V1.Chapter 182

The betrayal of the four protectionist knights to Jisha seemed unexpected, but on reflection, it was not surprising.

It is impossible for the four of them to turn to Zidi, but Zhen Jin is another matter.

The blood of needle gold is noble, it is a genuine aristocrat, and it is also a temple knight.

Needle gold and scab sand have the same status, and both believe in the same God. The clergy of the saints often fought with the Knights Templar. Every head of the Knights Templar is equivalent to a cardinal, one level higher than the bishop.

The protectionist knights are not the direct lineage of Jisha. Originally, the six protectionist knights were only ordered to protect the priest, but now there are only four.

It seems that the state of Jisha is very wrong. Moreover, no matter how much credit is given, it is more significant to Jisha's superiors. It is still a question how much credit the four protectionist knights can get.

The drying up trend of the mana pool is too fierce, and the four protectionist knights are also worried that they will become victims in case of insufficient mana.

After all, Knights Templar and priests cannot hurt each other. There is no such saying about the status and identity of these four people.

In the view of the four people, saving their own lives is the first choice. Needle gold, who wants to survive, has become their best loyal object!

Now, the attitude and choice of Zhijin has become the key.

"Lord Zhijin!" Zidi calls.

Looking at his fiancee, pin Jin nodded, turned around, and stared at scabs severely.

The priest's heart sank violently.

"Father Cha Sha, now I ask you to quit the fight for authority!" Needle gold drank low.

Zidi vomited a mouthful of turbid air, which she didn't expect. At the critical moment, Zhen Jin still chose to stand on her side.

Scabby sand rage.

"Even if you kill me, I won't quit this fight!"

Zhen Jin shook his head and softened his tone: "how could I lay hands on a priest? I will only knock you unconscious."

"Knock me unconscious?" Scab sand sneered, and immediately a touch of holy light poured out of his body.

His physical condition at the moment is very worrying. The whole person is like a skin wrapped on the surface of a bone.

In the past, the noble holy light seemed to seep on him.

"Do you think I can't fight back? In this demon forbidden environment, you can't fight. How can you resist my magic?" These words immediately made pin Jin and the four protectionist Knights hesitate.

Jisha continued to say to the four protectionist knights, "I can understand the choices of the four of you. But if you do this, what will you face even if you go out alive? All your training is to protect the sect and our clergy members. It's OK for you to stand by now. If you really want to fight me, think about it. Even if you survive, you will face punishment and accountability, and you will be much worse than death!"

"This..." the four protectionist Knights looked at each other, and their faces were extremely dignified.

Scab Sha's words were very sharp, which made the four protectionist Knights extremely embarrassed at once.

They only looked at needle gold, and their eyes were all begging needle gold to hand.

Needle gold was stunned.

He dare not!

Along the way, he has fully felt the power of magic.

Now let him deal with scab sand? It is likely that if the magic continues, he will die.

The physical and mental state of Jisha made him anxious. Would he really not kill the Templar? Needle gold dare not gamble.

Even Zidi hesitated: "adults, be careful, don't be rash."

Needle gold is her amulet at the moment. Once needle gold dies, it goes without saying who the four protectionist Knights listen to.

Needle gold gritted her teeth, stared at scab sand, and said tentatively, "you can't kill me!"

Zidi's heart was cold, and Zhijin's words exposed his fear undoubtedly.

Sure enough, the next sentence of Jisha was: "haha, Templar, you can have a try. See if I dare! I can do anything when I'm in a hurry."

Needle gold bit her teeth and looked more hesitant.

He was in a dilemma of choice.

The reason why I was angry just now was that I wanted to live. But now scab sand is incredibly dead in the end, which really makes needle gold helpless.

"If I try to knock out scabs and sand, but I die under his divine skill, isn't it too unjust?"

The risk is too great, and the needle gold is deterred.

The pressure of death also made his brain turn faster than ever before.

He quickly organized the words and persuaded, "scabby sand, the longer the time is delayed, the more mana pool will be consumed. The next artifact may not be transmitted."

"Now, the reason why we are in a stalemate and endless contradictions is nothing more than uneven distribution of contributions!"

"I propose that we share all the credit equally."

"Divide equally?" Zi Di raised her eyebrows, unwilling.

"Please shut up! My fiancee, do you want to die?" Needle gold turned back and scolded severely.

Zidi stopped talking.

