Chapter 3326: Good show

Since the leader of the Jiao Yuan League hosted a meeting on deciding which master of the Yuan Yuan to arbitrarily run the Yuan Yuan, most of the Yuan Yuan masters have not left the Jiao Yuan Yuan.

They stayed and waited for a hundred years.

Although the King Jingyan's ability to produce great nirvana has nothing to do with the majority of mixed Yuan masters, this does not prevent them from staying. They want to know the first time how this matter will develop.

If Jingyan the Great can't make Daxian Nidan in the end, what will Jiaoyuan leader say? Will the leader of Jiao Yuan propose to re-vote and choose the candidate who will take over the turmoil.

Among these mixed-yuan masters, Emperor Zhanwu was the group with the most intense reactions. Seeing that the date was approaching, they could not wait to see the King of Jingyan failed.

And among the many masters of mixed Yuan, most of them do not think that King Jingyan can really make great nirvana, they even doubt whether the great nirvana really exists.

The elixir that allows the ordinary immortal emperor to understand the root principles is already amazing. The elixir that allows the Yuan emperor to master the ancestors of the Yuan ancestors sounds like heaven and earth!

"Time is up."

"Jingyan child, it's time to come out!" Emperor Zhanwu's eyes flashed, he has been calculating the time accurately.

"Brother Cangmu!" Emperor Zhanwu left Dongfu and went to see Emperor Cangmu first.

"Brother Zhan Wu!"

The two met and said hello.

"Brother Cangmu, we should go to see the confederate," said Emperor Zhanwu looking at Cangmu.

"Okay, that's what I mean!" The great Cangmu emperor nodded.

As within the alliance, the two important mixed Yuan masters, Emperor Cangmu and Emperor Zhanwu, came forward together, and the right to speak was naturally quite heavy.

Upon seeing the two men, the leader of Jiaoyuan knew their intention.

"The two emperors please sit down. I have asked the Tuolian army division to invite the King Yan to come over." Jiao Yuan, the leader of the alliance, said to them with a smile.

"Thank you, Lord." Emperor Zhan Wu took his seat and sat down.

"Leader, what if Jing Yan can't make Daxian Nirvana?" When Emperor Zhan Wu sat down, he immediately asked the leader of the dark focus on the focus source.

In his opinion, it must not be uncovered lightly, he had to make the King Yan pay a heavy price. It is a must to take back the arrogant bastard!

The leader of Jiao Yuan's eyes frowned.

"League!" The Emperor of the Cangmu said, Shen Sheng said, "The Emperor Jingyan promised himself that within one hundred years, he would regenerate Daxian Nidan. Moreover, he promised this to the leader. If he cannot, That is to lie to the confederate. To put it bluntly, he just didn't look at the confederate. The spread of this incident will have a great impact on the lord's prestige. "

"So I think that if the King Yan Yan deceived the lord, he should be punished severely. At least let the outsiders see how the deceived lord would end."

"Brother Cangmu is right. How can a person like Jingyan control the predicament? I think the first thing is to take back his power to control the predicament. Then everyone will meet again. Discuss how to punish Jing Yan. "Emperor Zhan Wu said immediately.

These two people, you have nothing to say, are putting pressure on the leader of Jiao Yuan. They are worried that the leader of Jiao Yuan will let off the Jingyan lightly.

"Don't worry about the two great emperors, let's wait for the great emperor Jingyan to come and see what the great emperor Jingyan said!" Said the leader of Jiao Yuan.

In the minds of Jiao Yuanmeng, there is also some irritability. He also didn't think about how to deal with this matter if Jingyan didn't make Daxian Nidan.


The temporary Dongfu where Jingyan lives.

Jing Yan has already passed through the customs and is chatting with Emperor Huoyang.

"Emperor Jingyan, did you really make Daxian Nidan?" Huoyang looked at Jingyan with her beautiful eyes. She just heard Jing Yan that she successfully made Daxian Nidan. She still couldn't believe it.

"Well, it worked!" Jing Yan nodded with a smile.

"Emperor Huoyang, look at this." Jing Yan gave an jade bottle to Emperor Huoyang.

Inside the jade bottle is a great nirvana. It looks similar to Xiao Nirvana, but it is twice as big.

"This is Great Nirvana."

"Huoyang Emperor, you can try the effect of Daxian Nirvana now. However, there are some preparations to be able to exert the highest effect. The medicinal effect of this Daxian Nirvana can last for about seven days." Jing Yan Go on.

Emperor Huoyang took a bottle and looked at it, and then returned it to Jing Yan.

"Emperor Jingyan, you have refined Nirvana, and those people can shut up." The Emperor Huoyang was pleased with Jingyan.

"Emperor Huoyang, this great Nirvana, you tried it!" Jing Yan said.

"No, that's too expensive!" Said the Emperor Huoyang.

"I need help! The stronger the Emperor Huoyang, the greater the help to me. So, this is not only for the Emperor Huoyang, but for myself," Jing Yanzheng said.

"Are King Jingyan here?"

At this time, the voice of Tuolian army division came from outside.

"The army division is here. It should be the leader of the Jiaoyuan Alliance who asked me to pass. Emperor Huoyang, use this elixir quickly!" After Jing Yan said it, he left the cave.

Outside the cave, the Tolian Army Division stood there.

"Military Division." Jing Yan arched his hands at the other side.

"Emperor Jingyan, the lord invites you to come over." Tuolianjun paused and said, "Emperor Jingyan, then ... can the elixir be refined?"

"Relief the military division!" Jing Yan said with a smile.

As soon as Jing Yan said this ~ ~ Tuo Lianjun's mind knew that King Jing Yan should be successful. However, I still can't believe how much.

When Jing Yan followed the Tuolian army division to the Jade Palace, within the main hall of the Jade Palace, the master of the coming mixed Yuan had no idea it was the Emperor Zhanwu and the Emperor Cangmu. There are also five or six masters of mixed yuan, all here. The leader of Jiao Yuan, sitting on the main seat.

"The Emperor Jingyan is here." Lord Jiao Yuan nodded to Jing Yan.

"Leader, you friends." Jing Yan arched his hands to the crowd.

"Emperor Jingyan, don't be polite. I ask you, has your elixir been refined?" Emperor Zhanwu stared at Jingyan with a dark expression on his face.

"Jingyan Emperor, a hundred years ago, you made a promise to the lord. You said at the time that in a hundred years, it would be easier for the mixed emperor to master the great ancestors of the Yuan ancestors. . Now it's time, where is your Great Nirvana? "The Great Cangmu followed the Great Emperor Zhan Wu and questioned Jing Yan.

"Oh, if you can't get the great Nirvana, King Yan Yan, you have to explain and explain why you want to deceive our allies." Emperor Zhan Wu sneered again.