V2.Chapter 153

Deep sea monster fish.

In a cabin, a patient was praying piously to the God: "great blue God, I praise your kindness and thank you for healing my disease. How high is the sky from the earth, how great is your kindness to your worshippers; how far is it from the east to the west, and how far is my transgression from us..."

In another cabin, Warcraft hissed in the dark. Many people trembled around the candle, close to each other, and kept praying: "my Lord, the God of magic blue, you are a god full of grace and love, please rescue your believers, and give us a perfect disguise, so that the ferocious Warcraft can't detect our existence..."

In the third cabin, most of the sea water was immersed, and several believers were lying on the wooden cabinet, watching the water rise slowly. They were so nervous and stressed that they prayed together: "my lord magic blue God, you are so great that the sea will shake when you are angry. I look up to your power and am sure of your salvation. Please give me the power to drive the sea, so that your loyal believers can escape this shipwreck."

In the middle cabin of these three cabins, Cang Xu peeped at these believers expressionless.

He constantly manipulated the simple Dharma array arranged, manipulated the scene in the cabin, and then watched the believers get divine power one by one after praying, and instilled the divine power into the gods.

The statue is fixed, and the bottom is directly connected with the magic blue artifact in the next cabin - the fairy tale of the mermaid.

The believers' divine power is finally instilled into the big shell.

Today's prayer time is over, Cang Xu hypnotized the believers in the three cabins again, and then let them clean the cabins and feed medicine instead of food and water.

Taking this medicine for a long time, of course, cannot completely replace the role of water and food, which will make believers weak in limbs and weak.

But this is exactly what cangxu wants.

After the believers are weak, even if they find flaws and want to break through the cage, they will also know that they have insufficient strength.

Moreover, Cang Xu found that the weaker the believers are, the more sincere they are when praying, and the divine power they get will be slightly improved.

Looking at the orderly cleaning of the cabin, Cang Xu examined the record of this prayer again.

The three cabins were carefully arranged by him. The contents of the three prayers and the memory of the three groups of believers were all designed differently.

The experiment was very successful, and cangxu explored more about the secrets of the gods.

"Although it is said that gods are omnipotent, in fact, gods are better at one or more fields. The amount of their divine power is also related to their own clergy and theocracy."

"In the cabin of No. 1, the believers praying are suffering from diseases and ask the magic blue God for help."

"In the No. 2 cabin, the believers are to disguise themselves and cheat the hunting Warcraft."

"In the No. 3 cabin, the believers want to control the sea to facilitate their escape."

"Excluding the factor of quantity, the believers in No. 2 cabin get the most divine power and the highest efficiency. No. 3 cabin secondly, although the magic blue god is not the Lord of the sea priest, before he became a God, he was a mermaid magician, and he must be very good at water magic. No. 1 cabin gets the least divine power. The magic blue God itself is not good at healing."

Thinking, someone knocked on the hatch door.

It was the fisherman boy who came to inspect.

Cang must welcome him in.

After learning about the latest achievements, the fishman boy vomited a mouthful of turbidity: "Cang Xu, you have succeeded! We have a new Pearl foam."

After this prayer, a pearl foam finally appeared in the fairy tale of the mermaid.

Cang Xu nodded: "since we obtained the memory hiding technique, we can do mass production to desecrate the priest. To be more accurate, it is a believer. The priest is far from enough."

Cang Xu then explained in detail: "before I get this technology again, I have to erase all the memories of the experimental body. But in this way, it has caused a lot of trauma to the soul. With memory hiding, the experimental body also doesn't remember anything and can implant forged memories, but the soul is very stable and prayer will be very smooth."

"Very good." The fishman boy exclaimed, "if we can escape the hunt this time, Cang Xu, you are the most critical person! Your contribution and credit are the greatest. Now, we need to do our best to expand the scale of believers and make more divine power!"

But Cang Xu shook his head slightly. "I'm afraid not, my captain."

"Well, why?"

Cang Xu explained, "first of all, the number of cabins of the deep sea monster fish is limited, and the space inside is narrow."

"Secondly, these believers need me to perform memory hiding. Not all prisoners can become believers, and many will be eliminated in the process of screening."

"Carefully calculate the cost here, not only my mana consumption, but also the loss of personnel and the utility of various materials. After each prayer, I have to use a memory hiding technique, and there are a lot of potions."

"The cost is too high. Now I have reached my limit alone. Unless there is another necromancer to assist me, and the level of this mage is at least black iron."

The young fisherman fell into a deep meditation: "since we can't expand the scale, how about improving the quality of believers? As you said before, these believers don't have a deep degree of faith. At most, they are just devout believers, mostly pan believers and ordinary believers. If we deepen their faith, we can also get more divine power."

Cang Xu still shook his head: "it is difficult to deepen the degree of faith. Faith is the spontaneous transformation of the soul, and the soul itself can't be deceived. I have made a series of attempts to let believers recognize themselves as crazy believers and devout believers in the false memory, but it didn't work, and the divine power they got didn't increase a little."