"Divide equally? Never!" Cha Sha sneered. He had forced Zhen Jin to submit. At the moment, he couldn't advance an inch. When should he wait?

Jia Sha continued, "do you know how much I paid? Besides, do you think that if you can share the credit equally, you can do it equally? Reward on merit, that's the above thing. Can you interfere with their judgments and decisions?"

Jia Sha's attitude is stronger than before.

Zhen Jin gritted his teeth: "OK, then I'll take a step back. We don't want the third layer! Two artifacts, we only take this big shell. The jade golden coffin is for you."

"It won't work!" Scabby sand growled.

Zhen Jin was stunned and immediately became angry. He roared, "do you understand what you are doing now? Father! You are killing yourself."

"I really don't understand. Why do you need so much credit?"

"Can't we get some?"

"Yes, you made the greatest contribution, but did we all make no contribution? How could you come here safely without the sacrifice of our group? Maybe you died long ago. At least four protectionist knights, there will never be so many left."

"Hahaha" Jia Sha laughed, and his laughter became more and more crazy.

Whether it was the outbreak of needle gold or his negotiation with scab sand, Zidi never stopped attacking scab sand in the whole process.

In order to resist ziti, scab sand can only constantly squeeze himself, regardless of everything.

He is now even older. His white head, which used to be one, has gradually fallen, revealing his bald head with green veins. His eyes were red and completely protruded. He was skinny and seemed to be dying suddenly at any time.

"I won't give in!"

"If you want to die, everyone will die together!"

"Why should I give in to you scum?"

"All the credit is mine, all mine! If you don't give it to me, you'll die together!"

Scabby sand roared, his face twisted, and he seemed to have completely lost his mind.


"Will you calm down?"

"We didn't force you!"

The protectionist Knights panicked.

"I will never give in. I will never give in to things like you!" Scab Sha's mouth was low and murmured, and he kept emphasizing that his eyes were obviously dull, giving people a feeling of unconsciousness.

"Why? We can discuss it. We can solve your problems together." Zhen Jin growled. In the face of such paranoid and tough scabs, he had a headache.

It took a long time for scab sand to react: "why?"

"Ho ho."

"There is only one reason. Listen carefully."

Zhen Jin hurriedly said, "I'm all ears!"

The next moment, scab sand spit out a mouthful of turbid air, and in a weak but determined tone, he whispered, "because I'm scab sand."

"What?" Needle gold is unbelievable.

His expression made Jia Sha laugh. A twisted smile appeared on Jia Sha's face. He repeated, "yes, just because I'm Jia Sha!!"

The rest of the people were all shocked. As Zidi said, the priest seemed to suffer heavy mental damage because of his physical overdraft. He was really delirious - he was crazy!

"I'm Jisha..." the priest's vision gradually blurred. At this moment, he saw his past.

Shengming continent, west coast.

The salty, humid and warm sea breeze blew into the church through the tall ribbed windows.

The soft light of sunset glow shines on the multicolored flower windows, rendering a mysterious atmosphere.

Father Jisha pushed the door open and walked quickly into the cathedral.

With an angry face, he quickly walked through rows of seats and came to the podium. He questioned, "bishop Pingyi, why did you veto my promotion?"

"I have been in this parish for three years! In the past three years, I have been working hard and contributing to the parish. Which day is it not to get up early and go to bed late? Most of the chapels in the parish are built under my supervision, and I have developed almost all the Protestants in these years. I worked hard all night for this. My achievements to be promoted to bishop are more than enough. My piety to Emperor Ming can be learned day and night, and my qualifications are no problem , I can even perform resurrection as a priest! "

"I want to be a bishop! This is my goal for three years."

"Why do you deny it? Everyone else agrees, but it's your denial that has ruined my three-year efforts!"

"Why are you?"

"Are you afraid? Or jealous?! jealous of me, I'm so young, I want to be on an equal footing with you and become the same bishop."

Bishop Pingyi listened quietly to all the words. Then he finished his prayer, turned his head and looked at scab sand.

He is very old, with white hair and snow-white beard. He is tall, but his back is bent because of his age.

Even if he was scolded and scolded, his eyes were still full of gentleness and kindness.

"Young and promising scab sand, anger will not hurt me, but yourself."

"I deny it only because you are not fit to be a bishop."

"Inappropriate? Why do you say I'm inappropriate?!" Scab sand picks eyebrows and erupts again.

Bishop Ping Yi stretched out his broad palm and made a virtual press on the scab sand.

