Chapter 2853: To fight with me is to die!

Xian Niu Gangxian decided to lead the Celestials to Farotian to stop asking Xin Xin and his members.

As for Gang Gang members who have not yet arrived here, they are summoned to them one by one, so that they can go directly to Farotian to join the crowd.

More than a dozen immortal emperors set off from the Niangang Immortal Emperor's Cave and teleported to the location of Farotian. If all goes well, everyone will be able to reach the heaven of Faroetian in more than half a month.

A few days later!

Near the Fairy Pagoda in Luofa Luotian, asked the Emperor of the Heart and His Majesty the Emperor, and they have been here for over a month.

At this time, a golden light spot suddenly appeared throughout the Faroe days. After these countless golden light spots appeared, all rushed to the body of Wenxin Xiandi. With the increasing number of golden light spots absorbed by the Emperor Wu Xinxian, the temperament of the Emperor Wu Xinxian gradually changed.

This process lasted for a few days. When all the golden light spots were absorbed by the Emperor Xinxin, the vibration of the heavens also calmed down. The divine pattern, which was originally shining with a strong halo, faded.

I asked Xinxian the corner of his mouth, and a faint smile appeared. He waved his hand and scattered the **** pattern at random, and put away those extremely important pieces of mixed Yuan.

"Congratulations, Lord!"

恭 "Congratulations to Master Xinxin for successfully refining Farotian!"

问 "Ask the Lord, glory is supreme!"

A group of immortal emperors, Qi Qi bowed their congratulations to Wenxin immortal.

Yes, I asked Xinxian Emperor that he had successfully refined Farotian in just over a month. For more than a month, it is to refine a heaven. At this point, the Emperor of the Immortal Heart had full control over Farotian. Everything of Fa Luo Tian is under the control of Emperor Xinxian. He doesn't need to spread his thoughts to know everything in Heaven.

Wu Jingyan felt the same when he was in control of the chaotic world. And compared with a celestial world, it is trivial!

And, after refining Farotian, the Emperor Xin Xin has also partially sublimated his life. His Majesty's immortals looked at the questioning emperor and had a mysterious feeling. They don't need to ask Xinxian Emperor to take a shot, they know that Xinxian Emperor's strength has become bigger than before.

"This is just the beginning."

"There are eight heavens, I will refine one by one!" Said the indifferent voice of Emperor Xinxin.

"Ask Master, then which sky domain shall we go to next?" Immortal Emperor Ba Zhu asked immediately, please.

"Well, just go to the heavens closest to Farotian! From near to far, all the way past. But before going to the next heaven, there is one little thing to deal with." The Emperor asked Xinxin suddenly looked up, his gaze , Through the barriers of the heavens, into the mixed element space.

He was passing through the Tao to observe Farotian's Geng Luoxian Emperor. Suddenly, his body shook. He only felt a cold in his body. He seemed to see the eyes of Wenxian Emperor.

He did not hesitate, and Geng Luoxian Emperor immediately sent a message to Captain Niu Gang.

"Head!" Emperor Geng Luoxian hurriedly circulated.

Niu Gangxian, who was on his way in the mixed Yuan, received a rumor from Geng Luoxian and signaled that everyone should stop for a while.

"Brother Geng Luo came to the news again, I first asked the situation over Farotian." Niu Gang explained to everyone.

Emperor Xiandi nodded, everyone looked at the head of Niu Gang.

"Brother Geng Luo, what's wrong with you?" Niu Gang asked by questioning.

"Head of the regime, Farotian seems to have been questioned by the Emperor Xinxian. Now the Emperor Xinxian has full control of the heavenly domain of Farotian." Geng Luoxian said in a hurry.

什么 "What? How can it be so fast? It's just more than a month." The head of Niu Gang said in surprise.

"Leader, I have to leave here immediately. I feel that I have been discovered by the Emperor Xinxian." Geng Luoxiandi was a little panicked before he saw the questioning Emperor Xinxian, the cold eyes staring at himself, then As if staring at a prey.

"No! Damn, I was indeed found ..." Geng Luoxian Emperor said again.

At this time, Emperor Geng Luoxian has observed that Wenxin Xiandi and others moved out of Farotian and approached their hidden position.

When he heard this sentence of Emperor Geng Luoxian, Niu Gangxian's face changed accordingly. He just wanted to say that he would leave Geng Luoxian first, and felt that Geng Luoxian had interrupted the communication with himself.

Geng Luoxian Emperor near Faluotian had no time to talk to Emperor Niu Gangxian. He hurriedly stowed the magic weapon of communication and was preparing to escape by teleportation.

"Hehe, want to go?" Asked Xinxian Emperor with a sneer.

Xu was separated by an extremely long distance, and the Emperor Xin Xin asked a finger to the area where Emperor Geng Luo was located.

A horrible force flew through the mixed Yuan instantly without knowing how far it was, near the Emperor Gengluo.

Emperor Geng Luoxian urged the magical powers to perform the teleport ability. However, his figure had just disappeared, and then he seemed to hit the copper wall and iron wall. Within the space, a golden mesh shone with the light of God, and the figure of Emperor Geng Luo Xian appeared again.

Geng Luoxian Emperor's face was so pale, he looked around in a daze. He found himself within a large golden net. This big golden net makes it impossible to teleport out at all.

"Damn!" Emperor Geng Luoxian was furious.

He took out his emperor soldier, turned the strongest force, and hit the golden net fiercely. Under the bombardment of Geng Luoxian Emperor, the golden net became distorted ~ ~ But this attack of Geng Luoxian Emperor failed to break the golden net.

"Geng Luo, do you still want to go?" He asked Xinxian's voice slowly and slowly.

When Emperor Geng Luoxian turned his eyes, he had already seen Wenxin immortal approaching, and he had no chance to attack the golden net again.

问 "Ask the heart ... Xiandi!" Geng Luo Xiandi looked at Wenxin Xiandi.

Behind Wenxin Xiandi, a number of figures arrived here by teleportation. They hung behind Wenxin Xiandi, all of them looked at Geng Luoxian with a sneer expression.

"Geng Luo, do you think you are hiding here to monitor me in Faro's day, have I never noticed you?" Asked Xinxian Emperor's playful look at Gengluo.

"I didn't bother you just because I was busy refining Farotian."

"If you are smarter, you should leave before I have time to kill you, instead of waiting until I successfully refine Farotian. Now, you want to go too late." The Emperor asked Xin Xin, shaking his head slightly, said softly.

"Geng Luo, there will be only one end for me, that is death!" Asking the Emperor Xian to kill, but the tone is still understatement, as if saying an extremely trivial little thing.

However, Emperor Geng Luoxian felt that the cold killings around him seemed to penetrate into his bones.

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