: No. 3,449 Lines No. 2 Road

? Huatian Demon, control eight mixed yuan space.

Each of these eight mixed-element spaces has a mixed-element master. The eight masters of the Yuanyuan, namely the Eight Heavenly Generals.

In the long years, the number of mixed-element spaces invaded by the Huatian Demon is large, but almost all of these mixed-element spaces are directly destroyed by the Huatian Demon. The big demon of heaven is just to mix the material resources of the Yuan space.

Like the previous Darkmoon Blind Yuan, it was completely destroyed after being plundered by the Great Demon God.

At this time, news came from the outpost battlefield, saying that the figure of Youhua Tianba Jiang appeared, and at this step, it showed that the war had reached a critical moment. As for the Great Demon God, it is time to attack the Alliance side!

Once this is the case, the masters and other personnel in the alliance's various meta-spaces will have to participate in the war themselves.

In the previous alliance, the masters of the mixed yuan did not participate in the battle, because the emperor of the emperor of the heavens will not participate in the war. If the Alliance has a mixed master to join the battlefield, it will certainly make Huatianba directly enter the battlefield earlier.

The alliance is in a weak position, and I hope it can be delayed! The alliance does not have the confidence and courage to battle against the Great Demon God! But now, it is not their alliance that wants the decisive battle, but the demon God of the sky is about to make a decisive battle.

"How to do?"

"Hua Tian Ba ​​will appear, and I am afraid that the final battle is not far away!"

"League, we don't have much time."

"When the decisive battle comes, if we can't stop it, we will have to give up the outpost battlefield. Abandoning the outpost battlefield will open up the portal of the alliance. At that time, the Great God of Heaven will be unstoppable!"

After being silent, the master of the mixed elements asked the source of Jiao Yuan anxiously.

Next, how will the alliance respond to the comprehensive attack of the Great Demon God?

The main look of Jiao Yuanmeng is gloomy!

How to do? He didn't know what to do! Think about the unpredictable strength of the Great Demon God, and the mind of Jiao Yuan's leader is also irresistibly cold.

"The decisive battle is not far."

"You, we have no other choice! We, there is no second way!"

Jing Yan saw that the leader of Jiao Yuan didn't speak in time, so he said so.

"Blocked the big demon god, our alliance can survive. If you can't block it, all are finished!" Jing Yan stared at the crowd.

"Leader, let all the emperors return to their own mixed-yuan space and mobilize all their powers! The decisive battle is coming. We need to put all our power on the outpost battlefield." Jing Yan also focused on the source leader Road.

"Well! That's it! The Emperor Jingyan is right, we have no other choice, and the Great God of Heaven will not give us other choices."

"Everyone knows the character of the Great Devil and his mind, he will never make peace with us! What he wants is to destroy our entire alliance and plunder all our resources."

"Everyone goes back to their own mixed-yuan space and prepares for the war!" The leader of Jiao Yuan waved his hand gently.

The masters of the mixed yuan, one after another, resigned to Jiao Yuanmeng.

The Great Emperor of Huoyang also left Jade Palace after returning from Jingyan and returned to his own Huoyang astronaut.

Jing Yan asked the eternal and Dongyu emperors to return to the second Jing Yan and wait for the first time.

Soon, in the conference hall of the Jade Palace, there were only four people: Jing Yan, Emperor of the Great Axe, Lord Jiao Yuan and Tuolian Army Division.

"Leader, how great is the strength of the Great Demon God?" Jing Yan asked.

There was a lot of people in Fangcai Hall, and Jingyan didn't ask. Only then did he ask the question.

Jing Yan had not been in contact with the Great Demon God, nor had he seen the power released by his attack. Therefore, he did not know the true state and strength of the Great God.

Hearing this question from Jing Yan, the leader of Jiao Yuan's eyes frowned, as if he didn't know how to answer.

"The lord has played against the Great Demon God, should you know the strength of this person?" Jing Yan said slowly.

The leader of Jiao Yuan shook his head with a bitter smile.

"Jingyan, the emperor, not so much that I have fought with the Huatian Great Demon God, it is better to say that I escaped in the hands of the Huatian Great Demon God." Jiao Yuan's leader seemed to be caught in the memories.

At this time, he didn't want to put more gold on his face.

It doesn't make sense to do that!

"At that time, I met the Huatian Demon head-on. I knew that I could not be his opponent, so from the beginning, I never thought about killing him. After I met him, I fled immediately."

"Speaking of which, I was very lucky at that time. And the other party did not seem to have the intention to kill me. The God of Heaven, but just slaps me a long distance, I feel that it was a very casual time Attack. However, even such a random blow would cost me half a life. "

"In the end I was lucky to survive."

"However, I don't know the real strength of Huatian Demon. I can be sure that he is too much and much stronger than me." After the leaders of Jiao Yuan said these words, they exhaled a long breath.

When Jing Yan heard these words, he was not completely sure.

In the city of Jingyan, he once ran away the great perfection master Yuanzhu, who had mastered more than forty Yuan ancestors, and that was done with the help of a light ball of life. Without the light ball of life, Jing Yan felt that he was a bit worse than Yuanzhu the Great.

Of course, if it is a mixed Yuan emperor who has mastered forty Yuan ancestors but has not yet entered the realm of extremes, then Jing Yan is sure to be able to match or even defeat the other. However, what level of the Yuantian Demon is the mixed emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, but no one in the alliance currently knows it.

"Is the enemy of the Alliance so powerful?" The Greataxe Emperor frowned.

The great axe emperor also knows the strength of the leader of the axe. Although he is a rough man, he also has to admit that the chief of the axe is still stronger than his great axe. Even the leader of Jiaoyuan couldn't take the fight in front of the Huatian Demon. It can be seen that the strength of the Huatian Demon is really terrifying ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Jingyan the Great, there is nothing he can do. "

"Huatianba will be here, we don't have much time to prepare."

"Now, I can only do my best to listen to the fate of my destiny! I think, go to the button family to help." Jiao Yuan, the leader of the said, looking at Jing Yan.

Jing Yan groaned and nodded: "The five ancestors of the Niu family are not weak. If they are willing to take a shot, they can at least reduce our casualties. In this way, I will go to Bi Shang with you to see the five ancestors of the Niu family."

The five ancestors of the Niu family, everyone is no less powerful than the Great Axe. The ancestors of Niu Wu, who had fought with Jing Yan, were the little perfect mixed emperors who had mastered eighteen ancestor rules. What's more, the suppression of immortality practiced by the five ancestors of the Niu family should be able to kill the enemy together. This kind of combat power, of course, is much stronger than not used.

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