V1.Chapter 96

The crew were restless, and their eyes on Zhen Jin also showed doubts.

"Careful, pay attention to your words!" Cyanobacteria moves forward.

But the next moment, Zhen Jin reached out to stop him.

Needle gold calmly looked at the excited string with blue eyes: "I'm just seeking truth from facts and upholding justice."

"The identity of orcs should not be an obstacle for us to explore the real murderer."

"If the real murderer is not the real murderer, please think about it carefully: you framed an innocent person, and because you took away the Revenge of the boatman without permission, you implicated more innocent people on the same ship, and trapped them to death. The real murderer may still be alive, right next to you, watching you frame up casually, and taking the fight between you and the others as a good play."

"If that's the case, don't you think it's connivance to evil and the dust of justice?"

Zhen Jin's tone was always stable. This rhetorical question made her blush, but she could only be speechless.

The crew's detailed discussion also calmed down, and they had to admit that what Zhen Jin said was very reasonable.

"If you have conclusive evidence, I will uphold justice for you. Believe me, this is my promise to you, a temple knight." Needle gold patted SISO's shoulder.

Xisuo opened his mouth and looked at Zhen Jin speechless. He turned his head and looked at the expressionless mane Ge again. This talent Ju said, "Lord Zhen Jin, I believe you."

Zi Di narrowed her eyes: "but Lord Zhijin, we have found traces of the gang of Zongge and Sandao. They deliberately cleaned the battlefield and cleaned up their footprints. This action itself contains malice, doesn't it?"

"This is my habit." Mane Ge rarely took the initiative to explain, and what Zhen Jin said before made his impression of the young knight a lot better.

"I must be responsible for myself and our gang. Even if the boatman doesn't want to go with me, I will try my best to catch him alive!" Zongge made no secret of his intention.

"Bad guys!" Hearing this, the fool angrily hammered the stick to the ground.

At this time, needle gold remembered the guess of black roll.

He stared at the mane Ge: "this is the style of soldiers. Have you served in the army? Which army?"

Mane Ge snorted coldly, without refutation, but without answer, but said, "are you interrogating the prisoner, Templar?"

"Of course not." Zhen Jin shook his head. "However, this matter needs to be solved after all. Good communication is the premise of cooperation. If you repeatedly refuse to prove yourself, how can we trust you?"

Mane Ge sneered: "you want me to prove myself? How can you prove your identity? Can we be convinced by some people running out casually, calling you a noble and saying you are a Templar? I heard that every Templar is watched by the holy emperor all the time. Maybe you should pray to the gods and drop magic, so that we can believe it."

Zhen Jin immediately clenched the handle of the sword, frowned deeply, his face sank, and his eyes became as cold as ice. He shouted low, "mane Ge, pay attention to your words! How dare you despise the gods! I carry the eyes of the emperor of the Holy Spirit, which is the blessing of the gods. Magic is a gift of the gods, not a performance or a proof of identity. Apologize to me now, immediately! Otherwise you will meet the anger of a temple Knight!"

Zhen Jin said, taking a step forward and approaching the mane Ge.

Cyanobacteria, black roll and others behind him all stroked their weapons. Zidi reached into her bag, and the silly man picked up the stick and roared from the depths of his throat. In such a short time, the wound on the little giant has stopped bleeding. Giant blood gave him strong resilience.

Zongge's face changed slightly, and he also realized that he had said the wrong thing.

He stroked his chest with his right hand, bowed his head to pin Jin, and saluted, "it's my fault. How can I dare to despise a God? This is my sin. I swear that I will contribute 300 gold to the temple of the saint as my punishment for this utterance. In addition, I will kneel in front of the priest of the saint and take the initiative to repent today's sin."

This is the age of gods.

Defamation of gods is indeed damned by God.

Just as nobility should be high above others, faith is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Even Sandao and others who follow Zong Ge are nervous when they hear what Zong Ge just said, and privately think that Zong Ge is too reckless.

Seeing that Zong GE's attitude of admitting his mistake was very sincere, Zhen Jin's face was a little Ji.

Black volume suddenly said, "wait! Mane Ge, dare you swear to the God you believe that you are not the murderer who attacked the camp and killed the captain?"

"Attack the camp?" Mane Ge doubts.

"Our camp suffered from the impact of bat monkeys and rhinoceros. Dare you swear that these herds are not under your control?" Black volume continued to ask.

Mane Ge snorted coldly, hugged his arms and raised his head, and shut up.

The people around Sandao were angry and laughed, "what an imagination!"

"Use your brain, we are all here."

"How do we control these beasts?"

Heijuan sneered: "how do you explain that our No. 2 camp, as well as the cableway and the boatman have just been besieged by the herd."

"We have also been attacked. Why should we doubt us?!"

Black volume stared at mane Ge and narrowed his eyes: "you are a orc, even if you have no special means. These people around you may not have no!"

Three knives stared at the black volume indifferently and asked faintly, "can the orcs control the herd? Is it because of the orc blood?"

Black volume sneered: "then why can you appear in time to save the stupid man and the boatman? How can you explain this?"

"So, are we wrong if we save the boatman in time?"

"Didn't your knight also appear in time?" Someone immediately asked.

"After all, because we are not pure blood Terrans, you doubt us!" The people around Sandao were filled with righteous indignation.

"Stop talking." Zongge stretched out his hand to stop the quarrel. He looked at Zhen Jin, and his attitude became cold and tough again. "I don't have any explanation for this matter. I don't need to explain it to you."

Zhen Jin sighed deeply and stopped the people behind him from questioning.

"It's pointless to continue arguing."

