Chapter 3275: The right way to open

Less than an hour later, the Lord of the Fire Palace flying in front of the team stopped. Everyone else followed the actions of the Lord of the Fissure Palace.

Here, you can see a black door in front, with a delicate pattern on the door, which is a black meniscus, which is covered with mysterious and complicated **** patterns.

Everyone can only see this black door. For what is behind or around the door, no matter whether it is divine thought or with the naked eye, they cannot peep at all.

"The Tao here is very high-level, and there are many original Taos. For those who have not reached the level of the Emperor, this place really can't peep here." Jing Yan changed his mind.

"After this door, there is the Black Moon Temple, created by the Black Moon Emperor himself. For many years, no one can pass through this door." The Lord of the Fissure Palace said.

His words seemed to be addressed to everyone else present, but in fact they were meant to be heard by Jing Yan. Because of the people present, only Jing Yan and Master Yuan Fei had never been there. Everyone else has been here more than once.

"No one can open this door. You can't shake the door with a brute force attack," said the head.

"Mr. Yuan Feicheng and Mr. Jing Yan both came here for the first time. Instead, the two approached the door first and felt it well." The lord of the cracked palace looked at Jing Yan with a smile on his face. .

Yuan Feicheng also looked at Jingyan.

"Let me check it out!" Jing Yan said to Yuan Feicheng.

Jing Yanjing flew out of the crowd and approached the black gate. After reaching the black gate, Jing Yan's eyebrows froze. Because he felt a strange power. This power seemed to be drawing him into the Black Moon Temple.

There seems to be something in the Black Moon Temple, waiting for his arrival.

"Mr. Black Moon, is there anything precious left in this world?" Jing Yan thought secretly.

He reached out his hand, touching the black door, and there was a coolness. Then, on the black gate, Tao was rippling and flowing, which was the fluctuation of the original Tao.

Looking at Jing Yan's movements, the owner of the Fire Crack Palace and others all stared.

"He can actually touch the door with his hand!"

"We can't touch the door. If we try to touch it, we will be pushed away by huge forces."

"The gate of the Black Moon Temple did not contradict Jingyan."

"How did he do that? The words on the door are so powerful, mysterious, I don't understand."

The heads of the audience were all exclaimed with a low exclamation.

At this time Jing Yan, divine power works, trying to push the door open. Under his strength, the door trembled appreciably, but it was not pushed open after all.

"It seems that the correct way to open is not to force open." Jing Yan looked at the huge black door.

"This is ..." Jing Yan saw a groove in the door.

This groove looks a little familiar.

"It seems to be a keyhole!"

"Do you need a key to open the door?" Jing Yan thought.

Suddenly a move in his heart took Heiyue Mingtai out. Heiyue Mingtai is the inheritance weapon of Heiyue the Great. The size of the groove on the gate is exactly the same as the size of the dark moon platform.

"Try it!" Jing Yan tried to squeeze the dark moon platform into the groove.

Heiyue Mingtai is slowly embedded and tightly connected. At the same time, there are extremely obvious power fluctuations spilling out. In other words, Jing Yan's guess is correct. This groove is indeed the keyhole, and the black moon platform is the key.

"what is that?"

"What did Jing Yan come up with?"

"Actually ... it fits into the groove in the door."

"Is it something like a key? With this thing, you can open the Black Moon Temple?"

"Sure enough! There is indeed a way to enter the Black Moon Temple. The Lord of the Fissure Palace, it seems you are right, this person has entered the Black Moon Temple."

These people have very greedy eyes in their eyes.

The main figure of the Fissure Palace flashed, and rushed forward first, trying to approach the gate. Everyone else saw the actions of the Master of the Fissure Palace, and they all reacted, sprinting forward one by one.

However, before they reached the gate, they were stopped by a group of amazing doctrines. Go forward. They can only look forward with their eyes.

"Damn!" The flamecracker shouted.

"Click!" A voice came from the gate of the Black Moon Temple.

Then the door moved and slowly opened. Jing Yan stepped into it. After Jing Yan entered it, the door closed slowly and restored to its original appearance. The lord of the Fissure Palace and others are still trying to be close, but the resistance continues. If they are forcibly shocked, they may even be talked out. As a last resort, the lord of the Fissure Palace and others had to take a step back, and tightened their eyebrows one by one and looked forward.

"Yan Palace Lord, that Jingyan has gone in."

"This guy has a key to open the Black Moon Temple. How did he get it?"

"Miscellaneous things, he said before that he didn't know the Black Moon Temple at all!"

"Everyone, don't be restless!" The main owner of the Fire Crack Palace turned his eyes and said in a low voice: "Jing Yan is now in, he will come out eventually. And the key is still in the groove."

"The owner of the Yan Palace is right, but I don't know what kind of treasures and how many treasures there are in the Black Moon Temple."

"Jing Yan cannot swallow all the treasures alone."

By this time, no one wanted to pretend.

"Yuan Feicheng Lord!" The lord of the cracked palace stared at him, looking at Yuan Feicheng.

"Let's talk! What is the origin of this Jingyan, and why he will be in your Yujue City." The host of the Yanchao Palace had a bad tone and a grim expression.

The other leaders, their eyes, also looked at Yuan Feicheng's master ~ ~ Jing Yan spent hundreds of years in Yujue City, and Yuan Fei and Jing Yan spent hundreds of years together. In the time of the year, I should know more about Jing Yan.

"Master of the Yan Palace, your predecessors." Yuan Fei said, "I don't know much more than your predecessors. The reason Lord Jing Yan helped Yujue City is because we have saved Lord Jing Yan."

Jing Yan told Yuan Fei that he came from the more extensive mixed-yuan space outside the Heiyue continent. But Yuan Fei would not tell this information to Yan Li and others at will.

"Master Yuan Feicheng, you have been with Jing Yan for hundreds of years. Didn't he mention his origin?" The cracked palace master laughed with a smile.

"Yuan Fei, tell us everything you know!"

"Oh, you don't want to hide anything from us. It irritates us and is definitely not as good as yours." Several leaders, all threatened by words.

"Seniors, how dare I hide it from you? I, I really don't know. I have asked Lord Jing Yan more than once about his identity, but he is unwilling to say it." Yuan Fei was sincere and sincere.

(End of this chapter)