Chapter 1943: Accuse

What exactly did Jing Yan do inside the Fortress of the Devouring Clan? In order to make his killing points directly change from eight digits to nine digits.

Many controllers present at the time just noticed this change and thought that they had read it wrong, but a closer look confirmed that Jing Yan's killing points had indeed increased by more than 100 million points at once. To be precise, it is an increase of 140 million points.

Xian Qianyan's killing score is more than 18 million. At this time, Jing Yan's killing score is more than 150 million. If it was replaced with a star stone, it would be over 30 million.

Many of the powerhouses in charge have no 30 million stars. In particular, those who have relatively shallow foundations in Chaos have slower access to resources. Although they are strong at the level of controllers, it is very difficult to earn 30 million stars.

Even for the masters of the Five Kingdoms and the Seven Kingdoms, so many star stones are big numbers. At that time, Jing Yan was in the Hongjun Heavenly Palace. The Lord of Chaos Palace gave him a gift because of Jing Yan's strong talents, and the vice palace owner only gave 10 million Hongjun Heavenly Palace points. Except for the Lord of Chaos Palace, everyone only gave Jingyan five million Tiangong points, which is only one million stars.

Thirty million stars are enough for Jing Yan to do a lot of things. Exchanging resources for the cultivation of ancient tree inheritance, Hongmengdaowen, and gravitational spells is enough for Jingyan to push the realm to the top of all things.

If Jing Yan stepped into the highest level of the realm of things, his combat effectiveness would be stronger than many weaker masters. At present, Jing Yan is still in the later stage of the realm of things, but his fighting power is enough to directly compete with the weaker level of the strong controller.

"Jing Yan's killing points ..."

"Instantly, there is a growth of 140 million?"

"This ... how could the killing points increase so much? Even if you kill the Marshal of the Master, you ca n’t get so many killing points. Killing a marshal should get 30 million killing points. ? "

After a brief period of silence, many controllers burst out into discussion.


Also in the argument, Jing Yan's figure appeared, and he teleported from the Heaven-biting Citadel.

When Jing Yan came out, everyone present was focused on Jing Yan.

Jing Yan saw so many controllers around him, his expression also moved slightly, but at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had left the Heaven-Eating Fortress.

To be honest, the Marshal of the Sky Eater is still too dangerous for him now. Fortunately, he obtained the chain of time and space, otherwise he would not have been able to obtain so much time to explore the old nest of the Tianzu Fortress.

As far as Jing Yan's own methods are concerned, the Spirit Soul Wind Blade can have a certain effect on the Marshal of the Sky Eater. Even the mastery of the forty-fifth-level gravitational spell cannot form any obstacle to the Marshal of the Day Eater.

"Jing Yan!" Said the son-in-law of the son-in-law, rejoicing.

Although Jing Yan's name has always been white on the wall of the light curtain, Jing Yan is in the Heaven-Eating Citadel, and the son-in-law of the palace can't help worrying. Especially when so many core members of five countries and seven countries died in the fortress. Seeing Jing Yan come out, the master of Nuwa Palace was really relieved.

"Nuwa Niangniang." Jing Yan also smiled in return to the son-in-law.

"Haha, Jing Yan, you are so amazing!" The emperor Shen Yuan also stepped forward and said to Jing Yan with a laugh.

Many people in charge around him took the initiative to say hello to Jing Yan.

"I've seen Emperor Shen Yuan! Hello seniors!" Jing Yan was modest and courteous.

Here, outside of the Celestial Citadel fortress, almost fifty masters gathered at this time.

The whole chaos is endless. Although the chaos is huge, there are also a lot of scattered masters and even the ultimate strong, but in fact, more than half of them are in five places and seven countries.

The foundations of the Five Kingdoms and Seven Kingdoms are too deep. Unless the monks are bad luck, it is difficult to get a chance to practice with the Five Kingdoms and Seven Kingdoms.

Guan Lianshan also thanked Jing Yan for taking advantage of a gap. If it wasn't for Jing Yan's help, he would have died inside the Devouring Citadel. In addition to Guanlian Mountain, a core member of the East Arab State also sincerely thanked Jing Yan. This Dong'a creature is the third person who was last with Guan Lianshan and Wang Yan. He has good luck, and his life-saving ability is very strong. Therefore, although he is the third-order creature, he persists to the end.


At this time, a sharp sound came.

Drow of the Nether Temple, staring at Jing Yan hardly, it was him who made the sound. His face was full of angry expression, his eyes were killing.

"Huh?" Jing Yan also looked at Drow, sneering.

"Jing Yan, inside the fortress, you secretly say what I say?" Drow asked coldly.

He nearly died in the fortress of the Devouring Clan, and he did not forget the account. Although many people in charge greeted Jing Yan and related thanks to Jing Yan for his life-saving grace, Zall simply ignored it. He almost died in the fort, just because Jing Yan couldn't bear to swallow.

He teleported out of the fortress and, after healing, said it in public. But at that time, Emperor Shen Yuan and others said that they would wait until Jing Yan came out. At this point Jingyan had been transmitted from the fortress, it was time to end it.

"Secretly you?" Jing Yan's eyes condensed ~ ~ Drow, you can't believe it. In the Sky Devouring Fortress, you obviously directed the Sky Devouring Army towards me and wanted to kill me. "Jing Yan said with a smile:" I haven't settled with you yet, but you framed me first! " "

"Jing Yan, you are simply talking nonsense! You swear, you are in the fortress, you haven't calculated me? You attacked my spirit body with a spirit attack, and you also used a gravitational means to limit my body power. This Everything, do you dare to swear you haven't done it? "Drow said loudly.

Many people in charge looked at Jing Yan, including the son-in-law of the Hongjun Heavenly Palace, and the emperor Shen Yuan.

Jing Yan groaned.

He really couldn't swear, saying that he hadn't done what Zall accused.

"Drow, you are stealing the concept." Jing Yan first said something to Drow, and then looked at the controller who was present: "Dear seniors, this Drow is under siege by the Celestial Army in the fortress. He deliberately brought the army closer to where I was. I knew exactly what he wanted to do. Drow asked me to swear he did not plot against him. I would not swear. I confess that I did use a little trick on Drow. But , I want to ask Drow, do you dare to swear that you didn't want to hurt me first? "