V1.Chapter 192

"Strange." The double checked the body of the blood thread centipede, "where is the crystal nucleus in this Warcraft?"

Zidi timely explained: the Warcraft on this island has a strong breath of life, but there is no magic crystal in the body. It may also be because of this, some Warcraft have not shown any magic like spells.

At this point, Zidi's mind suddenly flashed.

"Wait, maybe the demon forbidden environment on this island is prepared for these Warcraft!"

"These Warcraft are all made by war vendors. The magic in their bodies is likely to be unbalanced, so they can only survive in a demon free environment."

"Once the forbidden environment disappears, these Warcraft may die out or even explode because of the imbalance and chaos of magic in their bodies."

The more Zi Di thought about it, the more she thought it was right.

Since landing, she has witnessed many transformed Warcraft.

"If these artificial Warcraft were so powerful, then the war traffickers would have sold them as arms."

"But he didn't do it."

"This shows that these artificial Warcraft have fatal weaknesses and cannot be widely applied."

Zidi glanced at Zijin. To be on the safe side, she didn't tell the conjecture.

Zidi secretly regretted: "the demon ban environment is likely to have always existed. When I first landed on the strange island, I was received by the sharp diamond. At that time, I should have received special treatment."

"The key now is not to know the scope of demon prohibition. If the double has silver level cultivation, will he be banned? Is it because he can't fight because of amnesia?"

"In short, now he is the key to survival, or stabilize him first!"

At night, by the campfire.

Zi Di's eyes fell on the new arm guard of the double, and sighed, "if you had this iron arm guard, you wouldn't be injured by the blood thread centipede, sir."

Pin Jin couldn't help but feel her heart move and couldn't help reaching out and stroking Zi Di's hair.

Zidi shivered slightly.

"Big, big man." Zi Di lowered her head, as if frightened by the action of Zhen Jin, and held her breath as nervously as a kitten.

She was really afraid, because she suddenly thought of a point: "needle gold is a lecher, and the double should not also inherit this?"

"Walk all the way in the daytime, carefully, it's night, only me and him."

"If he really has any attempt on me, I can't resist at all, and no one will save me!"

But the double quickly withdrew his hand and asked faintly, "Zidi, what kind of person do you think I am?"

This is a rather difficult question to answer.

If you don't answer well, you will show flaws.

Zidi subconsciously held her breath, and her thoughts suddenly turned in her mind. After carefully considering the words, she responded, "Lord Zhijin, I don't know much about you." (setting the tone first can avoid many questions.)

"But according to the rumor, adult, you usually don't get close to women and go alone. Even if you encounter major events, you don't easily show your emotions of joy and anger." (in this way, I hope you can reduce your attempt on me!)

"You spend most of your time in the temple of penance, looking serious and silent. Your clothes, food, housing, transportation and every move are elegant and calm, full of aristocratic demeanor."

"Although you have few friends, you are willing to help others, especially to protect the weak and help the poor. So your reputation in the lower class, adults, has always been very good."

"Also, sir, your sudden action and successful participation in this competition for the master of Baisha city seems to surprise other Templars."

Zidi's words try to create an almost perfect image of the Templar.

Since the memory is completely lost, such a process is to shape and control him.

As for the future, when returning to the Terran society, Zidi can't care so much about whether the double will doubt because of knowing the truth. In fact, even if it's suspicious, Zidi has explained in the first sentence, "Lord Zhijin, I don't know much about you."

There is no doubt that the double has him. Because of Zidi's words, he quickly outlined a young image with Chengfu in his heart.

Just as he was about to continue to ask for more information, the fire venom swarm suddenly attacked!

"Why are there fire venom bees here?!" Zidi was shocked and almost confused.

At this moment, there is no loyal guard around her, only an amnesia double with unknown character.

Under the threat of death, Zidi won't be surprised if the double abandons Zidi and runs away.

"My life now depends on him." At the critical moment, Zidi had a flash in her mind, "yes!"

"This is fire venom bee, sir, run away. I'll come to the back of the hall!"

"Hurry up, my Lord!!" Zi Di shouted, very urgent, but she showed her will to die.

