V1.Chapter 93

The boatman is in a critical situation.

Bat monkeys are extremely flexible. They have powerful limbs and jump rapidly. They can also use their wings to make various movements in the air.

Although he is strong and has never practiced martial arts, he just fights with his own strength and can't protect the old boatman at all.

Even being stupid is a threat in itself.

Zhen Jin was very worried that when the little giant moved his feet, he would trample on the old boatman and crush the old man on the spot.

"Ho ho!"

"Get away, all the annoying flies!"

The silly man waved the stick in his hand, but he couldn't hit the bat monkey. He was injured more and more, and he began to lose his mind.

A bat monkey suddenly drilled its crotch and jumped at the old boatman.

The fool didn't react at all.

But just then, an arrow swished in and shot the bat monkey immediately.

The silly man knew later and was stunned when he saw the bat monkey shot.

At this moment, a bat monkey took the opportunity to pounce on the silly big head and stretch out its claws to pull out the silly big eyes.

At the same time, two more bat monkeys, one left and one right, rushed at the old boatman.

If a fool wants to keep his eyes, he can't protect the old boatman. To protect the old boatman, he will be blind.

At the critical moment, the fool didn't hesitate. He grabbed the bat monkey on the left with one hand and waved a stick with the other hand, trying to hit the bat monkey on the right.

He would rather sacrifice his eyes than keep the old boatman!

The bat monkey on the left screamed, slapped his wings fiercely, and retreated back, avoiding the big fool's grasp.

The bat monkey on the right suddenly became short and lay on the ground, avoiding the sweeping of the stick.

The bat monkey on the top of the silly big head has almost inserted its claws into the silly big eyes.


At the next moment, three sharp arrows seemed to fall from the sky and shoot the three bat monkeys on the spot!

The silly man was stunned again, subconsciously looking at the direction of the arrow.

He saw a young knight with blond hair and blue eyes, holding a crossbow in one hand and a thin sword in the other, charging forward.

Needle gold tried to get close to silly big man. With his long-range firepower, silly big man and the boatman almost saved their lives.

However, at this time, a noisy scream suddenly came out of the forest.


A large number of bat monkeys suddenly came out from the woods. The scale of this bat monkey group is the largest seen by Zhijin. There are three black iron level Warcraft bat monkey feet, more than 30 bronze level, and the number of ordinary bat monkeys exceeds 100!

"Bad." Needle gold's pupils shrunk, helplessly watching the bats and monkeys roll up, besieging herself halfway.

Bat monkeys attack from all directions, from the sky and the earth.

Pin Jin dodged left and right, sometimes jumping and jumping, sometimes curling and rolling, but no bat monkey could hit him.

"This feeling..." Zhen Jin thought of his fighting experience of attacking lizards alone. The situation now is very similar to that at that time. Although he is surrounded by enemies, he is not panicked at all. He maintains a calm as ice and snow. It seems that he has a natural instinct, so that he can always find the best escape route and avoid falling into a trap.

While dodging, needle gold is also fighting back.

The crossbows and arrows in the arrow box were quickly used up. More than 20 ordinary bat monkeys died, and the needle gold almost didn't fail.

However, there are too many bat monkeys besieging him.

Almost eight of the new batch of bat monkeys are concentrated here.

The replacement of the arrow box of the continuous firing crossbow is actually relatively simple. But the besieged needle gold must always Dodge, and there is no chance to replace the arrow box.

In this case, heijuan lent him a thin sword and silver electricity, which brought great help to needle gold.

The thin sword was waved in his hand. In the lightning silver light, there were always bat monkeys with severed limbs. When the blood splashed, it was accompanied by the screams of bat monkeys.

The thin sword is worthy of being the Hei Juan's heirloom, and the bronze bat monkey can also be easily pierced and killed. The black roll can't Pierce. It's completely lack of strength, which is not comparable to needle gold.

Yes, the needle gold has now changed its arms into bear arms.

As for whether it can threaten black iron bat monkeys, it remains to be practiced.

Three black iron bat monkeys were flying in midair, staring at needle gold, but kept screaming, and there was no end to the battle.

Although needle gold gained the upper hand and continued to harvest the lives of bat monkeys, he was also bound in place and could not rush to rescue the boatman.

Without the support of Zijin's flying arrows, the fool fell into crisis again.

"Don't hurt Dad!" The silly man kept watch over the old boatman and kept driving away the bat monkeys, but the bat monkeys moved forward and backward freely, and would rush up and bite off a piece of flesh and blood on the silly man in a little space.

The old boatman also suffered several attacks.

