Chapter 3136: Who dares not accept?

Jing Yan glanced over the cheeks of Emperor Xia Yang and others.

Finger, gently tapped on the desktop.

"Of the resources obtained from the Red Leaf Empire, which belongs to me, I need the Fachen Empire to help me transfer to Longyan. I need the Fachen Empire to help me, so the resource share of the Fachen Empire is slightly more than your empires. Some. "Jing Yan said slowly.

Xia Yang and others were staring.

The Fachen Empire helps you Jingyan the Emperor. Why should we take part of the resources that we should allocate to the Fachen Empire?

But no one dares to say such a thing directly.

It's useless to say it. The Emperor Jingyan can completely say that he wants a 30% share, and then one of them will be used as a reward for helping the Fachen Empire. King Yan Yan wants 30% share, who dares not accept it?

"The Emperor Jingyan wanted the resources of the Hongye Empire, originally for the development of the Longyan country." Emperor Xia Yang said with a smile on his face.

Of course, they all clearly remember that Jing Yan was still the God of War in Longyan.

"Yes." Jing Yan nodded, and there was no need to cover it.

He stated that the emperor would develop and strengthen the Longyan kingdom, and believed that these empires did not dare to obstruct it.

"Emperor Jingyan, I can help the Ao Qing Empire! Ao Qing Empire can help transfer the resources you have allocated to the Longyan Kingdom." With the Xia Yang emperor's brain turned, the Fachen Empire could get such a big extra Benefits, of course, Ao Qing Empire can also.

Transferring some resources is simple.

It is only necessary to send an individual, even if the mixed emperor has no superior Xiandi to transfer himself, it is a very simple matter for an empire, and the big deal is to send resources every 800 years.

The eyes of several other emperors also lit up.

"No no no!" Jing Yan waved.

"To say something bad, of the several empires, I believe the Fachen Empire best." Jing Yan said with a smile.

"You must have forgotten, I'm still the Grand Duke of the Fachen Empire." Jing Yan continued.

After hearing the words of Emperor Jingyan, the expressions of Emperor Xia Yang and others became wonderful again.

The atmosphere was awkward for a while!


Regret it!

In the original God of War qualifying, why didn't your own empire confer the honorary grand duke of Jingyan the Great? The Fachen Empire is really lucky! Just because the Emperor Jingyan was granted the honorary Grand Duke, how much benefit has the Fachen Empire gained now?

"If you have no other objections to this distribution plan, then this is the thing."

"I have a word first. Now that everyone is sitting together, the distribution plan is determined. Then I hope that in the subsequent allocation of resources, there will be no mistakes. Otherwise, don't blame me when Jing Yan's expression is ruthless." Become sharper.

"Dare you dare!"

"Jingyan the Great rest assured that we will definitely allocate the resources of Hongye Kingdom in strict accordance with this allocation plan."

Even if several emperors had objections, they had to hold back. No way, who is Jing Yan's fist big enough?

"Well, that's it! I have other things, so let's go first." Jing Yan got up and walked outside the hall.

Emperor Zhongling and six other emperors all stood up and sent Jingyan the emperor to leave.

Leaving the capital of the Fenchen Empire, from the Fenchen Empire's territory, into Jieshan.

This time, Jing Yan did not go to heaven, but went directly to the eternal river in the depths of Jieshan. Jing Yan came to the dark mixed space, and the name of the Eternal River has long been like a thunderbolt, but so far, Jing Yan has not seen the Eternal River with his own eyes.

After entering the core area of ​​Jieshan, there are more and more beasts, and the strength of the beasts is getting stronger and stronger.

Many powerful beasts, after discovering Jing Yan, a lot of them wanted to attack Jing Yan.

Among these beasts, those who reached the level of the Emperor Emperor were everywhere, that is, beasts that were close to the mixed Yuan and had no superior combat power, and they were sometimes encountered in the core area of ​​Jieshan.

It's no wonder that if it weren't for the immortal emperor in Yuanyuan, even the Eternal River wouldn't be reachable. The fierce beast on this way is the immortal emperor who has no superior in the quasi-mixed Yuan, afraid that he cannot cope.

During the flight of Jing Yan, his breath was directly released.

At this time, there was just a giant white beast with a whole body ready to pounce on Jing Yan. When Jing Yan breathed unexpectedly, the white giant was suddenly sensed. Its body suddenly stopped in the space, and then backed back at a faster speed.

The powerful beasts are not low in wisdom. When encountering weaker practitioners, they will instinctively attack and then devour them. However, when they encounter extremely powerful practitioners, most of them also die.

"Hehe ..." Jing Yan watched the white giant urn Cangjie fled, chuckled, and did not hunt him down.

Xiuwei has reached the level of Jingyan, and hunting these beasts has no meaning. Unless it is, a beast that has reached the level of a mixed beast.

After Jing Yan breathed out, the flight was smoother. The beasts in the core area generally perceive the breath of Jing Yan and will quickly avoid.

On this day, Jing Yan arrived at the Eternal River.

"Sure enough, it is the Heihe River, the same as the Heihe River in Mingyuan!" Jing Yan looked at the river in front of him.

Black and white river water, clear and distinct.

"The river of black and white origin is very stable here." Jing Yan carefully sensed.

"Dark space has never been destroyed since its birth. It also shows that this eternal river has always been in a stable state."

"Why the hell? Why can't Mingheyuan's Heiheihe be stable all the time?" Jing Yan frowned.

Jing Yan was on the Eternal River ~ ~ Flying for a while, carefully exploring the Eternal River, but there was no more gain.

During the investigation, Jing Yan actually found several traces of mixed beasts. These mixed beasts are hidden in black and white river water. Jingyan also found Jingyan, but they did not attack Jingyan, and they showed no sign of eternal river.

If a mixed beast comes out of the eternal river, Jing Yan would like to hunt a few heads, but the mixed beast is in the eternal river, the hunting is too difficult. After thinking about it, Jing Yan also gave up hunting the mixed beast Idea. He himself did not have much need for mixed beasts, and his mixed-element fragments contained much more original roots than mixed beasts.

On the river of eternity, after observing for a while, Jing Yan resigned helplessly, he flew towards the eternal land.

The eternal land is not far from the eternal river.

Within half a day, Jing Yan arrived at the entrance node of the Eternal Land.

Without careful observation and induction, a figure is revealed. This man is exactly the eternal messenger that Jing Yan had seen outside the Empire State of Hongye that day.

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