Chapter 1869: Advent of the Great

Emperor Shen Yuan's hearty laughter passed out of the palace and spread throughout the palace.

Many guards, maids, and other personnel in the walking palace heard the laughter of Emperor Shen Yuan, all of them trembling.

"what happened?"

"Is this the emperor's laughter?"

"The emperor ... actually laughed loudly? I have never heard the emperor laugh in the palace for hundreds of millions of years."


Countless people in the palace were startled by the laughter of Emperor Shen Yuan. They seem to have never heard the Emperor Shen Yuan laugh. Emperor Shen Yuan, an extremely serious strong man, did not sneer.

What happened today?

The Great Emperor Shen Yuan continued to watch the pictures in the palace.


"Hu Chang is in this stupid, what are you going to do?"

"Hum!" Shen Yuan emperor's breath condensed, waving his wide sleeves.

Inside the hall, a black crack appeared. Emperor Shen Yuan flickered and disappeared into the black crack.

Uh ...

Wu Jingyan shot at Lou Biao, Hu Chang was stopping, but he failed!

He was affected by Jing Yan's gravitational spell. He watched Lou Biao being slain, and his soul was destroyed. By the time he got rid of the gravitational spell, Lou Biao had been killed.

Wu Hu often feels dumbfounded.

This man named Jing Yan, in front of him, killed Lou Biao, a creature of all things.

I just this time, Hu Chang's anger in his heart was not as strong as before. Because he saw the golden Hongmengdao pattern in Jing Yan's attack.

In the endless chaos, few people practice Hongmeng Taowen, but there are still many creatures who have seen Hongmeng Taowen. Hu Changzai is a mid-term powerhouse, and he has also seen Hongmeng Taowen.

When he saw the magnificent pattern of Hongmeng displayed by Jing Yan's killing of Lou Biao, he realized that Jing Yan really had a big background, which was Hongjun Tiangong, one of the five ultimate forces.

No wonder! No wonder this Jingyan doesn't care about the identity of Butterfly Winter Void, knowing that Butterfly Winter is the child of Void Temple, and kills it, not even letting go of the soul.

I just realized that Jing Yan's identity made Hu Changzai even more uncomfortable. Void Temple, the son of the void was killed, and the murderer was a member of the Hongjun Heavenly Palace. What should he do? It seems that no matter what you do, you will offend the ultimate forces.

However, it would be impossible for Hu Changzai to just let go. This matter is serious, and he can't handle it.

"Jingyan Daoyou, are you ... from Hongjun Tiangong?" Hu Changzai's tone changed slightly.

Only when Fang Cai Jingyan played against the butterfly Dong, Hu Changzai only saw the last scene, that is, the scene of the death of the soul of the butterfly winter, so he didn't know that Jing Yan had mastered the Hongmen Daowen and was a member of Hongjun Heavenly Palace.

"Is there a difference?" Jing Yan smiled.

"Jingyan and Taoist friends, I'm not talking nonsense. It is not too serious to kill Lou Biao. Although Lou Biao is a member of the Nether Temple, it is only an ordinary member. If you die a few, the Nether Temple will not be too Care. But that butterfly winter is the identity of the Void, and the Void Temple will never give up. So you must stay here and not leave the Changshan continent. "Hu Chang said slowly in a deep voice.

"I'm afraid not!" Jing Yan shook his head.

Are you here?

Do you stay here waiting for the high-rise of the Nether Temple to suppress or kill yourself?

景 When Jing Yan shot against Butterfly Winter, Jing Yan had already considered a lot. After he planned to kill Diedong, he took the mixed hole and left the Changshan continent to leave the border of Sharon. The endless chaos is vast, and the big deal is not to use a super teleport array. It is also difficult for the Nether Temple to find itself. Mastering his own destiny, he is still very good at avoiding tracking.

Therefore, Hu Chang was asking Jing Yan to stay, and Jing Yan certainly did not agree. Stay, wait to die?

I am just Chang Changhu, the landlord of the mainland city of Changshan. He doesn't seem to want to let himself go. Then, you can only play one more game and see how strong a strong middle-aged man is.

"If Jingyan Taoists refuse to cooperate, then I can only do it!" Hu Chang's expression changed, and the divine power fluctuated again.

"His ~"

Just at this time!

Above the sky, a crack suddenly appeared. The living creatures such as Jing Yan sensed the appearance of cracks the first time. The crack didn't look very big, but the vast power enveloped the entire city.

Wu Jingyan's face changed.

It was obviously impossible for the crack to appear by itself. In other words, it is likely that there is a strong person who directly tears the chaotic space and comes.

who is it?

I can tear the existence of chaos in the chaotic space, it is definitely not what I can deal with now. Jing Yan knew this.


"Willn't it be the strong of the Nether Temple?"

"Damn, how could it come so fast? Sharon is not under the control of the Nether Temple. Even if the strong temple of the Nether Temple arrives, it will not be so easy to tear the chaotic space in the territory of the State of Sharon directly!" Thumping.

A towering figure descended from the crack. Then the black crack was repaired quickly.

Xu Hu often saw people coming, and suddenly he was shocked, and then he knelt directly on the ground.

"Great Emperor!" Hu Chang shouted, bowing his head.

When the countless creatures at the far end saw the towering figure, they all trembled first, and then they fell down.

"Great Emperor?" Jing Yan heard a shout from Hu Chang's mouth, his heart moved.

"The Great Emperor Shen Yuan?" Jing Yan realized that the comer was the Lord of Sharon Kingdom, the Emperor Shen Yuan.

He waited for people in Jingdong behind Jingyan and knelt down after seeing them. Hangdong and others have been in Sharon for a long time. They have never seen the true body of Emperor Shen Yuan, but they have definitely seen the portrait of Emperor Shen Yuan. Emperor Shen Yuan appeared, and they all recognized it ~ ~ The towering figure suddenly fell to the ground, not far from Jing Yan.

Shen Yuan mainland, looking at Jing Yan.

Wu Jingyan was so upset that he did not know how Shen Yuan the Great would dispose of himself. The sudden arrival of Emperor Shen Yuan must have come for himself. Otherwise, how could Emperor Shen Yuan come to the Changshan continent for no reason? The Changshan continent is just a very chaotic continent in the borderless realm of the Sharon State.

Isn't it that Emperor Shen Yuan didn't want to offend the Nether Temple, so he wanted to suppress himself and then hand himself over to the Nether Temple?

If that's the case, it's over! The Great Emperor Shen Yuan is the existence of the close to the ultimate strong. One finger can pinch a group of themselves.

常 Hu Chang was at this time, and secretly changed his mind. Of course, he could not have imagined that Emperor Shen Yuan would come in person, and he would come here.

"The identity of the Void really is not trivial. Even the emperor has to come forward to arrest Jing Yan, the murderer." Hu Chang thought in his heart, and he did not dare to look at Emperor Shen Yuan.