V2.Chapter 116

The gap between silver level and legendary level is too big.

The fighting skill of cold disease bird is only tentative. Hundreds of angry cold birds were weakened by the divine realm, and then almost all of them were now in the holy realm of the high priest.

But this fighting skill is very clever, and it can revive.

Among them, only one cold bird pounced on the fish man boy.

The boy was about to be killed before he really came into contact with the fighting cold bird.

At the critical moment, the high priest stood up and jumped in front of the boy!

She was also at the end of her power, but she used her body as a shield to block the deadly fighting cold bird.

The fighting spirit rushed into her body and immediately froze her lungs to death, with blood clotting.

"High priest!" The fisherman boy exclaimed.

The high priest suffered a fatal blow and fell directly.

The young fisherman hurriedly helped him.

"Hurry, take my Lord out of here..." the high priest lost his eyes and his tone was extremely weak. A chill appeared in her eyes, and then quickly condensed into ice. Almost the next moment, her eyes were filled with solid ice, and her eyes were directly frozen.

The young fisherman bit his teeth. At this moment, his mind was agitated and his emotions were very complex!

He knew that he and the magic blue high priest were enemies.

But a series of things happened like this.

The boy kept his identity in mind, was deeply afraid of the high priest, and was always on guard.

But when the high priest would rather sacrifice himself to protect him, the fisherman's heart was a little confused.

"High priest..." the fishman boy slowly put the high priest on the ground.

He had to draw his hand to avoid contact with the body of the high priest.

Because white frost gradually appeared on the surface of the high priest's body.

These frosts spread rapidly with the naked eye, accumulated, condensed into ice, and wrapped her arms, the ends of her hair, and the tail of her snake.

Then, the ice froze her on the floor tiles.

Bang Bang

After a series of explosions, the avatar of the God came back at the critical moment. He fought back man Zhuang temporarily and is now fully intercepting the claw crow.

Thanks to the suppression of the divine realm, although they are fighting with all their strength, the aftermath has been weakened to the extreme.

"Ah ah ah!"

Man Zhuang roared and killed again.

"It's over." The claw crow laughed and showed its fighting skills that had been brewing for a long time, forming chains that tied itself to the avatar of the gods.

The avatar of the God became extremely anxious, but under the control of others, he could only watch man Zhuang rush to the body of the magic blue God.

Meilan's eyebrows almost condensed into a pimple. The beautiful mermaid seemed to have a nightmare, and her haggard expression was extremely pitiable.


She suddenly let out a light cough.

Suddenly, a powerful wave of divine power suddenly spread.

Shenbo swept the fishman boy and the high priest, as if invisible. But when I swept man Zhuang's body, it was extremely solid.

Man Zhuang looks like an ordinary person who was bumped head-on by an elephant.

He vomited blood with a whooping mouthful, and his body shape could not be contained and flew backward.

He was so angry that he screamed and angrily shot back, but he threw his God pupil out fiercely.

The divine pupil is like a meteor, drawing a bright light in the water waves, easily breaking through the fluctuation of divine power and directly hitting the body of the magic blue God.

Meilan God was illuminated by the light of truth. His thick eyelashes trembled slightly, and there was a sign of awakening!

The young fisherman stared, and the alarm bell in his heart was roaring violently at this moment.

Once the magic blue god is awakened, he may immediately recognize the youth's reality.

"No!" Although the high priest is blind, he still retains a keen sense of the outside world.

At this moment, she screamed in despair.

Because she knew very well that once the magic blue God was awakened, no matter how many times he could shoot before he died, his end would fall.

"Win!" The claw crow couldn't help clenching his fists and was excited.

The rest of the spectators all focused on this small pupil of God.

There is no doubt that this is fatal to the magic blue god!

Looking at the God pupil flying, the fishman boy's pupil shrank sharply, and he almost fell into despair.

"Damn, is everything going to end here?"

He is unwilling.

He has too many things to do!

He needs to lead everyone to get rid of sin and be redeemed.

He also wants Zidi to wake up.

He needs to inquire his own history and find the missing memory.

The distance between the God pupil and the body of the magic blue god shortened rapidly.

The divine light of truth shone on the body of Meilan God, making the goddess's face more and more pale, frowning, showing a touch of pain.

Maybe the next moment, he will wake up!

Subconsciously, the fish man boy stood in front of the shell God and resisted the light of truth with his body as the magic blue God.

The divine light shone on him, and the boy immediately felt that the Pearl foam hidden in his mouth was cutting rapidly.

He had never seen such a rapid depletion of Pearl foam!

After a few breaths, there were only three pearl foam left.

