Chapter 1826: The first task

The role of the guide is to introduce the task-related knowledge to the new chaotic killer.

Private missions are mostly not as detailed as official missions in intelligence information. Moreover, private mission variables are generally larger than official missions. Therefore, the new chaotic killers mostly start with official missions.

If the new killer wants to take up a private mission, the facilitator will not forcefully stop them, and most of them will only persuade.

"What else do you not understand? Now you can ask me, this is the welfare of your newcomer. If you don't ask now, you can only explore it yourself later." The guide told Jing Yan and Luo Bing.

"I want to know how many points I can get for completing an official ring task." Jing Yan asked as he looked at the guide.

"Points and rewards are not fixed, because during the mission, there will be certain changes. This change cannot even control the Temple of Killing. Therefore, the specific number of points depends on the completion of your mission. Generally come Said that a ring of official missions can get three to five killing points. In the killing temple, five points can be exchanged for a star stone. "The guide explained.

The star stone is a kind of energy stone similar to the **** crystal and witch crystal. The living creatures absorb the energy of the star stone to cultivate a significant effect.

Jing Yan has not yet obtained the Star Stone, so the specific effect of the Star Stone is unclear. However, inferred from the points situation, this star stone should be a relatively precious thing, and its value should be much more than Wu Jing.

The killing points of the killing temple are full of gold. The killing points here can be exchanged for various resources. It can be said that as long as you have enough points, you can redeem any resource you want. With enough killing points, you can also post any type of private mission, even if you want to post a mission to assassinate the powerful realm of all things.

Killing the Temple, it is the institution jointly controlled by the five ultimate forces.

"Luo Bingdao, do you have any questions?" Jing Yan asked Luo Bing.

Luo Bing shook his head.

"Thank you Lord Master, we have no other problems." Jing Yan then said to the Master.

"Well, okay, take care of yourself. I have only one piece of advice for you. When taking personal tasks, you must be careful to live long." The guide finally said this and turned around left.

"Jingyan Taoist, are you going to take the task now?" Luo Bing asked Jingyan.

"I think so, how about you?" Jing Yan said.

"I also want to take the task immediately and activate the killer identity." Luo Bing pointed to the gray ring in front of his chest and said.

The two came before the official mission stone.

There is very little information on the official mission stele. There are only two tasks in the ring.

Jing Yan and Luo Bing checked the mission information.

These two links are official tasks. One is a large group task, which is characterized by a large number of participants and a large time span. After a task is completed, the time span is tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years are normal. Another task is a group task, which requires five Chaos Killers to collect. After the number of people reaches, the task will be officially started.

The first large group task scene was ignored at a glance, focusing on the second task. The task of this group also seems to be relatively ordinary, that is, a miniature continent within the boundary of the Lanning State has been attacked by the Sky Eater. This Sky Eater is still entangled on the mainland. The Lanning Country official needs a killing team to go there. Kill this Sky Eater creature.

According to the information, the Sky Devouring Creature is just a common channel, and it is not difficult to kill. So, this is an official mission. At present, this task has been accepted by two killers, that is to say, the task has been triggered by three people.

Jing Yan discussed with Luo Bing and decided to take over the task.

"Are you sure, you want to accept this task?" When the two came to the task pick-up, the staff inside looked at them and asked.

"Yes, sure." Jing Yan and Luo Bing answered.

"Well, this task is a group task, and it takes five people to complete it. Before you, two killers accepted this task. If you also accept this task, you only need to wait for another killer to accept the task. , The task will be officially launched. "

"This is a killing mission token, and you all carry it with you. Once the number of people receiving the mission is sufficient, we will notify you to gather in the killing temple through the mission token." The staff handed two identical tokens to Jing Yan And Luo Bing.

"How long do we have to wait?" Jing Yan asked.

"This is not certain, maybe someone will pick up the task soon, or it may take a long time no one picks it up ~ ~ However, in my experience, it will not exceed two or three days at most Time, the task will be carried out. "Although the attitude of the staff is not enthusiastic, it is quite polite and must answer questions.

"Thank you very much!"

After taking the task, Jing Yan and Luo Bing left the Temple of Killing, and turned around casually in the largest city on the continent.

After two hours, the mission tokens of the two people changed, and a message came along.

"It seems that there are enough tasks, and the task has officially started." Jing Yan smiled at Luo Bing and said.

"Well! Then let's go back to the killing temple." Luo Bing nodded.

Luo Bing's expression seemed a little nervous.

This is also normal, and she is the first to accept the killing mission. In addition, her strength is not very strong, it will inevitably be more nervous. Luo Bing is just a step-by-step practice of cultivation, placed in the hometown universe of Jingyan, which is the most common high-order supreme. Like the female anvil lady, it is a strong person whose level of the three-step method may be close to that of the four-step method.

"Luo Bingdao friends, don't be nervous. This task should not be difficult and time will not be too long." Jing Yan smiled and relieved Luo Bing.

"Well, thank you Jing Yan and my friends." Luo Bing exhaled and blinked at Jing Yan.

When the two returned to the Temple of Killing, they were quickly taken to a room. When the two entered the room, there were already two Chaos Killers inside. When the two chaotic killers saw Jing Yan and Luo Bing coming in, they glanced casually and did not speak.

Jing Yan and Luo Bing randomly found a seat and sat down. Now, it is four people waiting for the last chaotic killer to take over the task.

It didn't take long for Zengcha to run out, and the fifth figure entered the room.

Now all five killers who have accepted this official mission have arrived.