Chapter 476

In the light dragon.

Wang Hao pinched his fingers, and his face gradually became heavy.

According to the result of his calculation with the number of six immortals, the higher people who came to him for trouble this time were Lin Yun and Muye.

The two of them are from the Lin family and the Mu family of Tianyang system. They have a very high family status and belong to a famous family.

Of course, these two guys didn't tell anyone that they came to the galaxy in order to steal his inheritance.

However, after all, these two guys are of high ethnic group, and they are from famous families, so the younger brother they brought is very not simple. Unexpectedly, the first and second level accomplishments of Emperor Wu are all the same, and the number of them reaches as many as 1000.

This made him have to lament that the higher ethnic group is the higher ethnic group. This emperor Wu is really worthless!

"There are thousands of Wudi, and their accomplishments are all level one or two. This is a good thing!" Wang Hao scratched his chin, thinking about whether to include the thousand emperors.

After all, with the burial potion and devil scroll, it's very easy to put it together.

What makes Wang Hao tangle is that the two Heaven burial potions in his hand are very powerful. There is no problem in poisoning wuzun. They can now be used to deal with a group of Emperor Wu. It seems that some chickens are killed with ox knives.

"Well, there's nothing to worry about. If the sky medicine is not enough, I'll go to find qiulinghan." Wang Hao smiled, clicked on the smart bracelet, and dialed an IP address.

Soon, two men appeared on the holographic screen.

Wang Hao said with a smile, "you are Lin Yun and Muye of the higher Terran from Tianyang system!"

"You are Wang Hao!?" Lin Yun frowned, "why do you have our contact information?"!? What else do you want me to do? "

"It's very easy to get in touch with you. If you want to find me, you can come to the border line between the alien and the Terran. I'll wait for you there." Wang Hao smiled and turned off the call.

In the Dark Universe.

A huge spaceship is in motion.

On the spaceship, Lin Yun and Muye from the Tianyang system have heavy faces.

They didn't expect that Wang Hao would know in advance that they had come, and he also took the initiative to find them.

"Muye, Wang Hao is as mysterious as it is said." Lin Yun's face was heavy.

Muye nodded. "We didn't contact anyone after we got here to prevent the news from leaking, but Wang Hao knew we were here, and there were our contact methods. It seems that I despised him earlier."

Lin Yun frowned and asked, "what do you think Wang Hao has in the end? Just ask us to meet openly!"

"I don't know!" Muye shook his head. "It seems that we need to have a good understanding of Wang Hao. Otherwise, the boat capsized in the gutter, which is obviously not the result we want to see."

Lin Yun nodded and felt that what Muye said was reasonable. He quickly linked to the network of the human race and began to look for information about Wang Hao.

But the next second, two people silly eyes, see the network everywhere can see Wang Hao's name.

What they didn't understand was that the whole ethnic group was scolding Wang Hao.

"Damn Wang Hao, I didn't expect that he was such a person. I thought that he was a national hero who endured humiliation."

"I don't believe that Wang Hao will betray the people. He is the son of Marshal Wang Tianyi."

"What happened to Wang Tianyi's son? Who stipulated that Wang Tianyi's son could not betray? "

"That's right. Marshal Wang Tianyi has been missing for eight years. There's no time to educate him."

"It's a routine to cheat us to build an epic aircraft carrier. Now we're running with an epic aircraft carrier."

"What about Zhengqi? Come out and explain what's going on! "

"That's right. I donated money because I believed in Zhengqi society."

"I believe that marshal Wang Tianyi donated money."

"I don't care about other things now. I want to ask, the inheritance hall that Wang Hao said can't be opened."

"I'm still farting. Wang Hao has run away. Who's going to drive!?"

"It's all a routine. It's a trick on our money."

"Zhengqi society and Wang Tianyi are accomplices. But for them, how could Wang Hao cheat our money?"

"That's right. Go find them!"

"If you want to be upright, you will pay back the money with Wang Tianyi..."

"Zhengqi meeting, Wang Tianyi pays back the money, pay back the money quickly..."

"If you don't pay back, you can open the inheritance hall."

"Yes, the reason why we actively donate is because of the inheritance hall."

"Yes, as long as the inheritance hall is opened, everything is easy to say."


"It seems that the character of this super genius is not so good!" Lin Yun's face is muddled. He really can't understand why a super genius should do these things.

Don't he understand that as long as talent is transformed into strength, then he will have the world at his fingertips, and there is no need to make his reputation stink.

"No matter what Wang Hao's character is, if the news is true, then Wang Hao has five epic aircraft carriers in his hands. If we really fight, we have no advantage at all!" The news is not too pleasant for them.

"What should we do now?" Lin Yun couldn't help asking.

Muye thought for a moment and said coldly, "well, I've been prepared for that, and I've brought seven level black magnetic pulser. Even if he's fierce, he's still a technology weapon."

"How thoughtful of you!"

Lin Yun's mouth flashed with a smile. As long as there are seven levels of black magnetic pulser, Wang Hao's epic aircraft carrier is just a decoration.

We need to know that these seven level black magnetic pulsers are the killers of warships and aircraft carriers. As long as they are activated, the black magnetic waves released by them will make the warships and aircraft carriers of the giant things paralyzed and become a pile of scrap iron.

And even if you open the energy shield, you can't defend against this kind of black magnetic wave, unless you have a higher technology defense technology, but in terms of the current technology of the human race, obviously you won't have this technology defense technology.

"I've already said that this is just an inferior race who has gone through shit." The herdsman disdained to turn his mouth.

Lin Yun shrugs his shoulders and doesn't speak, but he doesn't agree with Makino's words.

If Wang Hao is really just lucky, then he will definitely not have today's achievements.

However, Wang Hao is so arrogant that he doesn't know what it means to be intolerant. Let them know his existence in advance. Otherwise, if Wang Hao is intolerant for more than ten years, they can only look up to Wang Hao and dare not come to trouble him at all.

Because when they were eighteen years old, they did not even have the right to give Wang Hao shoes.

But now they are strong and Wang Hao is weak. If Wang Hao doesn't hand over the inheritance obediently, the end will be doomed. He will never have a chance to turn ove