Even though Jia Sha was angry, with the action of bishop Pingyi, his mood was strangely relieved.

Bishop Pingyi slowly said, "three years ago, there was a theft. A young guard under the city Lord stole the treasures in the city Lord's house, and was found. His body was hanging at the city gate for a year. Did you report this?"

Jisha's eyes flickered cold: "yes! The real situation is that the young guard tried to elope with the daughter of the city Lord. Before the action, the guard confessed to me, confessed his betrayal of the city Lord and his guilt of being away from his parents, and prayed for the success of this elopement."

"Hum, this mud legged son, relying on some of his handsome appearance and rhetoric, wants to climb up and wait for others. The daughter of the city Lord is not deep in the world, so he deceived him."

"How can I tolerate the following offenses? It's a great gift for the city Lord to give him the opportunity to serve as a guard. He actually wants to bite the hand that feeds him!"

"So, I was full of anger and told the city master about it overnight. Am I wrong?"

Bishop Pingyi shook his head: "confession is the time for mortals to get close to God. We should forgive. This is a sacred thing and should not be used. You have violated the rules."

"Two years ago, Archbishop Mi Hong came to inspect, and you were responsible for the reception. During the seven days of reception, hundreds of people died in the diocese. Is this true?"

Scab sand nodded, "it's true!"

"However, bishop Pingyi, you know the situation of our parish best. We are too barren here, and the only specialty is silverfish. I launched the congregation to offer a large reward to encourage them to catch the freshest silverfish alive to entertain bishop mihong. Bishop mihong was full of praise for this! It was very dangerous to go deep into the sea to catch silverfish alive, but the congregation was willing to take risks when they heard that they were serving bishop mihong It's dangerous. "

Bishop Pingyi sighed, "however, the money you used to offer a reward is dedicated by these believers. My original plan was to use this money to buy improved seeds, distribute them to people for free, and improve the food in the parish. So that these people can eat real food, rather than mud biscuits made of soil, butter, and sea salt."

Scab Sha raised his eyebrows and said angrily, "this is a good plan, but I don't think it's wrong to use it on Bishop mihong! I'm also using it on the right way, and I haven't swallowed it. I haven't tasted silverfish yet!"

"It's only natural for the inferior to give to the superior."

"Don't take too much care of these people. They are like weeds. They die more and live more. What's the most in the parish? Aren't these people?"

"Bishop Pingyi, I know you are promoted from civilians, and I understand your attitude. But you are too sympathetic to these inferior people."

"In fact, the Terran society is not much different from the jungle and ocean."

"Everyone's identity and level in the future will be determined as soon as they are born."

"The superior are like sea sharks, like tigers, the inferior are fish, shrimp, birds and rabbits. They are born to be sacrificed, and their flesh and blood nourish the superior. This is our Terran society."

"No, more accurately, elves, orcs, dwarves, etc., which one is not like this?"

"Only when the strong rule the weak, the upper class rule the lower class, and the upper and lower classes are superior and inferior, can society be stable, families have order, and empires have hope!"

Bishop Pingyi shook his head and said, "because this money was used for other purposes, a year ago, when the famine came, many people were desperate. It was you who cooperated with the Lord to suppress these people and kill them all. I remember I told you not to act in such a hurry, right?"

Cha Sha sneered: "indeed, bishop, your idea at that time was to mediate and reconcile, so you asked me."

"But I don't want to!"

"These mobs! They dare to resist the Lord, and it makes people angry as long as they think about it! Worms and earthworms should live in the mud, which is their life path. Any lower class who covets the upper class and is full of greed and unwilling must get a bloody lesson!"

"I killed all those who tried to riot, so far the parish is peaceful, and no one resists! This is my contribution!!"

Bishop Pingyi was silent.

A moment later, he sighed and said, "Jisha, I remember you were born in a noble family. You are a bastard, right? You are not qualified to inherit the territory, so you choose to engage in the Ministry. Then, please understand these mortals. To some extent, they are in a very similar situation to you."

Cha Sha laughed: "bishop Pingyi, how can you guess me so? You are still a civilian and can't understand the thoughts of our nobles."

"To tell you the truth, I am not a concubine, but a legitimate son, and even the eldest son!"

"But I voluntarily gave up the right to inherit the territory."


"Because my blood is not excellent, the concentration is very low, and my brother is much better than me in potential."

Bishop Ping Yi was stunned.

