Chapter 2655: Individual conversation

The owner of Dayanhui insisted on Jingyan to sit up. In fact, Jingyan didn't care where he was sitting, but he came to Dayanhui just to get training resources through this opportunity, so the relationship with Dayanhui Naturally, we should try our best to get closer.

"Thank you, Master Zhuang!"

Then, Jing Yan stepped into that seat.

"Jingyan, the owner, please sit here." Elder Yin Shui stood up and pointed at his seat. His seat was very close to the owner and the old owner. He stood up and gave up his seat to Jing Yan.

"The elder is very polite." Jing Yan was too impressed with Yin Shui.

Wu Jingyan walked in front of Yin Shuitai's seat, and owed a little to the practitioners around him, and immediately took his seat.

"The owner, the old owner, I ... I will retreat first." The gray-faced Changqing owner was anxious to find a place to sew into it. He has no face to continue to stay.

Only then did he take a shot at Jing Yan, which has verified that Jing Yan's strength exceeds his Changqing by a large margin. If he keeps clamoring, he will definitely be miserable, and neither the owner nor the old owner will be able to tolerate him. At this point his best option was to resign and leave here.

"Since the owner of Changqing has something to do, let's go first! By the way, does the owner of Jingyan think that the owner of Changqing can leave?" .

This is asking Jing Yan what it means. If Jing Yan said that what happened just now hasn't ended, the Changqing farmer can't leave if he wants to go.

"Zhuang owner, I'm fine here." Jing Yan shook his head at the owner of Dayanhui.

I heard the words of Chang Yan, the Changqing owner was relieved. If Jing Yan wants to stay with him, he will be in trouble today. If Jingyan Zhuang's boss cares about the bottom line, then neither Changqing's strength nor his status can keep him.

"Changqing Zhuang, then you leave first! In the future, you still have to keep a low profile. This time when you meet Jingyan Zhuang's generosity, you can leave all at all, it is your luck!" The owner said.

"Master Zhuang, I understand." Changqing nodded and turned to leave.

Uh ...

"Excuse me, are you?" Wu Haizhuang asked with a careful look at Jin Qingqing, he did not know the specific identity of Jin Qingqing.

"Master, I am Jin Qingqing, deputy owner of Baiyue Club." Jin Qingqing responded quickly when he heard Wu Hai's question.

Jin Qingqing is just the level of the ground. In the face of high-grade world-level practitioners such as Wu Haizhuang, it is not normal to be unconventional. Before Jin Qingqing, there was probably no chance to say anything to practitioners at the world level.

"It turned out to be Jin Qingqing's deputy owner." Wu Hai's owner was very polite.

"Sir, Baiyue would be a small manor." Jin Qingqing said incoherently.

"Haha, the deputy owner of Jin Qingqing is too modest. The owner of Baiyuehui, that's the King Jingyan! There is an adult Jing Yan sitting in the town's manor. That is a small manor. "Wu Haizhuang smiled, and then solemnly said.

In addition to the owner of Wu Haizhuang, many people are actively approaching Jin Qingqing.

The birthday of the old owner of the Da Yanhui Club continued. The next step is to give the practitioner Longjinjiao this birthday.

的 All practitioners who participated in birthday celebration, no matter what level of cultivation, can get such a very advanced cultivation resource. Longjin cream is a milky soft substance, which is wrapped with a special material. The weight of each dragon gluten paste is almost the same. Every practitioner who is present can get a piece of dragon gluten cream.

After many practitioners received the dragon gluten paste, most of them put it away. They did not eat the dragon gluten paste in this birthday hall. In fact, only some of these practitioners will use Longjin cream for their own use, and most practitioners should replace Longjin cream with some relatively low-level cultivation resources. You know, such a small piece of Longjin cream can be exchanged for many agar resources.

"Jingyan Zhuangzhu, can you speak step by step?" Dayanhui's Zhuangzhu said to Jingyan at this time.

"Okay!" Jing Yan hesitated for a moment, and then answered.

The next birthday, it will take some time, but it is enough to have an old farmer here. The landlord and Jing Yan left the Shouxian Hall first.

Wu Jingyan followed the owner of Dayanhui to a house in Nei Manor.

"Jingyan Zhuangzhu please sit down!"

"Master, please!" Jing Yanli thoughtful.

The grand boss of the Dayan Yanhui took his seat first, and then Jing Yan sat down.

"I don't know what Master Zhuang asked me to come over, what's the command?" Jing Yan asked directly.

"We have checked the identity and background of the owner of Jingyan. Only what we found is amazing. What we know is that the owner of Jingyan was born in a short time. The birth of a small quarry. After the birth of the owner of Jingyan, he was quickly promoted to the level of the ground and became the owner of the Baiyue Society. "

"In a short period of time, it has been a very amazing thing to be promoted to the level of the earth's veins. Such talents, looking at the whole world of singularities, are also geniuses. And the strength of Jingyan's owner ~ ~ obviously not only Here. Just now in the Shouxian Hall, we have seen the strength of Jingyan Zhuangzhu with our own eyes. Even Changqing, who is a three-practice practitioner, is not Jingyan Zhuang's opponent. "

"Jingyan Zhuang, we are very cautious about this matter. Daxian, there are a lot of enemies." Daxuan, the owner of the pondering, said these words slowly.

"Master Zhuang's meaning, I understand very well. Master Zhuang can rest assured, I am definitely not a troublemaker sent by other forces. I have no malicious intentions about Da Yanhui. And Da Yan will master my situation, too. Real. "Jing Yan said.

"Well, we believe in the words of the owner of Jingyan. I asked the owner of Jingyan to come alone, and I also want to ask, is there any place where you need help from Dayanhui?" Dayanhui nodded and asked again. .

The boss of the Da Yanhui Club was certain that Jing Yan had secrets, but Jing Yan was unwilling to say, and he was not easy to ask.

"Master Zhuang, in fact, I came to Da Yanhui Manor this time. I originally wanted to upgrade my practice level at Da Yanhui. After I arrived here, I knew that the birthday of the old Zhuang Zhuang is about to be held. I am not afraid to tell you a joke, I want to get Longjin cream, only to find a way to qualify for the birthday of the old owner. "Jing Yan said with a smile.

"Jingyan's owner is short of cultivation resources?" Asked the owner of Dayanhui.

"Very, very lacking!" Jing Yan nodded: "Before coming to the Day Yan Hui Manor, at Bai Yuehui, even Qiongye was difficult to obtain."

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