"The maintenance of faith has a lot to do with believers' world outlook and values. Once believers suffer great setbacks or mental trauma and their own ideas are shaken, their faith will collapse. I used to believe in the dark king, but after I realized the secret of the gods through the practice experience of ship ghosts, my faith level immediately fell, and now I can't even count pan believers."

"It is difficult to cultivate believers, and crazy believers are usually rare. To deepen faith, on the one hand, we need a simple environment and special external oppression, on the other hand, we need time and life experience to constantly consolidate our world outlook and values."

The young fisherman couldn't help falling silent.


What he needs most now is time.

If there is enough time, with the blood core in his heart, the body of the magic blue God, two artifacts, two semi artifacts, and the golden magic boat, he is confident that he can become one of the peaks of the world.

Time is so precious!

Cang Xu continued, "in fact, even today's believers can't last long."

"Memory hiding has limits."

"The ship ghost has tested this many times."

"These believers were transformed by me to create a special single environment and force them to pray. Once the memory hiding technique is applied too much and cannot be maintained, their memories will flash back. They will doubt themselves, doubt everything around them, and then discover the truth."

The fishman boy was silent again.

This time, his heart became heavy.

Because Cang Xu described the words, his experience is the deepest. Because he is a double who has been transformed into a memory. When he wakes up, he is placed on the dangerous strange island.

"What's the difference between what happened to these people and what happened to me?"

"I once believed in emperor Shengming and prayed to him many times. These people are also praying to the blue God."

"I don't know my identity. In fact, up to now, I haven't found the memory that really belongs to me. The memories of these people are also hidden."

"I have to struggle desperately to survive on the strange island. Are these people not like this?"

"The only difference is..."

"This time, I'm no longer a victim. I've become a figure like a war peddler."

"How did it come to be like this?"

Aware of the teenager's shame and self reproach, Cang Xu immediately comforted and said, "Your Excellency, you don't have to blame yourself like this. These captives are not good things, and we can't help ourselves! If possible, we will never do this. But there is no way, we just want to live, don't we?"

"Alas..." the fish man boy sighed deeply.

Cang Xu said again, "Your Excellency, you are our leader. At this critical moment, everyone depends on you. It is you who brought us out of the strange island alive. Everyone trusts you very much!"

"However, according to the current efficiency, we can get too little Pearl foam." The young Fisherman's face is full of sorrow.

Suddenly, he thought of a way: "wait, what if I come?"

"You hide my memory, put a magic ring on me, and let me pray to the goddess."

"The biggest difference between me and them is that I have a god level Fishman blood, and I am the son of God among fishmen! I believe that I will be valued by the goddess."

[receiving red envelopes] cash or counting red envelopes have been distributed to your account! Wechat pays attention to public. Public. Account [bookfriends' base camp] to get it!

But Cang Xu shook his head, "this is too risky, my Lord."

"With your strength, is it OK to prohibit the magic ring? Your blood core cannot be prohibited."

"At this critical moment, Zong Ge is in a coma. The most powerful person in the righteous Pirate Group is you. If you lose your memory, and the Navy catches up, we'll be in trouble."

"The most important thing is that the attitude of the goddess can't be pondered. After all, although we saved his body, we also put him in the jade golden coffin to confront the spirit of the feather snake."

"If it really attracts the attention of the goddess, I can't guarantee that good things will happen."

The young fisherman had to bite his teeth: "it's true."

Cang Xu paused: "in fact, there is another way."

"Is there another way?"

Cang Xu nodded, "sacrifice! We will hold a sacrifice activity to seek the gift of divine power from the goddess."

"Sacrifice? According to our current situation?" Fishman youth hesitates.

Cang Xu explained, "my Lord, sacrifice is not necessarily in the temple or temple, singing or celebrating and other activities. The specific content of sacrifice can be varied, mainly depending on God."

"For example, when believers offer sacrifices to the Grand Duke of France, they publicly announce what difficulties they have overcome, what research results they have achieved, or explore unknown areas and acquire new knowledge in the past two to three years. After the end of time, the more achievements they have made, the more successful this sacrifice will be."

"For another example, for the Grand Duke of Maixiang, his sect will hold large-scale sacrificial activities in the harvest season. It will organize a large number of farmers to harvest mature ears of wheat. The higher the harvest, the more successful the sacrifice will be. I remember written records that every harvest, the Grand Duke of Maixiang will drop miracles, revealing his joy of sacrifice."

The great Dukes of the holy empire are all living gods, who not only have aristocratic territories, but also have their own sects.

"In the history of the orcs, there once appeared a goddess of wisdom. After his fall, his believers held sacrificial activities for him. They used the fragments of the goddess' holy clothes as raw materials to make holy clothes one by one, and offered the holy clothes to God for free."

"These are sacrifices."

Hearing this, the fishman boy immediately remembered the words of the high priest of the magic blue God.

The latter once told the teenager that it was a prayer or sacrifice to disguise the divine domain around the goddess as a half plane and deceive more and more people. This behavior itself is of great help to the goddess.

"Then, how should we sacrifice to the magic blue God?"

The two discussed here, and a military intelligence report came.

A large number of naval enemy ships are found ahead!