Chapter 3487: Brother 2 is right

The ancestors of Button Jia also noticed that something was wrong, but did not know what was wrong.

Although Emperor Jingyan and Emperor Axe were very strong, the fighting power of the two was equivalent to that of several of them. Together, the five of them will be able to kill the King Jingyan and the Great Axe.

Button Jia and others think so.


"The war on the outpost is over!" Said Niu Yi.

"What? It's over soon? Is the Alliance Legion overthrown? So, have both the Huatian Army and the Bing Naval Army entered the territory of the Alliance?" Said Niu Jiazu.

"No, the Huatian Army was defeated. Although there was no annihilation of the entire army, the death and injuries were heavy. The nine legions fled, and I don't know if half of them escaped. The Great God of Heaven was also killed by the King Jingyan himself. Patriarch Niu Yi said with a sad face.

From the outpost battlefield to the first Jingyan mixed Yuan, and waiting for some time at the mixed Yuan channel node, Niu Yi also thought a lot. He felt that there was hope for everyone in the Niu family. Seeing the meaning of Emperor Jingyan does not seem to kill the Niu family. If Emperor Jingyan wants to kill the button family, it is not necessary to bring them back to the outpost battlefield, and it is more convenient to kill them directly in the outpost battlefield?

Since there is hope for life, we must cherish it. Therefore, after having the opportunity, he quickly clarified to the ancestors of Niu Jia and others what he had witnessed on the outpost battlefield.

The scene where the King Yan Yan beheaded the Great Demon God will never be forgotten in his life. At that scene, Shi was shocked.

"Second Brother, are you crazy? You said that the Great Demon God was killed by Jing Yan?"

"Ha ... how is this possible?" Niubing ancestor laughed a few times.

"Big Brother, Big Brother, Big Brother, Big Brother, the second brother is right. The King Yanyan is extremely powerful, and the God of Heaven said that he has logged into the state of extremes." Niu Wu ancestor said blankly.

Among the five ancestors of the Niu family, the ancestor of Niu Wu was relatively straightforward.

The ultimate realm!

These words smashed into the hearts of people like Button Jia. A few ancestors of the Niu family knew what it meant to be an extreme state.

When the ancestor of Button Armor looked at Jing Yan again, his eyes had changed very significantly.

Although he was still unbelievable.

However, Niu Yi and Niu Wu will not lie to him. Moreover, if Jing Yan's strength is really only equal to a few of them, then how can Niu Yi and Niu Wu be restricted in their freedom? There is also the previous energy barrier, that energy layer, completely isolated the spirit power of his button armor, this is not a leisurely means.

"Creating poles? What poles?" President Xiliang had not yet understood what was happening. He did not know the meaning of the pole-building realm. He did not have the insights of a few ancestors of the Niu family.

"The war on the outpost is over, that's great. The defeat of the Huatian Army and the alliance is safe."

"Emperor Jingyan, then we will go back first. On behalf of the Niu family, you are welcome to visit the Niu family mansion at any time." The old ancestor of Niu Jia turned his mind as if he had changed a person, and said to Jing Yan.

"Our ancestral buttons, you button family, as if all members are here, right?"

"You guys are all dispatched, come here to tell me what you want to do?"

"You won't tell me, are you here for sightseeing?"

Jing Yan looked at the ancestor of Niu Jia and asked with a smile.

"Hey, this ..."

"All of a sudden, it is difficult to explain clearly. However, this is not important. The important thing is that the war between the Alliance and the Huatian Army has ended, and we are all safe." The patriarch of Niu Jia was also very thick.

Before he looked so high, in a blink of an eye, he turned into the face of the hob meat.

Jing Yan waved his hands, his face was cold: "I don't want to talk nonsense with you, let alone waste my time."

"I know what kind of abacus the Niu family played. The first scene is mixed, which is the last stop for your Niu family to leave the territory of the alliance. Before you arrive in the first scene, mixed, you should have moved the other mixed space. Are you running out of looted treasures? Ha ha, you think so well. "

"Could you hear me clearly. I can give you a chance to get you out of the Alliance territory. I'm talking about leaving alive."

"Leave all your resources, and leave them all. Then you can leave with your life. Otherwise, you will die within the Alliance."

"In short, for you people, the Alliance Territory does not allow you to continue to exist alive." Jing Yan said slowly.

"Jingyan!" Emperor Niu Wei screamed angrily, he raised his cheeks, and stretched out his fingers to Jingyan: "What kind of thing are you, and why do you want to hand over resources to the family?"

After Emperor Niuwei said these words, Jing Yan's eyes were frozen and his breath rolled.

"I didn't finish my words. I don't like to be interrupted, especially people who I dislike. That's even worse. So Niuwei, you're going to die!" Jing Yan raised his hand and slapped it out with a single palm.

The palm print condensed and slap in the direction towards Emperor Niuwei.

"Abominable!" Niu Jia's ancestor saw Jing Yan's shot. He growled and moved. He couldn't watch Niu Wei being killed by Jing Yan, so he shot to stop Jing Yan's attack on Niu Wei's emperor.

Patriarch Niu Bing and Patriarch Niu Ding also felt the unmatched power in Jing Yan's palm. The two of them shot at a very fast speed, and together with the ancestor of the button armor, blocked Jing Yan's attack.


The palm print slaps past, and the ancestors of the button armour all flew out. That palm print was not even slowed down by the three men.


The next moment, after a muffled sound, the palm print fell on the Niu Jia's card surface, which was the body of the Niu family's owner, Niu.

"Ah!" Emperor Niu Wei did not wait for death, but took the initiative to use his defensive measures.

Unfortunately, his defenses were useless.

After a scream came out, the Emperor Niuwei became a corpse.

"Button armor ~ ~ and a few of you. I said earlier, did you hear me clearly?"

"Either die, or leave all resources behind," Jing Yan said suddenly.

Buttons and other people's faces were pale, and their blood was floating around. Just now, they just blocked the palm print of Jing Yan, and they were almost hit. If Jing Yan's attack was aimed at a few of them, then ... think of it would be scary.

Several ancestors of the Niu family determined one thing, that is, Jing Yan, the Great Emperor, was not something they could compete with. Therefore, they must seriously consider the two choices that King Yan gave them to their families.

Either die or surrender resources to leave the Alliance territory.

Surrendering resources can survive. If you don't surrender resources, your life will be gone, and of course the resources will be gone.

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