Chapter 1733: Become supreme

The laws of time and space infiltrated from the polar sky gate did not prevent Jing Yan from entering. [Read the latest chapter]

Jing Yan flew quickly and entered smoothly. Jing Yan's figure disappeared into the sight of a large number of practitioners on the polar square.

"Go in!"

"He ... he's really not a big witch realm."

"It's just a wizard world, but why is his combat effectiveness so terrible?"

On the polar square, many practitioners' faces were abnormal. Previously, Jing Yan killed three Oriental wizard elders in the Polar Plaza, and fought with Oriental Ye for a while, and he showed great strength. However, during the battle, some practitioners in the realm of great witches can clearly feel that the laws of Jingyan have not been truly fulfilled, nor have they mastered the power of Tao.

This puzzled them.

It seems that Jing Yan is not a big witch practitioner. But if it is not a big witch, why is it so powerful?

Many people are waiting for Jing Yan to enter the polar region. Because the practitioners who fulfill the laws of time and space cannot enter the polar regions. Polar order will prevent such practitioners from entering. Now that Jing Yan has successfully entered the polar region, it proves that they feel right about Jing Yan. Jing Yan has not at least fulfilled the laws of time and space.

"What an evil spirit!"

"How did he cultivate?"

"A wizarding spiritualist has such terrible fighting power. If he reaches the realm of great witches, wouldn't he be invincible? By then, even high-level witches would be difficult to deal with him?

Some big figures blinked their eyes and thoughts turned in their hearts.

It seems that no such example has ever appeared in the history of the witch world. It's horrifying and unbelievable that the third-level big witch is undefeated with the cultivation of a wizard.

The patriarch of Zhao's tribe, Zhao Ming, flashed cold eyes, he silently looked at the other five-star forces present. In fact, Zhao Ming's mood is also a bit complicated. He felt that the existence of Jing Yan may pose a great threat to the Zhao tribe. If Jing Yan cannot be killed before he enters the realm of Dawu, then it is likely that the Zhao tribe will be unable to deal with Jing Yan in the future.

But Jing Yan had already entered the polar region at this time, and he had no better way. He had to wait until Jing Yan came out of the polar region.

After Jing Yan entered the polar region, the bidding for places continued. Because the Polar Sky Gate has not disappeared, this means that the practitioner can continue to enter. Once the Polar Sky Gate disappears, it means that the entry quota is full and no other practitioners can enter again.


"So chaotic rules!"

"Whether it is outside or in the witch world, the laws of time and space are very stable laws of order. But the laws of time and space in the polar world are quite the opposite."

"What's even more incredible is that in the polar regions, it seems that there are only two laws of time and space. There are five basic laws of life and death, which do not exist here."

"Weird place."

Jing Yan, has never entered such a strange place before. Without the law of life and death, then life is in it, which theoretically has an endless life. Without five basic rules, in theory, no creature can be born in this place.

"This place is the real place of chaos! Everything is primitive. All laws are not derived except the chaotic laws of time and space. Or, this place cannot derive other laws. Here, it is possible It is a special place in the evolution of the universe. "Jing Yan carefully felt everything in space.

"No matter how much it is, cultivation matters."

"I need to be familiar with the rules of time and space here first, and then combine the rules of time and space that I have mastered, slowly withdrawing the cocoon, and comprehend the essence. Hope, here, I can make my rules of time and space complete." Jing Yan no longer delays.

The polar environment is, of course, a desolate place, except for the chaotic time and space, there is nothing else. Even sandy rocks do not exist. On the whole, it is a dead silence, a pure nothingness.

Jing Yan found a place casually, sitting cross-legged, touching the laws of space and time in the polar regions.

The laws of space and time in the polar regions are extremely mysterious. These laws appear to be very primitive. Jing Yan was totally immersed in it, and it was very difficult to observe and study.

But because of this, Jing Yan was very excited. If it is very simple to grasp comprehension, then the rules here may not help Jing Yan's comprehension on the laws of space and time.

Difficult to understand Jing Yan does not care, as long as there is progress. With the clues drawn, and slowly deduced step by step, one day, one day, you can master its essence.

Because the laws of space and time in the polar regions are all chaotic, the velocity of time cannot be felt here.

Because the time here is confusing, the time flow rate is different in different areas. In some places, the time flow rate is equivalent to the outside world. In some places, the time flow rate is faster than the outside world, and in some places, the time flow rate is slower than the outside world.

The place where Jing Yan is located is an area with a time flow rate hundreds of times faster than the outside world. I have to say that Jing Yan's luck is really good.

In the polar region, no practitioner can accurately perceive time. Therefore, if you want to find an area with a fast time flow rate, this can only be luck. Simply put, even if a practitioner comes to a place where the time flow rate is hundreds of times slower than the outside world, he will not even notice it.

Everything depends on your luck.

Jing Yan constantly learns the laws of space and time.

A hundred years have passed!

Five hundred years have passed!

One thousand years have passed, two thousand years have passed!

Five thousand years have passed! Ten thousand years have passed.

100,000 years have passed ...

After more than 100,000 years of training in the polar regions.

"The law of space ~ ~ is done!" On this day, Jing Yan opened his eyes and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

Jing Yan himself did not know how long he had cultivated, he vaguely felt that the cultivation time was very long. It took more than 100,000 years for him to bring the law of space to a satisfactory level.

"Keep on, there are only time rules left." Jing Yan continued to cultivate.

Over the past 100,000 years, Jing Yan has also been enlightening the laws of time. However, the law of space has reached a level of completion earlier. The law of time is actually approaching, and it definitely does not need another 100,000 years.

Sure enough, this time just after more than 10,000 years, Jing Yan's time rule has reached a satisfactory level.

When the law of time is also fulfilled, this also means that Jing Yan has truly stepped into the chaos supreme level from the level of heaven. The nine are all fulfilled for the supreme cultivation.

"It's really different!"

"It feels like ... it's like a rebirth." Jing Yan felt his change. (To be continued., Your support is my greatest motivation.)