Chapter 1749: Pass

For practitioners at the levels of Batu and Gong Lie, seeing the two Holy Powers being crushed by their own eyes, the shock is enough to make the spirit body tremble.

The level of human deity is the Holy Land of the one-eyed tribe.

There are many ethnic groups in the Kaitian City Alliance. Most ethnic groups practice the law, but there are many different names in the realm.

After pinching to death the two worshippers who worshiped the Heaven Alliance, he swept his arm and collected some of the resources left by the two.

If it is only the resources of the spiritual practitioners themselves, then Jingyan really doesn't care. However, these two people are the people who guard the Cthulhu City Teleportation Array and are responsible for transferring resources for the Alliance of Worship, and their (body shēn) is likely to have a large amount of resources that have not been transferred.

Jing Yan didn't take a closer look, only to earn a brain income into the world of Qiankun.

"Master ... Master ..."

Batu and Gong Lie both stuttered and didn't know what to say.

The strength of this adult is simply indescribable. This adult, is it the legendary Chaos Supreme?

Within the one-eyed tribe, there is no chaos supreme. Even large groups like the human race did not have their own chaotic supreme activity before Jing Yan and Bai Xue, let alone a one-eyed tribe.

Therefore, among the one-eyed tribe, the most powerful are the spiritual practitioners of the Lord and the leader of their tribe.

Practitioners like Batu and Gong Lie, of course, also have some insights. They know that in the Chaos Universe, there is a stronger person than the Holy Land, that is Supreme Lord Chaos.

Being able to pinch the two Holy Land Powerhouses to death easily, what is not the Chaos Supreme Level?

"You don't have to be afraid of me. The one-eyed tribe is a member of the Kaitian City Alliance, and my family is also a member of the Kaitian City Alliance." Jing Yan saw the two nervous and smiled.

"Well, now I'm teleporting to the city of the King of your one-eyed tribe. Batu, didn't you say that there were some practitioners in the City of Kings who didn't leave? I plan to go to the city of Kings Kill them all. "Jing Yan continued.

"Sir, I will go with you. Although I am weak, I can help with some trivial matters." Batu immediately cheered.

"Okay, let's teleport together." Jing Yan nodded.

"Gong Lie, how do you say?" Batu looked at Gong Lie aside.

"Gong Lie is also willing to follow the adults to the King's City." Gong Lie did not hesitate.

In fact, although Gong Lie had previously resorted to the League of Worship, he did not change his mind. Because of this, Jing Yan did not kill him. Now, Gong Lie sees the hope of driving those **** who worshipped Fire Road out of the one-eyed tribal realm, and of course he will not hesitate any more. The adult of this human race is so powerful that he can kill the Lord's realm with a single finger.

"It's not too late, let's go!" Jing Yan first entered the teleportation formation.

Gong Lie and Batu followed closely behind.

After a light curtain rose, the three shadows disappeared.


The city of kings of the one-eyed tribe.

There are still many practitioners who worship here.

This boundary, after all, is the boundary of the one-eyed tribe of the middle ethnic group, and there are many resources. In order to ensure the maximum transfer of these resources to the Alliance of Fire Path, the guarding forces remaining in this realm are more than ten heavenly strong men. Half of the more than ten celestial beings are located in several main cities in the boundary. The other half are in the King's City.

In the city of kings, those practitioners who worship the Alliance of Fire Road are not aware of what happened in the city of Quesu (情 qíng). Jing Yan beheaded and killed the worshippers of the Fire Road practitioners in Ksu City, all of which were complete spikes. Those people have no time to spread the news. Of course, it is okay if they send out news before Jing Yan starts. The problem is that before Jing Yan started, they never thought of passing the news to the city of kings.

Perth is a leader of the one-eyed tribe and a strong man in the Holy Land.

At this point, Paz was ragged, with stubble on his face, his eyes flushed.

He was confined in a dungeon, piercing black chains on his body. These black chains are unusual. They are forged from a very precious material and have special energy. The practitioners at the level of the Celestial Master are impaled and can no longer exert divine power, even the divine power is suppressed and eroded.

The spirit body is eroded and it is very painful.

For centuries, Perth has been suffering this terrible torture.

After the one-eyed tribe was defeated in the face of the invasion of the fire path, Perth did not die. He was suppressed by the strong man of the fire path and locked here. Praying for Fire did not kill him directly, but tortured him all the time. Of course, worshipping the fire also hoped that he would surrender.

The one-eyed tribe were mostly killed by the Holy Spirit. The strongest in the Holy Land may have survived only Perth. The reason why the worship of the fire path has paid so much patience is that Perth surrenders, and also hopes that after surrender, he will bring the entire one-eyed tribe to obey the fire path. To put it plainly, worshipping the fire is to hope that a cricket can be controlled by himself ((操 cāo) cāo).

Perth is the leader of the one-eyed tribe, and of course has great influence and appeal on the ethnic group.

However, although Perth has been tortured, he has never shaken his faith. He would rather die than surrender to worship. The one-eyed tribe will not betray the Kaicheng Alliance.

Pass, there was no despair. In his mind, the flame of hope never extinguished. He feels that the Sky City Alliance will one day kill back and rescue the one-eyed realm.

In the dungeon, there were also some Cyclops who were detained with Pass. Some of these one-eyed strongmen could not bear the pain of the soul erosion ~ ~ and some of them surrendered to the worship of fire. But most of them are struggling to support it.

"Can't die!"

"I'm going to live! I'm going to live until the day that the Sky City Strong comes to rescue us. I want to watch, those damn, despicable worship scum scum is killed." Perth kept roaring.

The city of kings teleported, and a light suddenly flashed.

Around this teleportation circle, dozens of practitioners worshipping the fire were guarded. These practitioners who guard the teleportation formation are more lazy and casual.

Even if they saw the teleportation array appear bright and knew that someone was teleporting from other places, they did not immediately come to detect it. In their view, all who can use the teleportation array are themselves.

The one-eyed teleportation array, with the exception of several main cities, was destroyed. The main cities were completely under their control. Therefore, those who can use the teleportation array must be their internal staff who worship the fire channel.

This teleportation array is used by people from time to time. Generally, the worshipers of the main roads in those main cities transport resources from various places to the city of kings.