Chapter 3459: Line of defense gap

? Alliance territory, Zhan Wu mixed yuan.

"Get ready, let's go!" Said Emperor Zhanwu.

In front of him were His Majesty's capable men.

"Master, are you going to the outpost battlefield now?" One of them said.

"Well, the kid of Jing Yan has taken the man to the outpost battlefield. We should start, too." Emperor Zhan Wu nodded.

"The alliance is the alliance of all of us. If you can't stop it, everyone will be finished." Emperor Zhan Wu added.

He certainly didn't want to take most of the strongmen of Zhan Wuzhanyuan to the outpost battlefield. But he had to do it. Before the focus source leader said, Jing Yan went, he Zhan Wu would go. Now that Jing Yan had reached the outpost battlefield, it was time for his emperor Zhanwu to leave.

Although he didn't want to go, he had to go. He didn't want his mixed-yuan space to be destroyed after being swept away by Huatian Demon.

"Yes!" His Majesty Zhanwu responded with several powerful mixed Yuan emperors.

Cangmu, Yuan, Kun, and Huoyang are all doing similar things.

The Great Emperor of Huoyang already had a strong army formed by Huoyang Junyuan at this time. When he arrived at Jiaoyuan, he was about to enter the tunnel to the outpost battlefield.

The leaders of Jiao Yuan and Tuolian Army Division watched the Huoyang Emperor and the practitioners of the Huoyang Mixed Yuan entering the Yuanyuan channel.

"Master, we have urged the Niu family many times. However, the Niu family still did not intend to act, but only brought in some material resources." The Tuolian army division looked solemn, and the low voice focused on the main source.

"Continue to urge!" Jiao Yuan's leader gritted his teeth and continued. "They promised to take a shot, when do they want to wait?"

"Yes, I'm going to close the hybrid Yuanjian button family now." Tuolianjun nodded, his figure flickered, and he quickly arrived at the hybrid yuan channel node leading to Bishan Hybrid.


After the commander of the Fifth Legion of the Alliance passed the order, Jing Yan waited more than four hours before he saw the figure of the first Jingyan mixed Yuan practitioner.

The person headed by it is the Emperor Xiandi and the Celestial Emperors.

Looking at the past, we can see that almost everyone has injuries. His face was full of tiredness.

"I don't know why the regiment pulled us down."

"Hard to say."

"Yeah, but we never replaced us before. I think he wished we all died on the front line."

"I heard that the leader of the army is a Kun Yuan mixed Yuan, and the master of Kun Yuan mixed Yuan has a bad relationship with our Lord, King Yan Yan."

"Don't say these things, if we are heard by the commander of the legion, we will be worse if we report to the commander."

One Mongolian Emperor and others whispered.

At this moment, they suddenly looked up, because they saw a group of people coming over. The person who walked in the forefront was their master, the master of Jingyan mixed Yuan Jingyan.

King Yan is here!

Immortal Emperor them immediately greeted them.

"Lord!" Shouted an excited voice from Emperor Xianmeng and others.

They finally knew why the commander of the army would withdraw them. It was their Lord, King Yan, who came.

"Are you okay?" Jing Yan saw a bit of depression in Yimeng and others.

After hearing Jing Yan's question, Yimeng and others looked pale.

"How about the loss?" Jing Yan asked again.

"Lord, the people we got from Yuanyuan lost about one-third." Yimeng said in a voice.


"How can there be so many?" Jing Yan's breath was slightly condensed.

Jing Yan had already prepared in his heart. He knew that in the battle with the Huatian Army, the first Jingyan mixed Yuan was on the front line of the battle, and there would be many injuries. However, I did not expect to lose as much as a third.

In the first scene, the immortal emperor with mixed words is not much!

Yimeng waited for someone and did not speak.

"Look at you one by one."

"Heal first."

Jing Yan took out some resources to heal Xiandan and gave it to a monk emperor for distribution. Here, there are more than a hundred practitioners in the first scene.

"Thank you, Lord!" Cried everyone.

"After some recovery, you all returned to the mixed space." Jing Yan said again.

Back to Jingyan Junyuan?

Yimeng and others showed a stunned color.

Now the fighting is getting more tense, and the attacks of the Huatian Army are becoming more frequent. At this time, return to the metaspace?

"Emperor Jingyan, what can you do!"

"Today, each of the mixed Yuan spaces has formed the strongest legion to the outpost battlefield. You ... how can you let your soldiers of the mixed Yuan space return to the mixed Yuan space?" The commander of the Fifth Army immediately said.

"Is there a problem?" Jing Yan turned and stared at the legion chief.

Jing Yan had a strong anger in his heart at this time. The fifth army commander made the practitioners in the Yuanyuan space fight on the front line, which made him very uncomfortable. However, that's okay. After all, this is a battlefield, and soldiers need to fight the attack of the Huatian Army. At this time, the person even questioned his decision to let Yimeng and others return to the mixed space.

"Of course there is a problem! Emperor Jingyan, you can't let these people go back to the mixed space because they are all your own practitioners. This is a very bad example. If you do this, other soldiers will What do you think? As soon as everyone is injured, do they all return to their own mixed-yuan space to recuperate? "The Fifth Army Commander sneered.

"Miss Duan, tell them why!" Jing Yan looked at Ms Duan.

"Leader of the Corps, this is decided by the highest level of the alliance. The practitioners with mixed opinions in the first scene do not need to participate in the war." Captain Duan Duan explained to the leader of the Fifth Army.

"How can this be!" The Fifth Army Commander was still very dissatisfied.

"Shut up to Lao Tzu! Then, nonsense, Lao Tzu killed you with an axe!" The great axe's eyes glared, the **** axe was taken out, and he shook in front of the fifth army commander.

"Leader of the army, do n’t say more. This is decided by the highest conference of the alliance. The first scene is mixed and really weak. And during this time ~ ~ they also contributed a lot and lost so many soldiers . "Captain Duan shook his head at the head of the Fifth Army.

The Fifth Corps leader looked cold and stared at the great axe, but did not say more.


An immortal Emperor flew into the camp from the far end and fell before the crowd.

"Mr. Legion, the frontline defensive circle is about to collapse. Please send someone for support quickly." The immortal said very quickly, Yu Bao said.

"What's going on?" The Fifth Corps leader screamed sharply.

"The Huatian Army sent an elite team of about two hundred people who are frantically attacking our defense line." The immortal voice trembled slightly.

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