Chapter 2001: Blur mystery

One month later, Jing Yan's inauguration ceremony was held, and many of the controllers in Chaos participated in person, and even many controllers came to Hongjun Temple. Tian Yan novel Ww "W. Y3TXT. Com

The leaders of the three ultimate forces, the master of the Yingying Valley, the master of the clothing and painting palace, and the master of the Fengshan Mountain of the Spirit Mountain, all came to congratulate him.

强 These strong men who participated in the ceremony, of course, can not come empty-handed, everyone prepared a gift. This gift can't be taken lightly, no one wants to be taken lightly. Those who are eligible to participate in the celebration are those who have heads and faces in Chaos. In addition, Jing Yan's killing of Heming made most of the chaos in the chaos feel indifferent, including those who are in control of the title, and of course the ordinary gifts can't be sold.

The strong in Chaos know that Jing Yan has the space-time chain, but so far, no one has actively asked. There are definitely jealous people, but no one has the courage to plan a hands-on snatch. Including the ancient title controller, there is no confidence to **** time and space chains from Jing Yan.

The inauguration ceremony lasted only three days and ended in three days.

After the grand ceremony, Jing Yan officially became the master of the Hongjun Heavenly Palace and a chaotic giant.

After arranging the internal and external affairs of Tiangong, Jing Yan temporarily stayed in the Tiangong, intending to continue to cultivate Hongmeng Daowen, as well as studying the formation method left by Hongjun Daozu. In the chaos, Hongjun Daozu's research on the formation method is very intensive. Even those who control the ancient titles have great respect for Hongjun Daozu's formation skills.

Among several ultimate forces, Hongjun Tiangong's defense of the formation is also the strongest.

In the secret room, Jing Yan sat cross-legged.

"Finally some time!"

"Look first, the harvest a month ago." Jing Yan took out some mobile space and the world, and God searched for these spaces that store a lot of treasures.

In that battle, Jing Yan successively killed many masters of control, such as the Lord of the Alcohol Court, the Lord of the Yangkang Court, and the Lord of the Wuwu Deputy Hall. Among them were not only the Master of the Nether Temple, but the two preparation The Chaotic Kingdom Master who engulfed the Kingdom of Sharon. Taken together, Jing Yan killed 12 masters in total. All of their personal resources were closed by Jing Yan.

In addition to these controllers, there is also a controller named Heming.

For those who are in charge, they have accumulated a lot of resources in countless years.

Wu Jingyan looked at them one by one, categorizing various resources, and too lazy to calculate the value. You can put it to one side if you can use it, and put it to the other side later to take it out to enrich the treasure house of Hongjun Temple.

"This one is Heming's portable world." Jing Yan looked at the oval black object in his hand.

At the level of Jingyan, there is no difference between portable world and portable space. The world is the perfect rule, and living beings can live in it arbitrarily. The space is relatively more limited. But after entering the realm of the Tao, the soul can perfect the laws of a world. Therefore, there is no difference between the world and space for the stronger creatures in chaos.

"Heming, this old thing, is really rich!" Jing Yan explored this portable world.

倒 In this world, there are no creatures, but there are a lot of resources stored in it. Although it is not as large as the amount of resources stored in the warehouse that eats the Tianzu clan, in terms of value, Heming's resources are afraid that they can pass through the resources in that warehouse. A chaotic giant like Heming, of course, can be of high value to him. Ordinary things, he will not deliberately store them.

"Oh? What is this?" Jing Yan Shennian found a special object.

As soon as my heart moved, this special object appeared in Jing Yan's hands. It looks as big as a slap, it seems to be woody. But starting, it sinks slightly. What strength is Jing Yan? Even he felt a slight start. I can imagine how amazing the quality of this slap thing.

"Heavy enough! Strange, what kind of material is this?"

"It's much heavier than the materials I've seen and known. The heaviest material I know, I'm afraid it will be one-tenth the weight."

"This ... my divine thoughts penetrated into it, all very difficult." Jing Yan looked curiously at the objects in his hand.

"No ... no! This material seems to be similar to the material of the Devouring Citadel!" Jing Yan suddenly remembered.

Wu Jingyan has seen the Devouring Celestial Fortress twice, and has entered the Devouring Celestial Fortress twice. He didn't study the materials of the Tianmu Citadel, so when he saw this large object, he didn't even think about it. But after a closer look, I think of it again, Jing Yan remembered it.

The **** object slapping slaps, and it feels exactly the same as the texture of the Sky Devouring Fortress.

"Try it!" Jing Yan's divine power suddenly urged, and he shook his palm fiercely.

Fearful divine power, rolling over towards the black object.

"嗤嗤!" There was a slight sound on the black object.

But there are no scars left on the surface of this object. Jing Yan's grip just now used most of his divine power, but he failed to leave any scars on the black objects.

"Sure enough! It really is that kind of material!"

"Chaos, attacking the Sky Devouring Fortress, even the controller can not cause any damage to the Sky Devouring Fortress. Only the title controller can damage the Sky Devouring Fortress. That material has a special weird ability that can be absorbed External attack energy. "

Wu Jingyan secretly changed his mind.

When Xie Fang urged the divine power to crush the black object, Jing Yan also carefully sensed that he noticed that this black object had absorbed more than 90% of his attack energy.

Wu Jingyan's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Is Heming's blurring ability ~ ~ just because of this thing? I have mastered the void road, but I have no clue about the blurring ability, and I do n’t even know how to get started. But mastering that ability, it is very likely that he got the inspiration from this thing. "Jing Yan took a breath.

"Research first!" Jing Yan focused.

Shen Shennian penetrates very slowly and has great resistance, but Jing Yan's spirit is strong enough, but he has made progress, but it takes more time.

When the **** thought, after exploring the black object outside and outside, Jing Yan opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed in succession.

He guessed right!

黑色 This black object is really extraordinary. Inside, there are a lot of extremely weird lines engraved, which look like various **** lines in chaos. However, it is different from the **** pattern in chaos. The internal grain characteristics of this object are completely in two directions with the energy characteristics of the **** pattern.

When I recalled Heming's ability to perform blurring, Jing Yan's expression in the space was almost certain. As long as he could grasp the weird patterns in it, he could also obtain blurring ability.