Seeing that the old boatman had added new injuries, the silly man was anxious. With a loud roar, he suddenly bent down and arched his back to form a semicircle, protecting the old boatman in the middle.

The bats and monkeys around excitedly shouted their swords in unison, rushed forward, and constantly scratched and bit on the stupid people.

The silly man was soon covered with scars and bleeding.

But he clenched his teeth, bowed his head, and endured the constant attack of pain. His limbs curled up as much as possible, trying his best to maintain close protection for the old boatman.

His back, his arms, and his thighs soon became bloody.

"Damn it!" Zhen Jin sensed this situation and moved more rapidly, trying to fight a bloody path.

But the next moment, the trees trembled slightly, and there was a loud noise.

A rhinoceros rushed to the battlefield.

"Is that silver rhinoceros again?!" Pin Jin saw the rhinoceros hit him.

Rhinoceros is stout and looks like silver pouring up and down. It is two meters high. A hoof larger than a stone mill can form a shallow pit on the ground every time you step on it.

It charged with its head down, faster and faster. The rhinoceros horn on its head was thick and sharp. It was a frightening huge weapon!

Needle gold hurriedly dodged, and it was unwise to confront this rhinoceros.

He even suspected that even if he turned into a silver scorpion and stopped in front of the charging rhinoceros, he would be crushed and crushed.

Fortunately, the rhinoceros charged up, the route was straight, and it could not turn at will. It weighs too much and has strong inertia. If you want to turn the direction, you must slow down first.

Bat monkeys were also shocked by the charging rhinoceros and dispersed in a crowd.

The route was too obvious, and Zhen Jin easily avoided the rhinoceros.

But the next moment, the scattered bat monkeys surrounded the needle gold again.

The silver rhinoceros finally hit the tree, and three trees in a row were broken by it. For a time, the earth shook and the leaves whirled.

Dong Dong Dong

The silver rhinoceros shook its head, adjusted its direction, stepped away and charged again.

But this time, its goal is no longer needle gold, but a little closer and more conspicuous fool!

"Bad!" Seeing the silver rhinoceros hit the silly big one, pin Jin changed her face.

"Big fool, get away!" The crew on the hillside roared and hurried to remind.

The big fool shook his head and shouted, "big man doesn't hide, big man protects Dad!"

He buried his head and couldn't see the silver rhinoceros charging.

Needle gold wanted to save, but was stopped by bat monkeys.

Seeing that the silly man was about to be killed by the silver rhinoceros on the spot, the old boatman was afraid that he would also be killed by the rhinoceros before he became meat mud. At this time, a burly figure suddenly jumped down from the crown of the tree and suddenly blocked the way of the silver rhinoceros' charge.


The next moment, the silver rhinoceros bumped into the burly figure with a strong knot and made a thrilling noise.

But the burly figure was not hit and fell!

He is still straight with a strong waist, with the chest of steel armor against the silver rhinoceros horn.

His legs bulged with exaggerated muscle radians, touching the ground, firmly supporting the burly upper body.

The rhinoceros has too much power to charge, and it moves forward with a burly figure.

"Ah --!"

The burly figure roared with his mouth open, and his voice shook the field.

The rhinoceros charged slower and slower, and finally stopped.

The burly figure retreated hundreds of meters, and his legs were almost stuck in the soil. The armor on his chest had been completely deformed and sunken into a pit. The ribs on his chest must have broken!

The roar of the burly figure also stopped with the rhinoceros, and one person and one beast stared at each other.

Suddenly, the burly figure opened his mouth and spewed a mouthful of blood.


He laughed wildly.

Then the next moment, he grabbed the horn of the rhinoceros with his wide left hand, and then raised his right fist.


Bang bang!

Bang Bang

The fist hit the hard skull of the silver rhinoceros like a rainstorm.

The silver rhinoceros howled, wanted to raise its head, and used its horns to lift the tall figure away, but it failed.

Its rhinoceros horn was seized by the burly figure, and its head and eyes were constantly pounded by the violent fist. The sharp pain and dizziness made the white bud rhinoceros fall into a state of rage, and its four hoofs frantically trampled on the ground, with thick leg muscles and cardia, bringing strong thrust. But its head was still pressed firmly on the mud by the burly figure.

The burly figure is more than two meters tall, with beards and long brown hair scattered on his shoulders. His pupils are also yellowish brown. His exposed skin has a thin layer of lion hair.

"This time, I'll see where you're going. Ah ah!"

The burly figure kept shouting, and the violent rage made people jumpy. Under his iron fist, the silver rhinoceros became a weak being bullied.

"He must be Zongge!" A dignified color flashed in needle gold's eyes, "this guy, is there really only black iron cultivation?"