The truth God pupil finally shoots in front of the shell God seat.

"No!" The high priest of Meilan felt this and wanted to jump up and use his body as a shield to protect her faith.

But she was almost frozen with the floor tiles.

Because of her effort to break free, the ice outside her body showed tiny cracks.

She was still fixed on the ground and failed.

Only the fish man boy is left.

He can't wake up the magic blue god!

Once awakened, pearl foam can't deceive the essence of Meilan.

In fact, it is also very difficult to deceive the incarnation of gods. After all, the fairy tale of the mermaid is originally the artifact of the magic blue God.

On the one hand, the reason why the fishman boy can come to the present is that the avatar of the magic blue god is just a fake condensed by the divine domain combined with the divine power, and it is not the avatar of the God in the real sense.

On the other hand, it is the huge external pressure brought by the barbarian strongmen. This makes the magic blue God, the high priest and others focus their main attention on dealing with the barbarians, and there is no time and energy to study and examine the fish man boy.

Once the magic blue god wakes up and finds that the fishman boy is a liar, what will happen when he is angry?

And after the magic blue god wakes up, the injury is too serious to return, and it will fall. Even if the mermaid youth is still alive, the magic blue god is dead, and the magic blue power disappears from the root. What about the fairy tale of the mermaid?

Therefore, the fishman boy must block the pupil of truth!

No strength, no way, but also have to bite the bullet to block it!

So, the boy stretched out his palm towards the God pupil that shot over.


A soft sound.

He smoothly caught the pupil of God and firmly held it in his hand.

The light of the divine pupil went out.

Fishman boy... Thus got the truth God pupil.

For a moment, everyone's actions were as rigid as stone, and their faces were dull.

"No, ER!" The scream of the high priest of Meilan suddenly stopped.

The whole noisy battlefield fell into a dead silence.

Everyone's eyes were staring at the fish man boy and the truth pupil in his hand.

"Hey?!" On the ship of the mother tree Pirate Group, Hua Ya screamed, tearing the silence in the battlefield.


The crowd watching the war was in an uproar.

"How could this happen!?"

Fist Ba, the leader of the sea giant, couldn't help wiping his eyes hard. He suspected that he was wrong.

"Well done!" Feng Yao exclaimed loudly. Just now his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

"Is it still an illusion that we have been deceived by the magic blue God?" Hua Ya was at a loss.

It's obviously a huge crisis! The result was thus resolved.

The huge gap between reality and imagination is difficult for everyone to accept.

"What the hell happened?" With such astonishment, more and more eyes focused on man Zhuang.


Man Zhuang closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

The ferocious divine power on his body dissipated rapidly, and his body, which had expanded more than twice, gradually restored.

He passed out completely.


"I shouldn't expect this fool!" The claw crow cursed at the bottom of his heart, rushed up and grabbed man Zhuang.

Man Zhuang was seriously injured. Some of the large and small wounds were bleeding, some were bone deep, and there was no divine support. His state was very bad, and his breath of life was falling rapidly.

For such a result, the claw crow can't blame man Zhuang. He boarded the barbarian warship and handed man Zhuang over to the barbarian warriors on board: "take good care of him."

"Man Zhuang..." a barbarian witch doctor took man Zhuang immediately.

People are beginning to understand.

"Man Zhuang has already reached his limit, but he has been holding on because of his frenzy."

"Therefore, the truth pupil he threw out before, although powerful, is actually very powerful, just like the end of a crossbow."

"No, I think the last throw of the truth pupil is powerful, but in the process of shooting, it was strongly offset by the magic blue realm and greatly weakened."

While everyone was talking, the fishman boy was also looking at the truth pupil in his hand.

This is the eye of the God of truth, which is full of divinity and law. Its quality is the same as that of greedy phalanx, which is a semi artifact.

Because the divine power and divinity of truth make it extremely powerful and extremely restrain the magic blue God who mainly deceives and camouflages.

But the fairy tale of the mermaid is an artifact, more than the truth. Therefore, after the fishman boy used pearl foam on the avatar of the gods, the effect was immediate, and the God's eyes were greatly weakened.

"But how did I get the pupil of truth?"

The young Fisherman's heart is full of shock, joy, and many strange emotions.

He didn't hope at all, but in the end he succeeded and successfully defended his position.

This degree of smoothness and ease is far beyond imagination.

It's like it was deliberately sent by the other party.

"No, just at that moment, I seemed to hear a... Animal roar?"

The boy quickly stopped this thought, focused all his attention, and stared at the barbarian side. He knew that even if he accidentally obtained the pupil of truth, he would only stop at the brink, and the war situation was still under the control of the barbarians.