Chapter 3562: Resurrection

Jing Yan suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

Because he jumped down from the edge of the funnel, he didn't feel the spatial change in the whole process.

Today's Jingyan is already a hybrid emperor in a three-dimensional state of mind. How could he be unaware if he switched from one space to another? Space changes, and there must be fluctuations in the Tao.

But if there is no switching space, why can't you see the edge of the funnel that should be above five meters at this time?

At this time behind Jing Yan, there was only a metal wall, his gaze was upward, and the edges could not be seen at all.

"Weird, really weird!" Jing Yan whispered.

"What's underneath?"

"Oriental island master, fantasy island master, have they gone deeper below?" Jing Yan's mind changed.

Having reached this place, naturally there is no way back. No matter what is below, we can only go ahead and bite the bullet.

Jing Yan perceived it carefully for a period of time, and could only perceive the huge driving force transmitted from behind him. In addition, there seemed to be no other danger.

After stopping for a while, Jing Yan jumped up, jumped down from the first step, and landed on the second step. During this jump, Jing Yan's soul power remained at its peak.

However, when he stood on the second step, he immediately turned to look at it, but he could not see the first step again.

Moreover, even if this time he urged the soul power to the peak, Jing Yan didn't notice that he had switched spaces during the jumping process.

"In this way, in this place, we can only move forward and not back." Jing Yan thought for himself: "Is the entrance to the lonely place at the bottom?"

After shaking his head slightly, Jing Yan jumped from the second step to the third step.


"This is ..." Jing Yan's eyes snapped.

He saw a bead object suspended there on the third step.

"Canglang Shengdaozhu?" Jing Yan carefully observed.

When Jing Yan came to the sea of ​​lonely waters and just entered Taishi Xingdao Island, he bought a Canglang Holy Path Bead from Taishi Xingdaofang City Mirror. Therefore, he certainly knew Canglang Shengdaozhu.

Jing Yan also knows that the best Canglang Holy Tao beads is Qiyun Canglang Holy Tao beads.

Generally speaking, the Canglang sacred beads that practitioners can get by coincidence in Wanji's cemetery are all one rhyme to two rhymes, and even the three rhyme Canglang sacred beads are rare.

The five rhyme Canglang sacred beads purchased by Jing Yan cost 80,000 catties of Zihua Xianlu.

"This is the Qiyun Canglang Sacred Bead? The best quality Canglang Sacred Bead?" Jing Yan saw that there were seven layers of halo flowing on the surface of the Canglang Sacred Bead not far from him.

Jing Yan raised his hand and let out a divine power, and pulled the Canglang Holy Path beads closer. In this process, no external force interfered with Jing Yan, and no other energy fluctuations appeared.

"It is really the Qiyun Canglang Holy Road Bead. The value of this bead is difficult to estimate!" Jing Yan held the Canglang Holy Road Bead and sensed the energy fluctuation on its surface.

"It is really a good thing. Using it to help practice, the effect is much better than Wuyun Canglang Shengdaozhu." Jing Yan whispered in admiration.

"It seems that the rumors are true. There are indeed a lot of treasures in the place of loneliness. I entered this place of loneliness until now, and it hasn't taken me much time to get a Qiyun Canglang Holy Tao beads! "Jing Yan's heart moved, he will just obtain the Qiyun Canglang Holy Tao beads.

Then, Jing Yan's brow frowned again.

"Did the Lord of the Phantom Island and others not pass this ladder? Otherwise, how could they not take this Qiyun Canglang Sacred Path Bead?" Jing Yan subconsciously looked around and found nothing else.

"Forget it, let's go deeper!" Jing Yan jumped from the third step and fell onto the fourth step.

After a while, he jumped down from the fourth step and fell onto the fifth step.


As soon as Jing Yan fell on the fifth step, he couldn't help taking a deep breath, his eyes were round and his body was tight.

"Extreme relic?"

"Extreme relics ... heaven ..." Jing Yan whispered softly.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

Is this an illusion, or is there really a relic relic here?

Jing Yan saw that not far in front of him, there was an object wrapped in milky yellow energy. It looks exactly the same as the extremist relics that he had obtained in the city of Jingyan. Even the fluctuation of energy breath is very similar.

Eyes stared at the relics, Jing Yan's face gradually appeared bleeding. The excited mood couldn't be controlled at all, Jing Yan could feel his heart beating fiercely.

In the city of Jingyan, Jingyan entered the realm of extremes because he got a relic of relics. It can be said that Jing Yan may not be able to log into the realm of extremes if he did not obtain that extreme.

"It's really relics."

"Will ... are the three types of ancestral principles I have fully mastered?"

"Hopefully not!"

"Otherwise, it's nothing but joy."

"If the Yuanzu Taoism in it is not the three types of Yuanzu Taoism that I have mastered. Then ... it won't be long before I can become a mixed Yuan emperor at the level of four-dimensional pole creation.

Jing Yan approached the relic relics, and carefully observed that the divine thought penetrated them. As in the city of Jingyan, the current Jingyan still cannot directly find out the specific information of the Yuanzu Tao in the extremely relic. Only by absorbing the ancestral principles of the ancestors in the first place can we know whether these ancestors have mastered it or not.

Jing Yan carefully closed this relic.

He did not absorb the Yuanzu Taoism in the relic relics on the spot, because ... if the Yuanzu Taoism in the relics regency was not a certain type of Yuanzu Taoism he had mastered. Then he needs to spend a lot of time mastering it.

This place ~ ~ consumes a lot of time, Jing Yan feels inappropriate. He intends to wait for leaving the solitary land, and then master the path of the sake relics.

"It can be determined now. The master of the magic island who entered the lonely place before me did not follow this path." Jing Yan's eyes were condensed and whispered.

If the Lord of the Phantom Islands and others pass through here, it will never be possible to leave the relics alone and not take them. Even if they can abandon the Canglang Holy Path beads, they will definitely not let go of the treasures such as relics.


The four-dimensional superpower Oriental Islander stands on a metal ring.

The middle part of the ring is empty. The eyes of the Oriental Islander are staring at the center of the metal ring. What he was staring at was something below the metal ring.

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