Chapter 3703: Danfo

Xiuwei reached the level of Jing Yan, a small number of Zu Pandan is not very useful.

"Yes, one is needed." Jing Yan nodded.

Zu Pandan, who was previously obtained from the reunion, was consumed by Jing Yan. Otherwise, he does not need the Lord of the Luo Di Palace to find Zu Pandan.

"Lord, I still have two Zu Pandan here." Lord Luo Didian took out his Zu Pandan.

Zupandan from Sundial Mixed Yuan is sold to foreign mixed Yuan. Although the quantity is small and expensive, other giants of high-dimensional mixed Yuan can get Zu Pandan through a small amount of channels.

There are two Zu Pandan on the main body of Luo Didian.

"One is enough." Jing Yan only received one.

However, Jing Yan also did not use the ancestral ancestral ancestor of Pan Luo Dan, he took out a number of xian Nidan and Ji Fan Dan and gave it to Luo Yan.

Although the Lord of the Luo Dian Palace was curious about the use of the King Jingyan to ask a ancestor Pan Dan, he didn't ask much. Seeing that the Emperor Jingyan had no other orders, the Lord of the Palace of the Lord Luo withdrew from the hall.

In the hall, Jing Yan placed Zu Pandan on the palm of his hand.

"Imperial Sundial, I didn't want to do anything absolutely. But helpless ..." Jing Yan's voice was very low.

That's right, Jing Yan intends to launch Zuffan Dan's Dan Fang. Since the Sundial Mixed Yuan did not sell Zu Pandan to him, he pushed the Zu Pan Dan Dan Fang back and then refined this elixir by himself.

It is naturally very difficult to push back Danfang. It is even more difficult to launch Danfang through a finished product of Dan medicine, such as Zu Pandan.

However, when Jing Yan hadn't logged into the pole, he derived the complete Dan Fang of Sunedan with the help of Suned Fang's incomplete Dan Fang. Therefore, Jing Yan may not be able to do things that other Dan masters cannot.

"Just take some time and try it." Jing Yan's eyes narrowed.

In order to derive Dan Fang, the first step is to determine the materials needed for refining Zu Pan Dan. This step is not that difficult. Actually, there are many practitioners and elixir masters who have used materials such as Zu Pandan and Xie Niedan against the heavenly elixir.

Jing Yan can sort out all the materials needed for refining Zu Pandan based on the materials used by Zu Pandan that has been published, plus his own analysis.

Time passed slowly.

Jing Yan, who entered the retreat state, devoted all his energy to the reverse push of Zu Pandan's materials.

It took more than a hundred years for Jing Yan to determine all the materials for refining Zu Pandan.

Then he called the Lord of the Luo Didian to prepare him a lot of materials for refining Zu Pandan.

After knowing the materials that Zupandan refined, the next step was to start refining.

This is inevitably a tedious process and consumes a lot of precious materials. But as long as Dan Fang can be deduced, all consumption is not worth mentioning.


More than three thousand years later.

"Master Sovereign, we will enter the territory of the Lord Sovereign."

On an immortal spaceship, Elder Zoyue Zong and Elder Qingyan and Elder Cheng Yun were approaching the Alliance territory.

Zoyue Zong Lao personally piloted an extremely high-grade fairy ship, so their speed is very fast. Chinese and Uighur practitioners are not comparable to low-dimensional practitioners. In just three or four thousand years, they reached outside the territory of the Alliance.

"Well, we came here with a mission this time. The alliance's territory is composed of more than ten mixed-yuan spaces. The leader is an emperor named Jiao Yuan. After we arrived, we met the leader of Jiao Yuan and discussed with him to establish a mixed-yuan A matter of passage. "Zoyuezong nodded and said.

"Understand." Elder Qingyan said with a smile.

Fairy spacecraft, soon after entering the territory of the Alliance.

Zoyue Zong, and others, first head to the space where they are closest. Then, use the mixed element channel to reach the focal source mixed element.

It has also taken a short time to leave the territory of the Alliance from Jing Yan.

All the mixed-element spaces in the territory are as usual. The development of the first and second Jingyan mixed words has not grown down. Although Jingyan left, no one in the other mixed-yuan space made troubles with King Yanyan's mixed-yuan space.

The leader of Jiao Yuan also cares about these two mixed-element spaces of Jing Yan.

"I don't know, what happened to Emperor Jingyan now. Military division, how long has Emperor Jingyan left?" The leader of Jiao Yuan asked Tuolian army division.

The Tolian company division smiled bitterly.

The King Jingyan is dead or alive now, they don't know.

"Lord, King Jingyan will return." Tuolianjun said.

"Well, Emperor Jingyan is a practitioner in the realm of extremes. When he comes to Lusheng Luyuan, he can be regarded as a strong one. Lusheng Luyuan will not be too difficult for Jingyan Emperor." Jiao Yuan leader Nodded and said.

They said so, but the real idea in their hearts was not the case. Deep in their consciousness, they all feel that King Jingyan may be more ferocious and less fortunate.

At this time, Tuolianjun's face suddenly changed.

"Master, something happened!" Tuolianjun just received a message from the node of the mixed channel.

"Well, what happened?" Jiao Yuanmeng's breath asked slightly.

"There are powerful practitioners from the outside, come!" Tuolianjun said.

Hearing this sentence, Jiao Yuanmeng's face also changed suddenly.

When the Lusheng mixed Yuan strong came to the territory of the Alliance to take away King Yan Yan, he received a similar message, and a strong external practitioner came.

"Why ... how did the strong outside come?" Jiao Yuanmeng shook hands.

A huge fairy spacecraft, soon after, came outside the palace of Jiao Yuan's lord.

The leader of Jiao Yuan took his Majesty's strong men out of the palace to greet him.

The main leader of Jiao Yuan has also asked Tuolian Army Division to send a message to the main master of each hybrid Yuan, asking them to rush to Jiao Yuan Hybrid.

Standing on the periphery of the palace, the leader of Jiao Yuan saw that three figures slowly flew out from the immortal spaceship that exudes huge waves of terror energy.

"I don't know if the guest arrives ~ ~ I have lost my heart and hope to forgive me." The leader of Jiao Yuan bowed his head and bowed to the courtesy.

The powerful practitioners who came to the Alliance territory from the outside of the Yuanyuan space must be very powerful. Because the strength is not strong enough, generally do not cross the Yuanyuan void. Moreover, the people who have just arrived, and the fairy spacecraft they are riding on, are also the highest level that Jiao Yuanmeng has ever seen in his life.

"Your Excellency is the leader of Jiao Yuan?" Asked Zong Yuezong, looking at the leader of Jiao Yuan.

"I'm Jiao Yuan." The leader of Jiao Yuan quickly responded.

"The source of Jiaoyuan does not have to be polite." Zoe Yuezong waved his hand and said with a smile: "The three of us are uninvited, and we should not blame the source of Jiaoyuan."


"So polite?" Jiao Yuanmeng's heart moved slightly.

The tone and attitude of Zoyue Zong's old voice made Jiao Yuan's leader unexpected. When Elder Qingyan and Elder Chengyun came, it was very overbearing!