"Adult, you go quickly. I have medicine to detoxify!" Zidi urged again.

"You go! I'll deal with these poisonous bees." The double chose to stay in front of Zidi.

Ziditon breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon, under the attack of the swarm, the double fell into a bitter battle.

"Is today doomed to my death?"

Just when Zidi was close to despair, Zhijin suddenly showed her fighting skills.

"Is this?!" Zi Di raised her head, her face shocked, with surprise and joy.

Zhen Jin's counterattack gave her hope.

"Worthy of being an adult!" Zidi blurted out and shouted for needle gold.

One by one, the fire venomous bees fell to the ground, and the hundred needle wind fighting skill quite restrained these venomous bees.

"My lord..." Zidi was well guarded. At the moment, she looked at the back of Zhen Jin, and her eyes reflected the weakening campfire, flashing bright luster.

"It seems that the memory crystal has at least instilled some content, but it needs strong stimulation or targeted trigger."

"He has been protecting me, and he should have no doubt about my statement."

"In a short time, he is reliable."

"Damn it, he has been stung too many times. I have too much fire poison on my body. Even if I have medicine, I can't save him."

Zidi stood behind the double, observing carefully and becoming more and more worried.

At last, Xiaobo's Firebee attacked, and the double knew it was difficult to fight again, so he could only take Zidi's hand and turn around and run away.

The two plunged into the dark jungle.

"Sir, let me stay. I'll distract..." Zidi's tone was panting.

"Shut up!" Zhen Jin suddenly stopped and turned to face Zi di.

The girl screamed and ran into the arms of needle gold along the inertia.

At the next moment, the girl's vision changes greatly.

Back to her senses, she found that she had been held in her arms by needle gold and kept running wildly.

Zidi clings to the hard and wide chest of the double and feels the strong masculine breath emanating from his intense exercise.

She has never been held like this by a young man!

In her vision, there were dark shadows attacking her.

It's branches and vines in the rainforest.

Because of the double's rampage, the branches and vines along the way were broken and torn off one after another.

"Is this... The feeling of being protected?" A trace of inexplicable emotion rippled out in Zidi's heart.

But soon, she cleared up her emotions and calmly took out a potion from her purse. With the help of the firefly like glow of the potion itself, try to help the double barely identify the way.

Then, she used potions one by one to try to delay the pursuit of fire venom bees.

Transmission took place at this stage, but the double and Zidi were in a very nervous state and did not find this.

Finally, they were forced by the poisonous bees and had to flee into the cave.

The fire poison broke out, and the double was in a very bad state.

Zidi gradually despair.

He leaned on the only light left in his mind and said weakly to Zidi, "you go, go quickly."

But the girl shook her head violently, her eyes twinkled with tears, and with a trace of tears, she resolutely said, "no, sir! I will never leave you. I finally found you, and we finally came to this step, how can we give up!"

(without you, how could I escape from the strange island alone? It's a big deal. I just lost the bet, underestimated the strange island and underestimated the war vendor. I accept the result, which doesn't mean I can't afford to lose.)

An accident happened.

The monkey tailed brown bear felt that its territory had been invaded and rushed out to drive the poisonous bees out of the cave.

Zidi and the double are safe for the time being, but the double is in a worse state and is on the verge of death.

When the double drove away again, Zidi shook her head and refused, "I won't give up if I don't go. My Lord, I can configure potions, and I will be able to configure the right potions! We still have hope, please don't give up!"

"Come on, come on, move faster!"

Zidi shouted in her heart and took out medicine bottles one by one.

In order to save time, she directly poured the medicine on the spot and corroded a small round pit.

"Pure medicine can't save the double, so we can only temporarily prepare targeted and more powerful drugs!"

"Zidi, come on!"

"You must succeed! If you save the double, you still have the possibility to live and escape here!!"

The girl's action was unprecedentedly swift, and the contents of the barbarian potion that had been recited by her quickly writhed in her mind.

She mixed several potions together, and then took out many kinds of dry grass leaves and roots from her arms. First, they were crushed, and then poured into the round pit.

