Chapter 1813: Slay Mo Xiehong

Mo Xiehong's black arm swept towards the Chaos Sword.

"I eat you! I want to eat you!" Mo Xiehong growled violently.

As long as he can eat Jingyan, he might break through again.

"Want to eat me? Huh, it depends on whether you have such a good mouth!" Jing Yan Caixia sword beheaded.

"Ghosting World!"


"Kill!" On Jing Yan's body, the surging power fluctuations were even clearly felt by those in the distance, such as Duanmu Supreme.

"Duanmu Daoyou, this Jingyan's supreme strength is so strong? I am afraid that his strength is almost the same as the existence of the ancestor of the mixed hole." Said the high-ranking Supreme with golden skin.

The level of the chaos ancestors and son-in-laws is the top level in the universe's original beings.

"Well. Just a million years ago, although his strength was also very strong, he was far from strong enough. If this strength is against us, then we might not even be able to block a sword!" Duanmu supremely said.

Million years ago, Jing Yan killed high-ranking supremacy such as Jin Haiwang. At that time, Jing Yan could only succeed with the help of Jiutian Shenfeng. If Jing Yan had the current strength at that time, it would not take much effort to kill Jin Haiwang and others.

"Shall we help siege Mo Xiehong?"

"I think it's fine, let's take a look first and don't add chaos. That Mo Xiehong's attack is very difficult for us to stop. If we accidentally get swallowed up, that is to help."

"Yes, we wait for Jing Yan's supreme signal. Jing Yan supreme wants us to assist in the attack, and we will take another shot. Now look, that Mo Xiehong wants to devour Jing Yan supreme, it is not easy!"

High-ranking Supremes, whisper. One by one, there was excitement in both eyes. I thought it would probably die this time, but I didn't expect such a turnaround. A few high-ranking supreme seniors who had a bit of criticism about Jing Yan before, at this time also forgot what they had said before.

"Boom!" Jianguang of Chaos Sword twisted with Mo Xiehong's black arm, and along the black arm, constantly hit Mo Xiehong's body.

Black blood gushing wounds kept appearing.

Mo Xiehong screamed in succession. The huge body wants to crush Jing Yan.

Jing Yan dodged while attacking. The armour of this Tian-phasing creature is too strong, and there is a suction force, which affects Jing Yan's posture. Fortunately, the power of the fourth world ghosting the world allows Jing Yan's defense to survive.

Time passes slowly.

Finally, Mo Xiehong's breath began to weaken. His power has been consumed too much. Once the strength in the body is insufficient, his combat effectiveness will be severely reduced.

Realizing this, Mo Yinhong's engulfing in her heart * also dissipated a lot. He knew he had to escape. If he continues to struggle, his fighting power will become weaker and weaker, and he is likely to die here.

"Humble creature!"

"I remember you! I'm Mo Xiehong, I remember you! The next time you meet is your death!" Mo Xiehong's roar sounded through the chaos void.

"Want to run?" Jing Yan stared.

He keenly sensed that Mo Xiehong's breath and strength were falling. Duanmu Supreme is right, this Mo Xiehong cannot fight forever, especially without energy supplement. Mo Xiehong's injuries seem to be quite a lot, but these injuries are not serious, and will not have a great impact on his combat effectiveness. Therefore, the only explanation is that Mo Xiehong consumed too much power and could not hold on for long.

Jing Yan certainly won't let Mo Xiehong run away. This time letting him run away, it will be difficult to find a good opportunity next time.

The Sky Eater creature is good at shuttles in the void. If he deliberately avoids Jing Yan, it is difficult for Jing Yan and others to determine its specific location. Before, Duanmu Supreme and others could find Mo Xiehong so easily, because Mo Xiehong did not mean to avoid it at all. He just waited for Duanmu Supreme to find it.

But this time a big loss, he knew that in this universe, there are creatures that can threaten him, and he will certainly be more careful. He will wander around, devouring realms and worlds, and slowly gaining strength. He will not stay in one place for too long.

"Oh!" Mo Xiehong shuddered.

Around his huge body, ripples emerged, and he was about to run through the void to escape.

"Stay for me!"

"The way of destiny, dominate all things, storm of souls, fetters of destiny!" Jing Yan's thoughts, heavy restraint power, fell on Mo Xiehong.

This powerful power made the ripples around Mo Xiehong's body violent.

"Abominable!" Mo Xiehong was a little panicked, and the situation now exceeded his control.

His void traveled, but he was unable to perform the first time. It should have disappeared immediately after the Nether Shuttle. But now, he is still there, facing Jing Yan.

"Mo Xiehong, you can't get away!" Jing Yan screamed sharply.

"Heaven and earth prison cage!" Jing Yan waved his arm, a gray light curtain shrouded out, covering Xiang Moxiehong.

The Heaven and Earth Prison Cage was used by Jin Haiwang and others to restrain the female anvil, and then fell into the hands of Jing Yan. This is the first time Jing Yan used the chaotic strange treasure of the Heaven and Earth Cage.

Mo Xiehong was trapped in the cage of heaven and earth, only felt that a tearing force came, and he seemed to be caught in the mud. He twisted his huge body, trying to break free.

Mo Xiehong's power is too strong, and the heaven and earth prison cage can't restrain him for too long. However, Jing Yan didn't want to bind Mo Xiehong for a long time. He only needed Mo Xiehong to be unable to perform the void shuttle to escape for a while.

"Mo Xiehong, suffer!" Jing Yan waved Cai Xia Sword, and the sword of Chaos Sword continued to fall, chopping on Mo Xiehong.

Mo Xiehong's energy consumption is very high ~ ~ The defense ability also declines seriously. At this time, his physical body, defense ability against the sword of Chaos Jianmang, is not as good as before. The sword awns between the chaos infiltrated his body, destroying his vitality.

"Do not!"


"Abominable boy, I'm going to devour you!" Mo Xiehong felt the death breath approaching, and he frantically struggled.

Mo Xiehong broke away from the prison cage of heaven and earth, but at this time he also reached the point where the oil was exhausted.

Jing Yan struck out three swords in succession, mobilizing his strength to the limit.


Finally, Mo Xiehong's body was weak, and she was unwilling to die under Jing Yan's sword. At the same time that Mo Xiehong was beheaded and killed, a pure soul power emerged from that huge body. These divine powers are creamy yellow, rich and nearly condensed into substance.

Jing Yan took a sharp breath, his eyes burst into light. When the body flashed, it was above the real spirit power.