Chapter 1872: Hongjun Tiangong reaction

? Killing the son of the void in the same realm, such cultivating genius is enough to spread endless chaos by name.

Of the five ultimate forces, absolutely no one will be indifferent to such genius. Therefore, Emperor Shen Yuan was convinced that after knowing the existence of Jing Yan and the strength of Jing Yan, he would fully protect Jing Yan's safety.

As long as Jingyan arrives at Hongjun Temple, there is nothing to worry about. Void Temple, you can't kill Hongjun Temple?

Moreover, Jing Yan said that Jing Yan only killed a child of the void, and the temple of the void really attached importance to the child of the void, but he did not attach importance to tearing his face with Hongjun Temple. After all, both sides are the ultimate forces.

If Jingyan is in the State of Sharon, here is Emperor Shen Yuan, then it is different. The Void Temple would think that Emperor Shen Yuan was trying to step on the face of the Nether Temple, and they would certainly not give up easily and take Jing Yan away from the Emperor Shen Yuan. It may even use extreme means, such as assassination of Jing Yan directly.

The great emperor Shen Yuan is of course extremely powerful, but he is not the ultimate strong one after all, he has no full confidence and can keep Jing Yan.

"Jingyan, you don't have to worry too much. I'll send a message to Hongjun Tiangong. I think they should come soon and take you to Hongjun Tiangong." Said Shen Yuandi.

Xi Hongjun Tiangong came to pick up Jing Yan, he would not use the super teleportation array to move again and again. They will open up a space-time worm and bring Jing Yan directly back from Sharon.

Previously, the great emperor Shen Yuan tore from the continent of the emperor to the land of the Changshan, tearing out a space-time worm. Of course, this is in the borders of Sharon, the tearing of space-time worms is much simpler, and the energy consumed is relatively small.

From Sharon to the ultimate land, that requires a lot of energy.

The previous butterfly winter went to Lan Ning Kingdom, which was to let the high-level characters in the Nether Temple shoot out, tearing out the space-time worm. For this reason, that butterfly winter paid a great price, and the resources accumulated on her body were almost exhausted.

Of course, Butterfly Winter made a lot of money in the old man's ruins, obtaining more than two million stars. These treasures are also cheaper now. The amount of resources in Butterfly Winter is amazing. In addition to his harvest from the old man's remains, there are also some things to keep alive, such as the defensive treasure. The value of this treasure alone is no less than that of millions of stars.

Not only does Butterfly Winter's resources belong to Jing Yan, but also Lou Biao, who has accumulated a lot of resources in the Changshan Mainland Chamber of Commerce for countless years, which may add up to two or three million stars.

Uh ...

The ultimate place, Hongjun Temple!

As one of the ultimate forces, Hongjun Tiangong has many internal strong ones.

The emperor of the Temple of Heaven is Hongjun Daozu, and under the Hongjun Daozu, there are two deputy palace masters. Under the Deputy Palace Lord, there are nine Lords of Chaos Palace.

Under the Lord of Chaos Hall, there are many elders and other members.

On this day, an elder of Hongjun Heavenly Palace hurriedly entered the Temple of Heavenly Palace and asked to see a guardian on duty.

The high-level figures in the Temple of Heaven also need to practice, and may also leave the Temple to go to other places. However, at any time, a temple master will be on duty at the Temple of the Temple, fearing that something unexpected will not be known in a timely manner.

殿 The master of the temple is a strong person at the level of master.

"Master Dianzhu!" The elder came to the Dianzhu.

The elder grandmother said that he wanted to see something urgently, and the owner of the temple wanted to see him.

"What happened?" Asked the elder, looking at the elder.

"Yes! Just now, Humble has received a message from the State of Sharon." The elder said.

"The kingdom of Sharon? The kingdom of Emperor Shen Yuan!" When the temple master heard about Sharon, his face moved slightly: "Who is it? Send a message to our Hongjun Temple?"

"The Lord Lord of the Hall is Emperor Shen Yuan, the head of the State of Sharon!" The elder said, raising his head.

"What?" The temple master stood up sharply.

Emperor Shen Yuan, the head of the kingdom of Shen Xuelun, personally sent a message to Hongjun Temple, which is not a common occurrence. Sharon is not under the jurisdiction of Hongjun Temple. Hongjun Tiangong's relationship with Sharon was not very close.

But this does not mean that Hongjun Tiangong can ignore Emperor Shen Yuan. Even Hongjun Tiangong will not easily offend a powerful man like Emperor Shen Yuan. Emperor Shen Yuan, but a powerful figure who can challenge the ultimate strong.

If it is possible, Hongjun Tiangong also wants to make a good relationship with Emperor Shen Yuan. It has just been that Emperor Shen Yuan did not have much contact with any of the ultimate forces.

"The emperor Shen Yuan summoned, what did he say?" The main hall's eyes flashed and he asked again.

The Great Emperor Shen Yuan will not call to Hongjun Temple for no reason.

"Master Dianzhu! The content of Emperor Shen Yuan's message has been included in this memory crystal ball." The elder handed a crystal ball to the Dianzhu.

The master of the hall took it in hand, and the thought of God moved to explore the content.

During this investigation, his face changed suddenly and his breath changed slightly.

"This ... this ..." There was an incredible expression in the eyes of the temple master.

"Well, you go out first!" The temple owner waved to the elder and said.

"Yes!" The elder retreated carefully.

The temple master immediately transmitted the message to other high-level officials.

After a short time, several figures appeared in the Temple of the Heavenly Palace, all of which are the masters of the palace, and there is also a deputy palace master.

"Churon Lord, what's the matter?"

"Yeah! Call us all, what happened?"

Everyone who came out looked at the owner of the temple named Chu Lun and asked. The high-level figures who can come right away are here as soon as possible.

Everyone sat together and looked at the Lord of the Temple of Chulen.

"Just now, I got a message from Emperor Shen Yuan, the head of the State of Sharon!"

"Shenyuan the Great?" The deputy chief in a gray robe raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, the deputy of the palace ~ ~ is the summons of Emperor Shen Yuan himself. He said that within the Kingdom of Sharon, there was a member of the Hongjun Heavenly Palace, who killed the butterfly son of the Nether Temple, Nether Winter. It is the son of the void in the realm of Taoism, "said the Lord of the Temple slowly.


"Killed the Son of the Void?"

"This is troublesome! Void Temple, attaches great importance to the Void Sons. If it is an ordinary member, kill it and kill it. But if the Void Son is killed, the Void Temple will not give up." One of the temple masters frowned.

"Who killed the son of the void?" The deputy chief asked in a solemn tone.

"It is a creature called Jing Yan. He has mastered the pattern of Hongmeng Dao, but the practitioners who have just come out of the seed universe have not officially entered the Hongjun Temple." Said the master of the Temple of Qiulun.

"Seed Universe practitioner?"

"That should be the seed universe that the palace master has been to. Master Gongzhu, in some seed universes, has left Hongmengdao pattern for the practitioners to practice." A temple master groaned. (To be continued., Your support is my greatest motivation.): 56:39