Gudu gudu

The mixed medicine in the round pit began to bubble, and smoke swirled.

Zidi knew that her hope of survival was at this moment, and it depended on whether she could master it.

Great pressure forced her to weep and dispense medicine.

In order to pursue the ferocious effect, she ventured to add many berserk drugs, and she had no bottom in her heart, but she knew that there was absolutely no hope for other methods.

Fortunately, the medicine she prepared successfully woke up the double and dispelled a lot of fire poison. But at the same time, a large number of ingredients of Berserker are also squeezing the vitality of doubles.

Once the effect passes, Zidi is not sure whether the double is dead or alive.

The double wanted to escape from the cave with Zidi, but he saw the fighting between the scale horned panthers and the monkey tailed brown bear.

Because of the blocking of the herd, the escape plan of the double and ziti failed, and they had to retreat into the cave again.

The monkey tailed brown bear won and returned, and ate the ore to heal.

Faced with a difficult choice again, the double awakened a certain memory of Zhen Jin. He finally made a decision and rushed to the monkey tailed brown bear without hesitation.

Bloody fight!

It's all about life.

The double's arm was completely broken, the muscles of both arms became minced meat, the body was broken in many places, and the internal organs bled seriously.

The monkey tailed brown bear's claws pierced the double's abdomen and nailed him to the ground. The hot claw instantly roasted his intestines and flesh.

Finally, the double and the brown bear bite each other and die together!

"All, all dead?!"

Zidi stood in situ stunned. It took a long time for her body to tremble and suddenly woke up.

She hurried to the double's body and examined him with luck. After confirming his death, Zidi's mood became very complicated.

The first is shock.

She had never seen such a fierce fight so close.

Then there is gratitude.

"He died for me."

"He died bravely like a real knight. No, the war vendor once said that he was a Silver Knight before the transformation!"

"I should trust him more."

Finally, loneliness and fear.

"Now... I'm the only one left!"

The double was awakened, but after a day and a night together, he died.

In such a large mysterious island, in the dense jungle, between the endless ferocious Warcraft, only Zidi was left alone.

How should she go? How to live?

Zidi had no answer, no direction, and she was enveloped in despair.

She sat on the ground, leaning on the body of the double, thinking about her life, thinking about her father's hatred, and recalling the shipwreck.

She was sometimes angry, sometimes hated, sometimes regretted, sometimes incredible, and felt like a dream.

She is only a fifteen year old girl after all!

She curled up her body and wrapped her arms around her legs, feeling that the dead cave had become her tomb.

Time passes silently, and I don't know how long it has passed.

Zidi suddenly raised her head. There were still tears on her face, but her eyes had been firm again!

"No, it's not the last minute. I can't give up!"

"Even if I'm the only one left, I still have the hope of escaping here."

"Even if the hope is extremely slim, I will try my best to seize it."

Zidi revived her fighting spirit, wiped her tears hard and began to take action.

The first thing she needs to do is to collect the materials for preparing the medicine.

In this demon forbidden environment, the most helpful thing is medicine. Especially the Potion on the barbarian skin roll.

However, just as she was half kneeling on the ground and collecting the blood of the bear corpse, she heard a light bang.

Zidi's heart jumped violently, and she hurried back to see the awakened double.

A strong shock suddenly hit, and she exclaimed in her heart, "impossible, he has just died!"


For a time, Zidi found it hard to believe what she had seen with her own eyes.

Because there is no magic, let alone magic, how can it be resurrected for no reason?

"Wait." Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in her mind, "the double was made and transformed by Zhan vendor himself. Zhan vendor personally admitted that this is his most proud work!"

"Is this one of the effects of the transformation of war hawkers?"

"Think about it carefully, it seems very possible! Zhan peddler wants to use a substitute to replace needle gold, and even the blood of the golden queen bee is used. He makes every effort to transform, and it is reasonable for the substitute to have the ability to regenerate."

Almost in oneortwo breaths, Zidi reacted.

The girl immediately rushed to the double and exclaimed in surprise, "adult?! adult needle gold, you wake up!"