"Come on, let's go back to the camp." Zhijin actively invited Zongge and others.


"My Lord!"

"Sir, are you going to take these goods back to the camp?"

Xisuo and others stared wide eyed and were quite surprised by Zhen Jin's decision.

Needle gold slowly glanced at these people with blue eyes. His eyes were clear and sincere: "otherwise?"

"We are all in the same boat. We are all victims of the shipwreck."

"We now have wounded people who need to go back to the camp for rehabilitation. And they also have wounded people who were injured because of rescuing the boatman. This is what I saw with my own eyes."

"Seeing is not believing, my Lord." Black volume said, "what if it's a bitterness play? A bitterness trick?"

"Thank you for your reminder." Zhen Jin looked at heijuan admiringly. "What you said is reasonable. It is indeed possible. However, there are other possibilities, aren't there?"

"Before all the possibilities and all the doubts are really confirmed, we should not deny another possibility because of one possibility. Mane Ge may be wronged, isn't it?"

"Please imagine, if he is a pure blood Terran rather than a orc, will your doubts about him be much less?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Zhen Jin turned around again and looked at the man on the side of Zongge.

"We come from many places, and we have different identities, but here, we are all victims who have fallen to the island and want to escape."

"Our goals are the same. We should unite together. Any doubt, indifference, disgust, opposition, etc. will make it difficult for us to cooperate, thus reducing the possibility of our escape here."

"I am the Knights Templar pin Jin. Here I promise you that I will treat anyone fairly and justly, no matter where he comes from, no matter what race he is, no matter what blood he has. I will also severely punish the criminals, punish the real murderers, and don't let the evil go unpunished. I will do my best to take the lead, lead everyone, and seek the hope of salvation!"

For a moment, everyone looked at the blonde boy and was moved by his decisive words.

"Are you... Willing to accept us?" Three knives were slightly stunned.

As a mercenary commander, he has dealt with many kinds of beings. However, even if he is a goblin with rich life experience, he rarely sees such an equal superior and noble person!

Zhen Jin smiled, "I'm a Templar, and I won't deceive you with lies."

"Templar..." many people chew the word, and they are a little distracted.

"Interesting." Mane Ge rubbed his chin. He looked at pin Jin deeply and looked at the young knight in front of him with a new look.

The next moment, the brave soldier's voice was slightly raised: "good! Then I'll follow you back."

"Your Excellency?" The people around Zongge were surprised.

Like Sisuo and others guarding against mane Ge, mane Ge is also guarding against each other.

Sandao immediately said, "your decision is my decision."

The former mercenary regiments who objected to this immediately shut up.

The rescue of Zijin to the slender rope, the boatman and others was very timely and successful.

Although bat monkeys and silver rhinoceros attacked fiercely, everyone was only injured, and no one was injured.

The journey back was smooth, and a large number of people returned to the camp safely.

"Is there an arrow tower?"

"They built the camp so quickly?"

"Here has also been attacked by beasts."

"Didn't you say it? It's a batch of bat monkeys and the silver rhinoceros!"

People around Sandao talked a lot.

Muban and others were first overjoyed when they saw Zhen Jin and Sisuo, and then showed their surprise when they saw Zongge and his party.

After the explanation of heijuan and others, as well as the appeasement of needle gold, Muban and others reluctantly accepted this fact.

However, under their strong statement, Zongge and others were not admitted to the camp after all, but were temporarily stationed nearby.

PS: poor subscription, guys.

To be honest, it was a little unexpected. When this book was on the shelves, there were more than 80000 collections, but at present, the first order is only more than 2000, and both orders are more than 1000. This subscription ratio is a little unreasonable.

In the morning, I analyzed the reasons:

The slow pace of this book, especially in the early stage, has led to more and more people raising books.

Because of the group image and plot of the book, the film structure is adopted, and there are many foreshadows laid. The pen power is scattered to each character, resulting in the lack of dense conflict points, which makes people have no motivation to catch up.

Before the protagonist's awakening, the style of the Templar's Wei Guangzheng and Fang Yuan are completely two extremes. Let a large number of our former book friends lose patience.

4. The setting of the power system is old and has no new ideas.

There are too many improvements, too big steps, pulling the egg.

There may be other reasons. I will reflect and actively adjust.

Let's appeal. Students who want to see pirated copies should try to read the original version as much as possible. Each chapter of the original subscription is only a few cents.

Indeed, such a writing technique may not be in line with the reading habits of online articles.

I had expected this, but I didn't expect it to be so miserable.

As I said in my debut speech, I put down any burden of fame and explored a new writing path as a pure author. Therefore, no matter what the final result is, I will accept it calmly.

I firmly believe that a good novel is a good novel. Solid and wonderful story content will have natural attraction, and gradually there will be more book friends who can appreciate this way of writing.

Just like when Gu Zhenren was first written, it was similar to the current situation, and then it was written slowly.

So please rest assured that I will still go all out to create. Like my other books, this book will not be eunuch or unfinished as long as it is not a strong external cause.

I want to see some book friends say something about explosive change, but I can't do it anymore. Writing in groups, adjusting the plot, and learning to absorb knowledge all require a lot of time and energy. At present, two shift is the limit, and it may be adjusted to one shift in the future because of the concept of quality first. But I'll try my best.

I have to sigh that in the past ten years, the formation of the writing law with the characteristics of online writing has a strong practical foundation. It is natural for most people to choose the characteristic writing method of online text for such a subscription incentive mechanism. After all, you have to eat first to survive.

But I will stick to it.

I think the moonlight is more beautiful. If I write like this, I will write a more beautiful novel!