Chapter 2617: Direction of physical practice

Wu Jingyan sat down and took out the stone bottle that had just been sent by Captain Silver Guard. Inside this stone bottle is myelin, a cultivation resource extracted from myelin.

The flint bottle is small, but the pulp milk is full, and it looks like dozens of drops. Jing Yan first sniffed, the pulp milk smelled slightly sweet.

"Try it!" Jing Yan secretly said.

He swallowed a small half bottle of medullary milk directly. The medullary milk entered the mouth and turned into a warm current into the abdomen. As a result, Jing Yan's body was slightly warm. Jing Yan quickly felt that there had been some changes in his body. This change seems to have a power to transform his body.

改变 This change surprised Jing Yan very much. Jing Yan knows that medullary milk is a very low-level cultivation resource. I thought it would have no effect if I took it. My body became extremely tough after passing down the ancient tree. In the mixed Yuanxian domain, his own physical toughness is almost enough to compare with the superb magician of superb fairy.

Under this premise, Jing Yan does not think it is normal for medullary milk to bring cultivation effects to himself. He never expected that his body would change significantly after he swallowed a small half bottle of medullary milk.

Xi Jingyan calmly calmed down and felt with divine mind. Then he discovered that the medullary milk was indeed changing his body, and this change seemed to allow the body to bear more power.

In the mixed Yuanxian domain, Jing Yan fought with the staff of Han Qiufu. After seeing the horrible physical power of the people in Hanqiu Fu, Jing Yan kept wondering why their physical bodies could carry such a terrifying power. You know, Jing Yan cultivates the inheritance of ancient trees. He believes that his physical body has been cultivated to the limit. But after meeting the members of Hanqiufu, he realized that his physical strength could not be compared with the physical strength of the members of Hanqiufu.

Jain Hanqiu Mansion Mansion has the physical body to reach the level of Xiandi. After the flesh entered the level of immortal emperor, it seemed to have a crushing advantage over that method.

Wu Jingyan has been unable to communicate why the human body can be cultivated to such an extent, that is almost ten times more tenacious than the hardest ore in Xunyuan Xianyu.

Wu Jingyan was confronted with Master Han Qiufu directly. Even the power of Thunder Nine Strikes was directly on the opponent's body.

Now, Jing Yan understands a bit.

The members of Wu Hanqiu Mansion have undergone tremendous physical changes. Their physical bodies are completely different from those of the Taoist monks in the mixed realm of Yuanyuan.

Martyrs and martial arts practitioners should be two completely different cultivation systems.

After Ji Ming realized this, Jing Yan was also a little excited to hide. He had always been gloomy and couldn't see clearly. Now, he has a direction. When he knows how to improve his body, he then has a strong motivation to cultivate.

Time passes by a little bit.

Unconsciously, the sky darkened. The Lux who lived on this mountain peak returned one after another. In the room where Jing Yan was located, several Luxi who lived here also walked in from the door.

"Newcomer?" They saw Jing Yan, one of them said something.

"Huh? That's ..." Youshi saw the stone bottle in front of Jing Yan.

The 利士 are no strangers to this kind of stone bottle that holds the pulp, and when they see the bottle, they know that it is used to hold the milk. Suddenly, Lux's eyes brightened. Several Lux men glanced at each other, and one Lux went to Jing Yan and wanted to look at the stone bottle.

Wu Jingyan opened his eyes at this time and looked at the approaching Lux.

"Newcomer, where did you come from this stone bottle?" The Lux drank.

Although the flint bottle is ordinary, whether or not there is pulp in it, this stone bottle is not available for ordinary Lux. There will be stone bottles only for those who have been rewarded with medullary milk. There are very few Luxes who can get the pulp milk reward in this mine. A newly-developed Lux ​​is more unlikely to have a stone bottle under normal circumstances.

"It has nothing to do with you," Jing Yan frowned.

The other party's tone is very unfriendly, and Jing Yan naturally will not smile.

"Hehe, this newcomer is quite arrogant." The Lux sneered, and said to the other Lux.

"Boy, did you steal this stone bottle? If you don't want to die, you'd better be honest." The Lux said in a low voice.

"I said, it has nothing to do with you." Jing Yan glanced at each other.

"Little cub is very arrogant! It doesn't matter to me? I'm still in control!" The Lux stepped forward and tried to **** the stone bottle.

After he approached a certain distance, Jing Yan raised his hand and slap out.

"Bang!" After a muffled sound, the Lux flew out, lying on the ground and unable to stand.

"Dare to do it!"

"Kill him!" Several fighters in the room embraced Jing Yan.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Jing Yanpan sat on the ground and didn't get up at all. He just waved his arm and blasted out all four or five fighters in an instant.

Wu Jingyan only used extremely weak power. If he used a little more force, he would kill all these fighters.


"Pain!" Several fighters mourned, and it took a long time to get up.

The eyes they looked at Jing Yan were already full of awe. They were promoted to Lux, and after working for a while in the mine, their strength was constantly increasing. But they faced the newcomers before them, but found that their strength was too weak. If it wasn't for the other person to wear a Luxi suit, they would definitely not believe that the other party would be a new Lux.

"Stand up!" At this time, Jing Yan stood up, his eyes glanced from several Luxi.

力 These luxuries turned pale ~ ~ After being taught by Jing Yan, they were obviously more honest. Jing Yan told them to stand still, they dare not listen. They are Lux, that is, slaves. In this mine, they are actually the lowest person. No one cares about their lives. And they obviously don't want to die.

"You! Help me get a piece of food back in a while." Jing Yan pointed to the Lux who was trying to grab his stone bottle.

"Did you hear?" The Lux didn't answer, Jing Yan's eyes stared, his voice screamed sharply.

"Yes ... Yes!" Lux's body froze a bit, this time he deserves it quickly.

When the Bronze Guards delivered the food, the Lux really received a copy of Jing Yan honestly.

"I see you are energetic one by one. You don't need to eat this dinner." Jing Yan smiled on his face: "Put your food in front of me."

Tong Jingyan was very hungry in her abdomen. After using a small bottle of medullary milk earlier, her body changed and her hunger became extremely strong. One serving is obviously not enough. Robbing the food of these assholes, Jing Yan also had no psychological burden. ) Download Free Reader !!