than me. As long as the Demon Clan is not a strong person at the level of the Demon King, your master brother Jing Yan should be able to cope. The Demon King of the Demon Clan wants to deal with it. Jing Yan, it will not be so easy. Our human deity can always stare at the demon king. If the demon king appears in the burial **** realm, the deity will definitely go. "Said the moon god.

"The two of you, retreat to the world of Xingyue this time, just retreat and practice. Your master and brother gave you Yunhedan and other such elixir. You should cherish this opportunity and try to make the field of basic laws complete earlier. , And then step into the realm of God Emperor. "Zhan Yue Shen Emperor said again.

"Yes!" Both the elder brother and the second elder brother answered with excitement.


A few months later, Jing Yan took a group of human warriors to the edge of the burial gods realm.

At Ironwall Castle, a team of warriors came out to meet.

The stronghold of the army in the burial gods is the Iron Castle.

The iron wall castle is also the first line of defense established by humans in order to prevent the invaders from invading again after the Great Destruction. If the demons attack the iron wall castle, then the human deity will appear here for the first time.

From the end of the Great Destruction, in the 600 million years, the Devils have never attacked the Iron Wall Castle. Obviously, today's demons may still have not forgotten to invade human territory, but they must not be ready to invade again. They didn't want to take the liberty to launch a large-scale war until they were ready, so they also intentionally avoided breaking the bottom line of humanity. The two ethnic groups are now in a delicate balance.

The iron wall castle is the bottom line of the human race. If Ironwall Castles are attacked, then humans will certainly not give up.

"Dear friends, all the hard work!"

The warrior headed out of Iron Wall Castle to welcome Jing Yan and others ~ ~ is a deity-level warrior. After this deity, there are seven or eight emperor-level gods.

"It's all for human beings, it's not necessary to be so polite." Jing Yan waved his hand.

After hearing the words of Jing Yan, the deity respected the warrior, and he was obviously stunned. Just now he saw that a young warrior was a little strange at the forefront of this reinforcement. Now, the young warrior speaks more than one hundred soldiers on behalf of Da Lala, which makes him even more surprised.

What exactly is this young man?

"Oh, please ..." After the **** respected the warrior, he reacted quickly, and laughed, and then made a pleased action.

"Please!" Jing Yan was also slightly polite, and then took the lead in flying.

More than 20 deities and more than 100 emperors followed behind Jing Yan.

"Master Wuyang, who is that person? How come the reinforcements this time seem to be headed by that person?" An emperor and lord of the iron wall castle asked in a low voice to the deity.