Chapter 2264: Settlement

Even if you deduct 10% of the handling fee, that's 72 billion Ubonite.

"Jingyan Daoyou is a friend of our entire Xuanyue commercial building. He helped Jingyan Daoyou sell a book of trivial matters and talk about the costs." Kuan Ping, the elder, waved his hands quickly.

In fact, of course, more than 70 billion black crystals, of course, the pity elders and even the Xuanyue commercial building also want to eat. Inside the Xuanyue commercial building, even a patriarch meeting was held to discuss the matter, and this time the opinions of the commercial patriarchs were not so unified.

More than 70 billion black crystals are also a large number for Xuanyue Commercial Building. Moreover, this piece of fat should belong to Xuanyue Commercial Building. After a vote, there was a decision not to accept the fairy rhyme-level virtual spell books.

Jing Yan smiled, but did not say more.

"Elder Kuo, the magical magic book of fairy rhyme level, I have made it, you see." Jing Yan took out a black cover book.

In the timeless city, Jing Yan took the time to make this second book of fairy magic blurry spells. The spiritual energy contained in it is enough for three monks to practice this spell.

Broad pity veteran for a moment.

He didn't expect that Jing Yan would produce fairy rhyme-level magic spell books so soon. Although Jing Yan promised him that he would make another imaginary spell and sell it to Xuanyue Commercial Building, the veteran Kuan Ping thought that it would take a long time.

After sacrifice to God, the elder Kuo Ping was overjoyed. He excitedly took over the magical magical books. After a little investigation, I know that the classics in my hand are indeed fairy magic level blur spells.

"Jingyan Taoist, this ... this is really good." Elder Kuan Ping's voice trembled slightly.

Xuanyue commercial building has experienced a very long time since its establishment, but the strong in the realm of Xianzun still has less than double digits. And with this book of Xianyun-level virtual spells, it may be possible for Xuanyue Commercial Building to emerge one or two monks in the realm of immortality. There are many monks who have cultivated themselves in the Xuanyue Commercial Building.

"Jingyan Daoyou, how about this Xuanyue manuscript, our Xuanyue Commercial Building, also bought for 72 billion Ubonite?" Kuan Ping Lao Ping calmed down and looked at Jing Yan.

"That's not appropriate."

"Guoyou Daoyou, this book of virtual magic spells was sold to Xuanyue Commercial Building for 500 billion black crystals." Jing Yan raised his hand.

"How is this appropriate?" Elder Kuan's pupils dilated.

If you bought this book of virtualized magic with 500 billion black crystals, it would be equivalent to saving Xuanyue Commercial Building more than 200 billion black crystals.

"That `s a deal."

"However, I have a request for Xuanyue Commercial Building," said Yuan Jing.

"Jingyan Daoyou just say, as long as Xuanyue Commercial Building can do it." Elder Kuo Ping patted his chest and promised.

"I will be away for a while in the near future. Before I offended the killing temple, I was afraid that the killing temple was going to take revenge, but because I couldn't find me, I went to the troubleless immortal statue. When doing so, Xuanyue Commercial Building can come forward to exert some influence on the Temple of Killing. "Jing Yan said slowly.

He was going to Nightmare City, patted his buttocks and left, but the power of killing the temple, if he really wanted to get revenge on the immortal immortal, I'm afraid he couldn't hold back. Even if Yuantong Xianzun helped, it was difficult to compete. The witch **** is extremely involved in every move, and many times the witch **** can not help himself. If Xuanyue Commercial Building can come forward, Jing Yan can also feel relieved.

After listening to Jing Yan's remarks, Elder Kuan Pity hesitated a little, but soon said: "Jing Yan Taoists rest assured, if there is any action in the killing of the temple, I will directly send Wuxian Zun to the headquarters of Xuanyue Commercial Building. If that shattering temple is crazy, wouldn't they dare to attack the headquarters of Xuanyue Commercial Building? If they dare to come, they will be regretted for life! "

Elder Kuan is very confident.

"It's so good, thank you very much." Jing Yan arched his hand.

Not only did Jing Yan have a deep grudge against the killing temple, he also offended Min Lan Xian Zun, but Jing Yan didn't think the threat of diffused Xian Zun was too great. Min Lanxun's personal strength is average. If he shot it himself, it might not be a timeless opponent. As for the Huoyun Xianzun behind Min Lanxianzun, although his temper is weird, judging from Huoyunxian's past behavior, he is unlikely to shoot at Wuxianzun casually.

Furthermore, it is Jing Yan who offended Min Lanxian Zun, but it is not timeless Zun Zun that offends Min Lanxian Zun, then how could Huoyun Xianzun count this account on Wuxian Zunzun.

"Elder Kuo, how's the material I asked you to collect?" Jing Yan asked instead.

"Those materials are too rare. Although I have tried my best to collect them, there are still some that have not been obtained. In addition to the Thunderstone, there are four materials that have not been obtained. Of these four materials, I have two Frown, I believe I can get it as long as I have enough time. As for the other two, it may take more time. "Kuo Ping said, frowning.

"Then you give me the materials you have already obtained, and slowly collect the rest." Jing Yan said.

The time is too short, Jing Yan didn't think that he could get this material together now. And even if he can get it together now, he can't perform the Thunder Nine Strikes, because the Thunder attribute method he masters does not meet the conditions, and the Thunder source stone does not exist at all in Farotian.

"Okay." Elder Kuan nodded.

The materials that have been collected have a value of more than 200 billion Ubonite. And the remaining four types that have not been obtained for the time being may also require hundreds of billions of black crystals to get them.

Jing Yan accepted the material and directly gave the 210-billion-dollar amethyst to Kuo-Ping Elder.

These materials collected by Kuan Jing for Jing Yan are basically cost prices. Xuanyue Commercial Building did not earn a difference in this material.

"Elder Kuo, in addition to the previous one, I also need to buy a piece of material from Xuanyue Commercial Building. Here is the list, please take a look." Jing Yan took out a list.

Kuan pity elder could not help but stunned.

He was a bit scared ~ ~ The materials that Jing Yan wanted made him scared. Those materials were too rare and rare. However, the previous material was not proper, and Jing Yan actually came up with a list.

But when he read the list and looked at it, his smile returned to his face. The materials on this list are relatively easy to obtain. After looking at it carefully, Kuan Qing knew that in the reserve of Xuanyue Commercial Building, he had all the material resources on the list.

Jing Yan's most important materials this time are for practicing those spells purchased at the auction. It is the fairy-level spell with a value of nearly 30 billion black crystals, and the required materials can also be bought in Xuanyue Commercial Building, which is nothing more expensive.

The name of this fairy spell is Jiutian Shenhuo. This is a fairy spell with fire attribute. Its majesty is not comparable to that of Da Moyin. And its value is also a great deal more than Da Moyin's killing.

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