Chapter 3582: 1 pot end

Unleashing the power of the floating world with the strength of Jingyan's current spirit and soul is indeed not a one-dimensional state-of-the-art practitioner who can break free.

There is a very small number of maintenance practitioners who can free themselves from the floating world.

As the sword awns on Bingyan Sword continued to burst, more than 20 Kunyuan Xingyuan Emperor Junyuan Emperors were all beheaded.

At this point, Jing Yan wielded a divine power to collect the resources left by the master of Kunming Island and others.

The practitioners of the magic island and other practitioners have dull expressions and stare straight at Jing Yan.

All this is really too fast.

One shot from Jing Yan killed the owner of Kun Mi Island, and killed more than 20 Kun Mi Xing Island giants. The entire process took even less time to breathe.

The crowd had not yet sobered from the shock that King Jingyan was a mixed-race emperor in the five-dimensional state of creation, and found that the owner of Kunming Island had been killed.

"His ..." The island master took a deep breath.

"Jingyan ... the emperor!" At this time, the expression of the island master of the island was more respectful.

Five-dimensional pole-building realm!

No matter how the Emperor Jingyan entered the Five-Dimensional Extreme, it is a fact that the Emperor Jingyan is a powerful person in the Five-dimensional Extreme.

"Fantastic island master, you just startled." Jing Yan said to the magic island master.

"Jingyan the Great don't say that, I ... I didn't do anything." The expression on the face of the Lord of the Fantasy Island was awkward.

Thinking of the fact that I knew that the Lord of Kunmi Island was the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty after the Yuan Dynasty, the Lord of the Magic Island regretted it again.

He realized that he had missed an extremely rare opportunity.

If, after knowing that the master of Kunming Island is the four-dimensional activist, he still stands firmly on the side of Jing Yan, and even if it does not help in the end, its meaning is different from now.

At present, I am afraid that the Emperor Jingyan will not have much gratitude to his fantasy island master.

"Fantasy Island Lord, I have too many practitioners on Taishi Xingdao Island, trapped on Kunmising Island. So, I won't tell you more, I will go to save people first," Jing Yan said again.

He is going to enter Kun Mixing Island and find those who are still alive.

"Emperor Jingyan, I can help with this matter. Although the Lord of Kun Mi Island has already been ambush, there are still a large number of practitioners in Kun Mi Xing Island. Presumably the situation will be very chaotic." The fantasy island master said quickly.

Jing Yan nodded.

Immediately, Jing Yan spurred the divine power, and the figure flashed a little, and then disappeared into the sight of everyone and entered the connection point of Kun Mixing Island.


"The Lord Kumi Island is dead?"

"Dead ..."

"Killed by a sword?"

"The four-dimensional super strong, killed by a sword?"

"Isn't that the body of the Kumi Island Lord? It's in the corroded seawater."

"It's terrible! It's really too strong too strong! King Yan Yan ..."

"Who would have imagined that the King of Jingyan would be a strong man of five dimensions? If the Lord of Kunmi Island knew that the King of Jingyan was a strong man of five dimensions, he would definitely not provoke King of Yan."

"From today on, this Kunmising Island is afraid that it will become history. The powerful Kunmising Island, the top powerhouse has been endured."

"Kunmi Star Island will become history, but this Star Island will always exist. It won't take long for a new strong person to occupy this Star Island. The lonely black lotus on the Star Island is huge for spiritual practice. A valuable resource for help. "

A large number of practitioners from various Sing Tao Island talked again after Jing Yan entered Kun Mixing Island.

Some people say that Emperor Jingyan is the strongest practitioner in the lonely sea. Even the Oriental Islander is not the opponent of King Yan.

These people do not know that the Oriental Island owner of the Oriental Star Island has died in a place of nowhere, and the Oriental Island owner will never return.


The news that the master of Kun Mi Island and the giant emperor on Kun Mixing Island was beheaded by Jing Yan was introduced into the island at the same time as the incident.

At this time, Kun Mixing Island was in chaos.

Many practitioners began to flee.

They may be afraid that Jing Yan will kill the island! Of course, Jing Yan had no intention of killing Kun Mixing Island. To do so, there would be too many people to kill.

Jing Yan wants revenge for Tai Shixing Island, he is not a butcher. The people who are really guilty are the Kunmi Island owners and those who have been killed on Taishixing Island. Ordinary practitioners of Kunmi Island should not be buried for the Kunmi Island owners.

As long as it is not the person who hits Jing Yan without opening his eyes, Jing Yan will not kill him.

After entering the real Kun Mixing Island, Jing Yan's thoughts spread immediately.

Soon, Jing Yan found the place where Taishi Xingdao practitioners were detained. This place is not far from the main capital of Kun Mixing Island.

This was a new humble cell, unattended at this time.

When Jing Yan looked at the cell with a thought, he exhaled softly. He saw Emperor Ding Hui, who was detained with other Taishi Xingdao practitioners.

Although Ding Yu's spirit was a bit sluggish, it didn't seem to matter. Seeing that Emperor Ding Yu was fine, Jing Yan was relieved a lot.

The owner of Taishi Island is still alive.

Jing Yan's divine thoughts saw that the owner of Taishi Island had a heavy complexion, his body looked sloppy, and he kept sighing.

In the hearts of Taishi Island owners and others, they definitely felt that they would die.

A group of practitioners on Taishixing Island were all in a state of despair, waiting for death that might come at any time.

Jing Yan's divine power spurred his flight speed.

Shortly afterwards, he arrived at the location of the cell. Although the cell looked simple, it was a powerful array.

Of course, these formations pose no threat to Jing Yan.

It took just a moment for Jing Yan to break the cell formation. Then Jing Yan walked in.

"Jingyan the Great?"


"Jingyan the Great, why are you here?"

A group of practitioners on Taishi Xingdao showed unexpected expressions when they saw Jing Yan. In fact, these practitioners have resentment about Jing Yan in their hearts. They think it is Jing Yan, which has brought disaster to Taishi Xingdao. If it wasn't for Jingyan, the people of Kunming Island would not go to Taishixing Island. If it wasn't for Jing Yan, the practitioners of Taishi Xingdao would not be slaughtered, and those of them would not be imprisoned ~ ~ Jing Yan Taoist, you ... how did you get arrested? "

"Well, why didn't you leave the sea of ​​silence!"

The owner of the island of Taishi also saw Jing Yan, and he said a long sigh after sighing slightly.

The owner of Taishi Island thought that Jingyan was caught by Kun Mixing Island.

"Even Jingyan Taoist friends have been arrested. We are afraid that it will be a short time." The solitary emperor's face with a bitter expression: "The Lord of Kunming Island has kept us from killing, the purpose is to attract Jing Yandao friends Throw it on the net! Jing Yan Taoist, wouldn't you really come to Kun Mixing Island yourself? "

"The Emperor Jingyan ..." The Emperor Ding Yu among the crowd looked at Jingyan.

(End of this chapter)

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