Zhang Baiwei got into the car and let the horse run by itself. He took out the refreshments from the left drawer and said, "It won't be long. Come, let's drink some tea."

I touched the ear buckle and opened the recording system, so that I could find the exact location according to the speed and location of the map. I took the tea from Hundred Flavors and drank it slowly.

The tea actually had sleeping pills in it, and I slept all the way until Zhang Baiwei woke me up." "Wake up, fifth brother. Wake up …

"Hm?" Have we arrived? How did I fall asleep? " The sleeping pills were of no use to me, and it was the shaking of the carriage that made me drowsy.

"Hehe, Fifth Brother's sleeping is so peaceful. Come down." Zhang Baiwei was the first to open the door.

He jumped off the carriage. It turned out to be a valley. There were several houses with black smoke coming out from them from time to time. There were a few large pots on the ground outside with some unknown liquid boiling inside, emitting a pungent smell. There were a lot of people, all of them men, bare-chested, with black pants. Further in was the workshop for smelting copper coins. There was even a basket of leftover money piled up outside.

Zhang Baiwei looked at me and saw my calm face, he frowned and asked, "What's wrong?" "Fifth brother doesn't seem to be satisfied with this workshop?"

I awkwardly smiled and said, "Ah …" There's one thing. It doesn't seem possible to complete my alchemy plan. In a while, I will write a list of things that are required for alchemy, and I will have to trouble second brother to prepare them. " This small workshop was already very advanced in the Song Dynasty, but in my eyes, it was just a child's play.

I wrote down hundreds of materials and drew a few simple tools. When Zhang Baiwei saw this, his eyes lit up and he immediately ordered his men to do it. He smiled at me and said, "Fifth brother, you're really a god! Today. We'll go back for now and wait for the tools that fifth brother wants. "

I nodded and rested for a while before I got back into the carriage. After drinking some tea, I fell into a deep slumber. When I woke up, the carriage had already stopped at the entrance of the yamen. Zhang Baiwei had disappeared without a trace. I got off the carriage and the horse left by itself. I couldn't help but laugh. "So even horses have become intelligent. No wonder there isn't a coachman."

Returning back to the house, he saw Li Muting sitting in the Flower Hall and chatting with Zhang Baiwei. The two of them looked depressed, as they did not know what had happened. Seeing me walk in, Zhang Baiwei stood up and smiled, "Fifth brother is awake? Seeing that you slept well, second brother did not wake you up. "

I smiled and replied, "I don't know what troubles you two elder brothers have?"

Li Muting and Zhang Baiwei looked at each other and said: "Bao Zheng is coming. He will arrive tomorrow."

I asked in astonishment, "Why is he here?" Is our matter exposed? "

Li Muting shook his head, thought for a while and said: "That may not be true, he is only here to make a private visit.

I revealed a happy expression and chuckled. "Good timing. This would save me the trouble of running back to Kaifeng to redeem myself. When he comes, I'll use silver notes to smash him to death."

When the two of them saw me waving my arms around, they shook their heads and smiled. Actually, I was really happy in my heart, because I knew that the carrier pigeon must have sent my message to the Kaifeng Mansion. After dinner, I went back to my room to rest. The more I thought about it, the more it seemed wrong. During the meal, Li Muting and Zhang Baiwei were always in a hurry to speak, but the fierce look on Zhang Baiwei's face did not escape my eyes, could it be that... Thinking about this, I was a bit surprised. Wu Xiong's kung fu was very high, and his escort team never accepted any business. Could it be that he was secretly conducting an assassination with the escort company as his base?

I hastily changed into black clothes, put on the reconstructed golden mask, and stealthily sneaked out of the magistrate court while holding my breath. After exiting the city, he released his killing intent and flew in the direction that Bao Zheng had come from, hoping that he still had time. After flying for two hours, I saw a small town. I also didn't know whether Bao Zheng had reached here or not, so I could only slow down and search high up in the sky. As expected, I saw the black-clothed man hiding in an inn. I snuck into the inn and followed the aura to find Bao Zheng's room. Pushing the door open to take a look, he discovered that he was sleeping soundly, so he smiled and said: "Package Master, a fire is burning our room, yet you are sleeping soundly."

Bao Zheng was startled awake by my words and sat up. Seeing that it was me, he smiled and said: "Benefactor, why have you come?"

Just as I sat down, I saw a cold and sharp sword rushing towards me. I smiled and did not move, saying, "Is this how Master Zhan welcomes guests?"

Zhan Zhao saw that his Giant Que was being entangled by a strong wave of energy, he couldn't pierce through it, and he couldn't retract it either. He couldn't help but ask in shock: "What kind of demonic technique is this?"

I laughed out loud. After laughing so much, I picked up the cup of cold tea to drink, but when I touched the mask, I felt depressed. How could I forget to reveal my mouth? Seeing that I was ignoring him, Zhan Zhao released his hand, and his Great Ravager floated in the air. I took the giant handlebar. After playing for a bit, he said, "We should still get rid of them and deal with the people outside." Then she gave it back to him.

Zhan Zhao kept his sword and hesitated for a moment. Then, he jumped out of the window, and when the window opened, he asked about the smell of oil.

Zhan Zhao and Bao Zheng were shocked, at this time, the torches outside started to move, and the people downstairs had already started to set fire. There were no less than a hundred people in this inn.

I gritted my teeth and said, "Damn it! There are no less than a hundred people in the inn. I will be dragged into this mess by you."

Bao Zheng could not bear it anymore and anxiously shouted: "Guard Zhan, go save him quickly."

Zhan Zhao said: "Master, please let this subordinate send you out first."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Forget it, sending him out also means sending a sheep into a tiger's den. Quickly go and call the people from the first floor to come to the second floor. I have my own methods." Call Gongsun Ce as well. You guys should help them out and do your best to protect the women, children and children. "

Zhan Zhao glanced at me before turning and leaving. There was already noise coming from outside, and it seemed that many people had woken up. I opened the teapot, and there was half a pot of tea, so I poured it into three tea bowls. Outside the window, a burning smell was brought in by the wind. Bao Zheng was only calmly putting on his clothes, as if he was waking up everyday.

Looking at his relaxed appearance, I couldn't help but laugh. "As expected, he didn't panic when facing danger."

Bao Zheng straightened his clothes, and laughed: "With you here, what's there to be afraid of?"

"Tsk … What do you mean by I'm here?" I can't come every time. " I muttered discontentedly, but in my heart, I was worried if those people had made it up yet.

Not long later, Zhan Zhao and Gongsun Ce hurriedly entered the door and said: "Everyone is up, the first floor is a sea of fire."

I lightly sighed, and slapped the table with my hand. The water in the teacup immediately gushed out, and with a light tap of my right hand, they mixed together into a ball of water. There was a light golden killing intent on it, and it gradually spread out, forming a huge ball of water that surrounded the entire second floor. Looking at it from the outside, the entire inn had been engulfed in a sea of fire, and the assassins outside had all left laughing.