Chapter 1566: Parliamentary distribution

Each time the Chaos Rift opens, there are only five places in the Rift.

One hundred million years ago, the mystery opened, and the human race got three fixed places, and finally three human emperors entered the chaos.

And this time, there were eight emperors from the human race, even without Jingyan. Counting Jing Yan is nine people. Even this time, the Terran got three fixed places as they did last time, and more than half of the nine **** emperors did not get the chance to enter the chaotic secret realm.

Emperor Zhanyue, the look is inevitably a little gloomy.

She has entered the level of God Emperor for a long time, and has also opened up the world of stars and moons. However, it has not been able to step into the realm of Tianzun. The point is, she has no clue about stepping into the level of heaven, and she can't find any way at all. If you continue to practice in this way, you may not be able to become a Celestial Master for hundreds of millions of years.

The Emperor Zhanyue, of course, also wants to enter the secret realm of chaos.

"This place is allocated by the parliament that opened the city?" Jing Yan asked.

"That's right! Each time the Chaos Secret is opened, the strong men of all ethnic groups will come to Kaitian City in advance, waiting for the parliament to allocate seats to the various ethnic groups. In the parliament, there are nine elders and two speakers. These five The ten chaotic secret places will be decided by the speaker and elders. "

"Before the war between the Terran and the Demons, our Terrans were able to get more than five places each time. After the War of the Terrass, the space of the Terrans was reduced. The last time the chaos opened, there were only three Fixed quota, "said the Emperor Zhan Yue with a sigh.

"So what is the Speaker and Elder of the parliament?" Jing Yan continued to ask.

"The Speaker and the Elders are some of the most qualified strong men in the universe. Most of them are from the clans. Among our people, there is also a parliament elder." The Emperor Zhanyue replied.

"Master, I will try my best to help you get a place to enter the chaos secret place." Jing Yan's eyes fixed.

Upon hearing Jing Yan's words, the Emperor Zhan Yue's eyes looked grateful to Jing Yan, but he still shook his head.

Jing Yan hasn't even got her own quota yet, how can she help her get a place in Zhanyue?

If there is no Thunder Celestial King, then it should be OK for Jingyan to enter the chaos secret? But now Thunder Tianzun obviously does not want Jing Yan to give Jing Yan a place to enter the chaos secret place.

"Jing Yan, you still don't know why Thunder Tianzun opposes giving you a place, right?" The Emperor Zhanyue took heart and asked Jing Yan again.

"Well, I don't really know why Thunder Sky Lord is hostile to me." Jing Yan nodded.

"Thunder Lord, he is not hostile to you. He should be trying to get a place for his disciples. His disciple, Qian Junshen, came with him this time." Emperor Zhanyue said with a flash of eyes .

"That's the case! I was still thinking about it. I have never met Thunder Thunder before. Why did he target me? It turned out that I wanted to get a place for my disciples to enter the chaos secrets. My appearance let him The disciples' chances of entering the chaos secret decreased, so he did not show much welcome to me. "Jing Yan suddenly realized.

While Jing Yan was chatting with Emperor Zhanyue, Thunder King and his disciple Qian Junshen were communicating in another room.

What Thunder Tianzun and Qian Junshen talk about is naturally Jingyan.

The sudden appearance of Jing Yan did disrupt the plan of Thunder Tianzun. Originally, he felt that he had obtained a place for his disciple Qian Zhun, and he still had a great grasp. However, if a sudden appearance is given a place, the difficulty for his disciples to get a place before will increase a lot.

"Qian Zhun, you don't have to worry too much. I will try my best to help you get a place. If this time, our people will still get three fixed places, then even if we give that one, there will be two remaining. Let you get One is not impossible. Besides, in addition to fixed quotas, there are also mobile quotas. If our people are lucky enough to draw a mobile quota, then your chances will be even greater. "Thunder Tianzun on disciples money Jun said.

"Thank you very much, Master!" Qian Jun Shenhuang respectfully stood in front of Thunder Thunder.

After more than ten years.

A Dadi man in a silver costume enters the building where the Terrans live.

"Are the tribal representatives available?" The Dadi man shouted when he came in.

Hearing this shout, such as Chen Tianzun and others, immediately flashed to the hall.

"Messenger of the parliament!" Ruchen respectfully bowed his hand.

Thunder King and Chunyu King also appeared in the hall almost simultaneously with Ruchen King. The two of them were equally polite to the messenger of this parliament.

In fact, the parliamentary messenger of this earth tribe has the same strength as the ordinary **** emperor of the human race.

But to such a creature, Ru Chen and their three powerful celestial beings all behaved politely.

The parliamentary ambassador did not have any sincerity, but instead straightened his waist and his head rose a little.

"I'm here to inform you on behalf of the parliament. I will gather in Kaitian City Kaitian Square tomorrow morning," said the parliamentary ambassador.

"Okay, our people must go to Kaitian Square on time." Chunyu Tianzun said with a smile.

"Hmm!" The parliament's emissary turned around, and Dala stepped out.

"Finally ... it's time to start allocating places!" Chunyutian took a breath.

People of all races have been in Kaitian City for decades, and have been waiting for parliamentary allocation. Now, finally wait.

"I don't know ~ ~ This time our people can get a few fixed places. Hopefully, it will be more than the last time." Ruchen Tianzun said.

"A little more than the last time? Oh, it's good to be the same as the last time. I have asked the elder Xiao Ye before that, although Elder Xiao Ye didn't say it explicitly, but he implied that the situation should not be optimistic." Thunder Tianzun He laughed.

He said that Elder Xiao Yan was one of the nine elders in the parliament.

"Yeah! I am afraid that there are at most three on a fixed quota. It is the mobile quota. The last time our people did not get it, this time maybe we could get one." Chunyu Tianzun nodded and said.

"Nine of you, come to the hall soon!" Thunder Tianzun made a move, greeting Jing Yan and waiting for the nine emperors to come to the hall.

Jing Yan and other nine emperor gods also quickly flashed out of the room and came to the hall.

"Just before, the messenger of the parliament has come to tell us that tomorrow will be allocated a place in the chaos secret place in Kaitian Square." Chunyu Tianzun said to Jing Yan and others.