V1.Chapter 50

The boy immediately stopped and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

After astonishment, his heart began to spread joy.

Late at night, his eyes seemed to be shining.

"Kill it! Then take blood and drink it."

"I'm really dying of thirst."

Zhen Jin shouted in his heart.

But immediately, the joy in his heart subsided, and hesitation led to a large film.

"From a distance, this beast is very big. It seems to lie on the sand. Even so, it is more than two meters tall."

"So far away, its breath can't be felt. It seems to converge?"

"It's not easy for such a big body to survive in the desert. That means it's powerful."

"If it's a silver level, no, even a black iron level Warcraft, then I'm very dangerous!"

In this dangerous island, golden Warcraft are not rare.

Zhen Jin hesitated for a few breaths, and then made a decision.

He still chose to attack!

Without food and water, his condition will get worse and worse. The desert is barren and vast, unlike the landform of rainforest forest. If Zhen Jin gives up this opportunity, then does he want to meet the right prey to hunt?

This opportunity is not at all great.

Therefore, it is wise to attack at this time while he is still physically fit.

"If you encounter danger, you can only hope on the ability of sudden mutation."

Zhen Jin secretly gritted his teeth, bent over, slowed down his steps, and quietly approached the behemoth.

In the dark, the monster's body seemed to be in a ball, motionless.

Close enough, needle gold's expression suddenly changed slightly, and his nervous and vigilant expression suddenly dissipated most of the time.

"It turned out to be just a boulder."

Zhen Jin vomited a foul breath and walked close to the "monster" he had originally thought.

Although he is physically superior, he is still human in nature, and his vision is greatly affected at night. If it were the dark elves, they would have seen it clearly, so as not to make such a misunderstanding.

Needle gold looked at the boulder in front of him.

Boulders appear oval, standing silently in the dark. The surface of the boulder faintly flickers with some micro metallic luster, but it is pockmarked, completely insulated from the word "smooth", with countless small holes.

Strangely, from these sesame like small holes, a warm breath constantly spreads out.

The needle was stunned for a moment, and the words before cangxu came to mind.

"Is this the gneiss?"

Gneiss is a mixture of iron, gold, earth and other minerals. According to different places of origin, the composition and the proportion between the components of gneiss are different.

The exploration team has also encountered a large group of gneiss, and cangxu preliminarily concluded that these gneiss contain rich gold.

Unfortunately, specific means are needed to extract gold from the huge and heavy gneiss.

The exploration team does not have the ability to extract. Of course, the most important thing for them is to save themselves, and then find water and food to give to the camp later.

"There are often groups of gold gneiss, but there is only one here."

Needle gold touched the surface of the boulder with his hand, feeling both lost and happy.

He was disappointed that there was no harvest of food and water, but he was also lucky to find a piece of gneiss.

This kind of boulder is exposed to the sun during the day, absorbing heat and storing it in the stone core. Even in the cold and biting night of the desert, the golden gneiss is still very warm.

This solves a big problem for needle gold.

His clothes looked very thin in the middle of the night.

Just now, he was worried that there was no material to make a fire. Now he can directly rely on this boulder to protect the heat and resist the harsh cold.

The night passed like this, but Zhen Jin opened his eyes again and found that the sun had begun to appear on the horizon.

It is dawn.

Zhen Jin moved his hands and feet a little. He was glad to find that his physical fitness had recovered a lot and he had a good rest last night.

His body got enough breathing, and his spirit calmed down because of plenty of time.

What made him happy was that he was not sleepy, but always vigilant and nervous.

He woke up twoorthree times at night because the cold wind blowing in the desert at night was too strong, exceeding the warning line in his heart.

After waking up, he quickly fell asleep again.

This made him very satisfied.

"It seems that I have received such training, or experienced such an experience, in order to maintain sleep and vigilance at the same time."

It is not easy to do this.

Zhen Jin has a new understanding of himself.

This time, Zhen Jin woke up because he heard strange sounds again.

The news came from the northeast.

"The sound is very strange. It seems that there is a snake?"

The golden gneiss inhabited by needle gold is located at the waist of the sand dune. The needle gold thought a move, then slowed down and approached the top of the sand dune carefully.

At the top, he slowly stretched out his head and observed carefully.

It's dawn, and the light is not enough.

First of all, what came into his eyes were pieces of gneiss. There are hundreds of stones, with different spacing and different sizes, which are placed on the chessboard made of sand dunes like chess pieces.

This undoubtedly confirms Cang Xu's words - things like gneiss appear in pieces. The golden gneiss inhabited by needle gold is just the most marginal piece.

Then, the pupil of needle gold shrinks slightly.

He saw that two herds were confronting each other in the golden hemp group.

One herd is green lizards, and the other herd is golden scorpions.

Lizards are as big as war horses, while scorpions are smaller.

The lizard hissed like a snake, and the scorpion rustled. Both sides were threatening each other.

Zhen Jin is woken up, which is the mix of these two sounds.

Needle gold heart a tight.

He sensed the life breath of these two beasts. Lizards and scorpions had at least black iron level, and the head of the herd was silver level.

"Not counting variation, a silver Warcraft alone can bring me a fatal threat."

"Black iron Warcraft can kill me if it reaches a certain number."

