Chapter 1807: Sky Eater

How big is a boundary?

The boundaries occupied by the small and medium ethnic groups in the Kaitian City Alliance are huge and countless. Not to mention, a realm controlled by a third-order supreme initial creature.

However, such a huge area, but anywhere, you can see the giant hole in the sky.

In other words, the laws of the Luohe boundary have been confused.

Countless beings saw the black giant claws at the same time. On the black giant claws, the pervasive horror that pervaded the hearts of all the creatures shivered, the whole body became cold, and the atmosphere dared not breathe.

They didn't know what the creature was.

At this time within the realm, the paw's deity is not yet visible. But it is conceivable that a creature with such claws is absolutely terrifying.

Huozhe Supreme, of course, also saw the black giant claws coming in from the outside.

His third-order supreme also took a hard breath, and his face appeared horrified. He wasn't sure what creatures were out there, but at one point he understood that no matter what creature he was on, he was definitely not able to fight against himself. Facing that coercion, he felt like an ant in front of an elephant.

The subordinates and disciples of Supreme Fire Ze, also quickly approached Supreme Fire Ze, and asked what happened to Supreme Fire Ze.

"Inspire the large-scale communication tool at once!" Fire Lord did not respond to those questions, but directly ordered.

No matter what the outside creature is, in short, it is attacking the Luohe boundary. The black giant claws clashed casually, and the whole realm was shaken violently, and the thousands of intertwined laws were rubbed into a mess.

He must ask for help, and ask Mu Jinzhang for help.

The large-scale communication tool quickly inspired success, and Huozhe Supreme asked Mujin Supreme for help.

At this time, the sky in the boundary of the Luohe River had collapsed on a large scale. With the complete disorder of the law and order, countless weak beings died instantly. Those who are more powerful are also uncomfortable, and they are all struggling to support it.


"Master Huoze, save us!"

A hysterical cry, everywhere in the realm. The entire realm is completely out of order.

The collapse of the dome gradually revealed the honor of the creatures outside.

It was a humanoid creature, with double horns on its head, and was all black. The pair of red pupils was full of cold killing.

The black humanoid didn't have any words, he suddenly opened his mouth wide, and then a terrible suction appeared. Countless beings can't control the body and fly towards the creature's big mouth.

Within a short period of time, one tenth of the creatures in the Luohe boundary were devoured.

Not only are living beings swallowed up, the material in the border area of ​​Luohe is also rapidly disappearing.

Huoze is supreme, extremely anxious. The black creature seemed to have found him. After all, he is the most powerful being in the realm, and his breath of life cannot be hidden at all. The black creature's red eyes seemed to show a playful look.

"The wood is near the Supreme, save me!" After the communication was connected, the Fire Lord shouted.

The wood on the other side of the Supreme seemed to feel the emotional anxiety of the Supreme Fire Ze.

"Fire, what happened?" Mu Jinxun asked.

"The Luohe Boundary, destroyed, is a creature I have never seen before, with a black body and a huge black creature.

"Ah ... he came over to me."


"Unstoppable, completely unstoppable."

"Mu Jinxuan, I ... I'm going to die!" Huo Zezong hissed constantly.

"Huo Ze, what's going on? What black creature, can you make it clear!" Mu Jinzun shouted anxiously.

"Mu ... Mu Jinbian, I can't keep it up. I ... I will pass the biological image to you!"

Then, on the side of the wood, some images were seen. On the other side of the fire, there was no sound and communication was interrupted.

"This ..." After Mu Lin saw the image transmitted by the Supreme Fire Ze, the whole person was still.

"Tian Tian, ​​this is Tian Tian!"

"How is it! How is it possible? Devouring the Celestials, why did they appear again?" Mu Jinxun whispered, his face paled.

"Something happened! The Sky Eater has appeared again! No, I have to discuss with Duanmu Supreme immediately. The last time Sky Eater appeared, the entire Chaos universe was almost eaten. Now, the Sky Eater appears again!" The wooden wing of the Supreme God did not keep flying out.

Immediately, he entered the ancient teleportation array not far away.

In the Chaos Universe, many ancient teleportation arrays have survived. These ancient teleportation arrays are distributed throughout the chaotic universe. Because its use consumes amazing energy, most of the ancient teleportation arrays are in a dusty state. Under normal circumstances, only the high-end Supreme will occasionally use the ancient teleportation.

These formations were all built by those most powerful primitive creatures in ancient times.

Through the ancient teleportation, the wood was close to the Supreme, and soon reached the space near the thatched cottage of the Duanmu Supreme.

"Muji Daoyou, why did you come here suddenly? Didn't say it in advance?" When the sense of Mubian came, Duanmu's voice came out immediately, and he hadn't found Mubian's extremely ugly face at this time.

"Extreme Duanmu, it's too late to greet you. Take a look at this!" Mu Lin waved his hand, said to Duanmu Supreme who just appeared, and at the same time released the image of the Devourer.

After watching Duanmu Supreme ~ ~ the original faint smile on his face disappeared instantly and was replaced by horror.

Heaven Eater!

Chaotic universes, such as Duanmu Supreme and Mujin Supreme, have deep memories of the Heavenly Devourers. Hundreds of millions of years ago, such creatures appeared in the chaotic universe. This creature seems to be swallowing everything, and what they see and eat, there is nothing they cannot eat.

"What time is it?" Duanmu Supreme asked in a low voice.

"Not long ago, Supreme Huoze sent a message to me, and his Luohe Realm was attacked, like me asking for help, and passed this image to me. Alas, at this time, the Luohe Realm may have completely disappeared. Mu Mu sighed heavily.

"You must get rid of the Devourers! Otherwise, this chaotic universe will be destroyed." Duanmu Supreme looked at Mu Lin Supreme and said, "Mu Lin Daoyou, we immediately circulated to other Daoyou and told them about it. Also, we need to determine the position of the Tian-biting creatures and their number. If there is only one, we can still fight. If the number of Tian-biting is more than one, then we ... "

Duanmu Supreme did not continue, but the meaning was obvious.