Chapter 3526: Super Silent Black Lotus

If it is ordinary Sing Taoist practitioners to explore their Tai Shi Fa Gai with divine thoughts, they will not give up, they will definitely ask the other party to give an account.

But the other party is the King Jingyan, there is nothing to say.

Big fists make sense.

When they saw Emperor Jingyan, they not only couldn't rush, they also had to say hello respectfully.

Exploring the Tai Shi Fa Gai directly with divine thoughts is extremely fast. Soon after, Jing Yan sensed the breath of the lonely black lotus in a Tai Shi Fa Gai.

He smiled close to this Tai Shi Fa Gai.

Basically the same process as that of the practitioner who has seen it before, the owner of this lonely black lotus also wanted to reject Jing Yan's proposal at first, but when he saw the great Nirvana, the idea of ​​rejection suddenly wavered.

"Jingyan emperor, do you only use my lonely black lotus for one hour?" This is a little perfect mixed-yuan emperor who has mastered more than ten ancestor principles.

"Well, never more than an hour." Jing Yan nodded.

"Okay, I believe in the noble character of Emperor Jingyan." The man said intensified.

He got a great Nirvana, and Jing Yan entered his Tai Shi Fa Gai, absorbing the energy of a timeless black lotus.

After an hour, Jing Yan took away most of the energy of this lonely black lotus, and paid only one great nirvana for this purpose.

In fact, for the Jingyan that can refining Nirvana, the value of Nirvana is not very high. Although the materials for refining Nirvana are quite precious, they can be bought in most mixed yuan spaces. .

When it was auctioned in the territory of the Alliance, the price of a large sennet was only ten million grades.

The key is scarcity.

Obviously, these practitioners on Sing Tao have almost no way to obtain an elixir like Daxian Nirvana, so they are all very happy with the transaction proposed by Jing Yan.

After gaining benefits, you can't blame Sing Tao Giant King Yan Yan, why not do it?

In this way, Jing Yan passed through the entire Sing Tao, absorbing a large amount of the energy of Wan Hei lotus to store in his body.


"The number of Wanli black lotus is still too small." Jing Yan sighed again.

The neutrino world in his body can still store the energy of Wanxi Black Lotus.

"But this time's harvest is not bad. The energy of these lonely black lotus is enough for me to use it for a short time." Jing Yan then thought so.

And those Sing Taoist practitioners who traded with Jing Yan, if they knew that their lonely black lotus was sucked up most of the energy by King Yan Yan, they would probably cry directly.

However, they will not know this.

Even if they feel that the speed of their Wanji Black Lotus is not dissipating normally, they should only think that their quality of Wanji Black Lotus is lower, and they will not easily doubt King Jingyan.

Besides, what if you doubt it? Could it be possible to go to the King Jingyan to question without evidence?

"Go back and continue practicing." Jing Yan was in a happy mood and planned to go back to his house to continue to enlighten and integrate the second-class Yuanzu Taoism.



"Buzz ..."

Just when Jing Yan was preparing to return to the house, suddenly, from one direction, there were huge energy fluctuations.


"This is ..." Jing Yan's pupils narrowed quickly.

Struggles between practitioners occur on Sing Tao from time to time, so it is not worth monitoring where energy fluctuations erupt. However, this energy fluctuation is the breath of the lonely black lotus.

"What's happening? How could there be such a strong lonely black lotus energy fluctuation?"

"It looks like it's not too close to me, but it feels so clear!"

"Check it out."

Jing Yan suddenly urged the magical power in his body, and walked away, his speed was extremely fast.

When Jing Yan arrived at his destination, he found that many practitioners had gathered around him. The owner of Taishi Island and several other Sing Tao giants also arrived here in about the same time.

"So ... a big ... lonely black lotus?"

Jing Yan saw that on the ground in front of him, a huge black lotus was shining with black luster.

The scale of this lonely black lotus is dozens of times larger than those seen by Jing Yan. It was there, occupying a large area.

"Super lonely black lotus!"

"On Sing Tao, a super lonely black lotus was born again!" Some practitioners exclaimed.

Some practitioners rushed up with red eyes and wanted to cover this super lonely black lotus with their own Tai Shi Fa Gai, but Tai Shi Fa Gai was obviously not large enough to cover the lonely Black Lotus.

"Island owner, Wolf Toe friend ..."

"Jingyan said, you are here."

"Well, the energy fluctuations of this super lonely black lotus can be sensed throughout the island."

Taishi Island owner and Jing Yan, as well as several Sing Tao giants who have come one after another, say hello to each other. The eyes of everyone looked at the super lonely black lotus from time to time.

"A super lonely black lotus was born on our Sing Tao Island." Lan? The emperor said loudly, "Last birth, how long has it been since now? I ca n’t remember it long enough!"

"Every time a super lonely black lotus is born, something will happen. This time, what will happen?" Said Emperor Mundo.

"Dear friends." The owner of Taishi Island arched his hand to the giants such as Jing Yan.

"Still in accordance with the rules, how about taking turns?" Taishidao said with a smile.


"No comments."

"That should be it." Several giants nodded.

Jing Yan looked at Taishi Daozhu and others with some unknown.

"Jingyan Daoyou, it's just a few of us, who take turns using this super lonely black lotus. Everyone, use it for one day until this super lonely black lotus has dissipated." Taishi Islander explained to Jing Yan ~ www ~ This method is very reasonable to allocate Wanlian Helian, and it will not hurt the harmony between everyone. Jing Yan certainly has no objection to this.

"Good, I agree." Jing Yan nodded.

"Since everyone has no opinions, it is so decided." Taishi Dao laughed.

"Everyone, let's all go! This super lonely black lotus has nothing to do with you." Taishi Island owner said to the many Sing Tao practitioners gathered here.

These practitioners heard these words from the Taishi Island Lord, and although they were extremely unconvinced, considering that their lives were the most important, they gradually withdrew. They also know that Super Silent Black Lotus is not what they can get.

The Taishi Islander and the Sing Tao Giants have given them a relatively fair chance, perhaps an ordinary lonely black lotus.

Want to share a cup of Super Black Lotus? Oh, let's talk about reaching the extreme state first! Without enough power, everything is illusory.