The principle of variation has not been explored clearly.

He can't use his fighting spirit now, and there is no answer to his prayers. He has no armor on his body. The only thing that makes him a little comforted is the weapon in his hand.

But this silver weapon has also been worn out over time.

The legs of the blade spider are really the best material for making weapons. However, this material must be treated to stabilize its magic and retain its sharpness.

However, needle gold is simply used, shoddy, and has not been treated at all. As time goes on, this spider foot sword will become weaker and weaker.

Therefore, needle gold did not act rashly, squatting in place to observe quietly.

At present, he did not know why the two herds faced off. No matter which side it is, he doesn't want to provoke.

The boy secretly prayed while looking at it: "if these two herds fight, it may create opportunities for me to harvest some food."

It seemed that after hearing the prayer of Zhen Jin, the two herds, who were ready to move, finally became impatient and began to fight.

But it was not a large-scale battle, but the leader of the herd rushed into the center of the battlefield alone and launched a one-on-one battle.


The green lizard uttered a terrible scream, and then opened his mouth and spit out a stream of thick green acid.

The acid hit the golden scorpion directly.

The golden scorpion immediately blocked his face with huge pliers, like a shield, and successfully protected his eyes.


A white smoke immediately rose from the surface of the two giant claws of the golden scorpion.

When Zhen Jin narrowed his eyes, he keenly found that some acid splashed on the golden gneiss, which corroded the golden gneiss into a fist sized hole within a few breaths!

"If it's sprayed on my body without breath protection, I'm afraid after twoorthree breaths, I'll only have bones left."

What made needle gold's heart slightly relaxed was that after spewing out this large stream of acid, the lizard leader immediately became listless and took the initiative to retreat.

Obviously, this acid is not its conventional means of combat.

However, the lizard retreated, but the golden scorpion moved faster.

The two approaches quickly.

The green lizard immediately opened its mouth and screamed again, as if to spray green liquid again.

But the golden scorpion is more cunning. He has already lifted his claws and blocked them in front of him.

At the same time, it cocked up its scorpion tail at least two meters long and stabbed it hard!

The scorpion tail is sharp, like the head of a knight's spear.

The head of the green lizard was directly pierced by the scorpion tail, making a huge round hole as deep as the brain.

This is a fatal wound!

With a successful strike, the golden scorpion immediately retreated.

Retreat very quickly.

From the round hole above the head of the green lizard, like a fountain, white brains mixed with light green blood gushed out.

The leader of the green lizard hissed violently, and at the last moment, it erupted into a fierce attack.

The corrosive green liquid in my mouth gushed out again, without accuracy, like a green light column sweeping at random.

When the huge gneiss was swept, strong white smoke rose immediately, making a murmuring sound, and then melted in the sun like snow.

The green skinned lizards of the same race were also affected, and the lizards fell into panic. The unlucky people screamed, and some feet and limbs were corroded, revealing white bones. Some eyes are madly plunged into the sand, trying to save themselves.

A small number of golden scorpions were attacked by green liquid, and their shells softened rapidly. After a few breaths, only the end of a scorpion's tail was left.

Silver level golden scorpions can resist the green liquid, but most black iron golden scorpions cannot resist it.

Fortunately, the outbreak of the green lizard only lasted a few breaths.

Soon, the green liquid in its mouth didn't come out again.

Losing their leader, the green lizards retreated. The golden scorpions won the victory, but they didn't follow the victory as predicted by Zhijin.

After the golden scorpions drove away the green lizards, they even abandoned their bodies and surrounded the golden gneiss in twos and threes.

In the surprised eyes of Zhen Jin, these golden scorpions first poked with their Scorpions' tails, pierced the golden gneiss, and worked together to break the huge golden gneiss.

Then, with huge pliers, they clamped the golden gneiss scattered on the sand into smaller pieces.

Finally, they put these pieces of gneiss into their mouths and chew them constantly.

"So these golden stones are the food of these golden scorpions?" Looking at this scene in front of me, Zhen Jin thought about it.

Needle gold couldn't help rolling her Adam's apple.

He watched these golden scorpions gulp, and his hunger and thirst were stimulated more strongly.

He waited patiently.

After eating for more than half an hour, the golden scorpion finally rustled away, leaving a debris.

After confirming the safety, Zhen Jin rushed to the original battlefield with excitement.

Those Warcraft killed by acid are inedible.

But the head of the lizard sprayed all the acid, drained the blood and brain, and still kept the intact meat.

Needle gold then used the weapon in his hand to cut open the lizard's head and get its meat.

Needle gold just slept and watched a fight, and the food suddenly became enough!

"But I still lack water."

"Can I have such luck again?"

The boy's excitement and joy gradually calmed down.

There was also some residual acid. Needle gold was carefully contaminated with its own weapons.

Needle gold waited patiently for a moment and found that the silver level spider blade was still as hard and sharp as ever, slightly relieved.

At this time, the sun began to show the horizon, and Zhijin's vision became better and better.

The temperature also began to rise.

Knowing that this was a rare opportunity to hurry, Zhen Jin was about to start when his pupils narrowed sharply.

"Is this?!"

A touch of pink appeared in his vision, which shocked him.