"What do you think the world is? What is the cornerstone of the Empire? Bishop Pingyi!" Scab Sha opened his arms, and his voice was so loud that it echoed in the great chapel.

"It is precisely because of our correct thinking!"

"When a person is born, his blood determines his life."

"A mortal without blood has to live in mud all his life, which is actually a kind of protection for him. If you want an earthworm to rise high, it will only burn him to death by the sun."

"Although I have relatively excellent blood, there are much better peers in my family. For the sake of the whole family, I have to give in. There is always competition among lions. We must let the most qualified young lions eat the best meat, so as to have the most powerful lion king of each generation!"

"The family is like this, and the empire is like this. It is precisely because of this that our Terrans will intimidate the world and occupy the first overlord throne!"

"Bishop Pingyi, do you know your idea is dangerous?"

"These mortals are not worth caring about at all! In order to protect them and sacrifice the interests of the superior, you will only make the Lion King weak in the whole lion group. Over time, the Terran will get worse and worse and be overridden by other races."

Bishop Pingyi's face was calm, but his eyes were firm: "if ordinary people don't deserve to care, then what am I?"

"This is the fairness of fate."

"Among countless mortals, there will always be oneortwo lucky ones who stand out."

"But what is it?"

"It's a miracle to put it on you. From the perspective of families, an aristocratic family will continue to produce extraordinary people. What about mortals? There may not be one of tens of thousands of people in a few years. From the perspective of empires, almost all high-level people are of noble origin! Even those with mortal status are unique exceptions."

"Forget it, look at your expression, you know your paranoia."

Scab Sha spit out a foul breath and sneered, "you can't convince me, and I can't convince you. Then come on, bishop Pingyi, I officially propose to you a duel within the church!"

Intra religious duel is one of the characteristics of Shengming sect, because Shengming emperor is the God of victory.

Once there is a dispute, the winner of the duel within the church will also win the dispute.

A big war lasted for midnight.

A few days later, Jisha said goodbye to bishop Pingyi.

"I can cure the scar on your face." Pingyi Bishop said.

"No, I kept it on purpose." Scab Sha's face was calm, but his eyes were filled with hate. "I want to continue my life with it."

"I want it to remind me all the time of the humiliation and failure I have suffered here."

"One day, one day, I will come back and tell you that I am the right one!"

Pingyi is silent.

Jisha turned around, holding his head high, and strode out of the church.

The blurred vision gradually became emotional, and he struggled out of the memories. Jia Sha saw the needle gold, Zidi and the four protectionist knights in front of him again.

The color of anger and fear on each of their faces added to the joy in Jisha's heart.

"I will never give in!"

"You humble blood, just black iron, also want to humiliate me?"

"As for your gold needle, your family will be ashamed of your blood!"

"How can noble give way to lowly?"

"Even death..."

There was a dead silence.

Needle gold eyes stared dumbfounded, if people are not afraid of death, what else can they do?

People have nothing to do with such scabs.

"Then go to hell!" Zidi gnashed her teeth with hate.

"Father, didn't you force us to do it?" The protectionist knights are ready to move.

Scab sand only returns cold hum.

The four protectionist Knights looked at each other, dispersed, and slowly approached scab sand from four directions.

The breath of defeat came to my face.

Cha Sha knew that he was bluffing all the time. In fact, he was already at the end of his power, and there was little divine power left. He also knew that he was irrational, but in fact, without this anger and unwillingness to support him, he would have collapsed long ago.

Maybe this is people.

Some people are usually dominated by emotions without knowing it, but at the critical moment, they are as calm and rational as ice and snow. While some people are usually calm and rational, but at the critical moment, they are overwhelmed by emotion.

"Can we only walk here?"

At the juncture of failure, a bright light suddenly burst out in scabby sand's eyes.

"Wait!" He blurted out and whispered.

At this moment, an electric light flashed in his mind.

This electric light tore through the dark fog, and actually shone a road to victory!

"My great lord..." Jia Sha sighed, and immediately his eyes jumped over the protectionist Knights he called, jumped over the needle gold, and fell on Zidi.

"You made the shipwreck of the pig kiss, didn't you, miss Zidi?"


Zhen Jin was angry: "father Cha Sha, you talk nonsense just to delay time. This trick..."

"Hahaha!" Scab sand suddenly laughed wildly, and his spirit soared in madness.

His eyes were like sharp arrows, locking Zidi to death, and he repeated again: "I won this one after all! Because... You made the shipwreck of the pig kiss!"