Chapter 246: Threat of S.H.I.E.L.D.

It is not an easy task to open a portal that is large enough and stable enough with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

If it were easy, Loki in the Cinematic Universe wouldn't need to do that much.

Putting aside the matter of the cube and the portal for a while, Russell took care of the daily work of the chairman today.

Just as he was enjoying the massage of Ellie, the blond black-haired female secretary, while examining the submitted documents, No. 3's voice suddenly sounded.

"Sir, someone is hacking into the building's security system and is now doing a reverse tracking."

After hearing No. 3's words, Russell looked away from the document and motioned for Ellie to leave the office.

When the blonde female secretary Ellie left the office with her attractive waist swaying, he said to No. 3: "After the positioning is completed, go to the White Supreme Warrior to deal with it."

With the increasing popularity of Zhenglian and Octopus Monster Industry, hackers trying to invade Zhenglian headquarters and Octopus Monster headquarters keep popping up like leeks.

Although so far, no hacker or hacker group has successfully broken through the firewall carefully set up on No. 3, but it will always be a little uncomfortable to be secretly told by people.

At first, Russell didn't take these hackers too seriously.

However, as more and more hackers invaded, he could only let these hackers understand what secrets should not be inquired about. Don't inquire.

"Sir, the other party voluntarily announced the IP address, and the address is the New York branch of SHIELD."


Russell frowned slightly.

At this time, instead of looking for the stolen Cosmic Rubik's Cube, S.H.I.E.L.D. let people invade the security system of the Octopus Headquarters, which is not right.

Just when he was considering whether to let No. 3 send a warning to S.H.I.E.L.D., the office phone on his desk suddenly rang.

"Sir, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent called Coulson came to you. He said he was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. New York."

Ellie's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Where is he?"

Russell asked.

"Just in front of the office door, he also brought a team of soldiers."

"Let him in!"

After speaking, Russell hung up the phone.

More than ten seconds later, Coulson, whose suit was straight and whose hairline was severely receded, appeared in front of him.

Along with him, there was a team of fully armed S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Director Colson, what do you mean?"

Russell didn't get up and asked calmly.

"It's nothing, just something I want to talk to you about, Mr. Bradley."

Coulson showed a professional smile that could not be faulted and said with a smile.

"Bring a team of S.H.I.E.L.D. special forces to chat with me?"

Russell asked back.

"No, don't get me wrong, they're just there to protect my personal safety."

Coulson said as he came to Russell.

Then, sat down directly.

Looking at Coulson and the special forces behind him, Russell didn't waste time and asked directly, "I don't know what Director Coulson wants to talk to me about?"

"A month ago, the New York branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. was invaded by unknown hackers, who copied some information from the confidential database."

"It wasn't until today that we finally found the hacker."

Coulson said calmly.

"What does this have to do with me?"

Russell asked with a calm face, using the superb acting skills honed from his many years of killer career.

"Of course it has something to do with you, because that hacker is your artificial intelligence assistant No. 3!"

Coulson said very seriously.

"Director Colson, you are a government employee. You should be very clear. If you testify against me for signaling an artificial intelligence assistant to illegally invade an official institution without any evidence, I can sue you for defamation."

He seemed to have guessed early on that Russell would say this.

As soon as he finished speaking, Coulson put the tablet in his hand on the table.

"The evidence, I just got it, Mr. Bradley, if you don't mind, you can take a look."

Colson said with a smile.

Russell didn't get the tablet that Coulson put on the table for the first time, and looked at him seriously.

What is he trying to do?

Although Coulson appeared confident, Russell didn't feel he had evidence in his hands.

If he had evidence, S.H.I.E.L.D. would have come to the door long ago, and there was no need to wait until today.

Coulson now looks to him like those police officers who claim to have all the evidence, but in fact have no evidence at all.

"Since you said you have evidence, you might as well show it to me directly."

Russell said to Coulson.

"The evidence is in the computer. Since you don't want to open it, let me explain it briefly."

"Mr. Bradley, don't you think there's something wrong with the hacking just now?"

Coulson said calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Russell responded.

I see!

S.H.I.E.L.D. actually played this hand!

"As expected of a professional organization specializing in intelligence investigation, it does have a hand."

"But you should know that with the evidence you just got, even if you go to the court, you won't be able to win the case."

Russell still maintained a calm expression and said silently.

"You're right. Based on the evidence we just got, we really can't win the case."

"However, Mr. Bradley, you seem to have forgotten who you are now."

"You're not just a successful young entrepreneur now, you're a superhero."

Colson said with a smile.

Although Coulson is now acting kindly, Russell increasingly finds Coulson hypocritical.

Counter him with the superhero fame he now has, or, in other words, counter him with the good reputation Zhenglian has built up.

Colson is clearly planning to use some unconventional means.

"I have to say that you would choose to use such means, I am really surprised."

"Don't waste your time, just tell me, what are you trying to do?"

Russell didn't plan to continue intrigue with Coulson, and asked bluntly.

"We had some troubles, some troubles we couldn't solve."

"If you don't mind, I hope you and Zhenglian can provide some help."

Coulson said slowly.

"Using threats to ask for the help of me and Zhenglian, don't you think that I will really be trapped by my reputation?"

Russell's tone became rude.

"Of course not, you misunderstood."

"This is not a threat, just a request. If you are willing to help, we can provide you with any information you need as long as it is in our database."

Coulson lowered his posture and said kindly.

After seeing Coulson's current expression, Russell pretended to be thinking and did not answer Coulson for the first time.

Although Coulson didn't say it now, you don't need to think about it to know that Coulson came for the universe Rubik's Cube.

After more than ten seconds of silence, he slowly said: "Tell me, what kind of help do you want?"

After hearing Russell's answer, a smile appeared on Coulson's face.

Then, let the special forces behind him leave the office.

When only himself and Russell were left in the office, he said with a serious face: "Last night, one of our secret bases was invaded by aliens."

"The opponent's strength is very strong, and they also stole an item that is very important to us."

"Because aliens are involved, and the other party's strength level is not low, we plan to ask for the help of some superheroes including Zhenglian members."

"The specific information is already on the computer, you can take a look."

After finishing speaking, Coulson picked up the tablet on the table and handed it to Russell.

This time, Russell did not refuse, took the tablet and quickly browsed the contents.

There is not much content in the computer, and it is divided into two parts.

Part of it is the basic information of the universe Rubik's Cube, and the other part is SHIELD's estimate of the strength of the three generals of the dead blade.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. did not know the specific identities and real strengths of the three Generals of the Dead Blade, after the initial contact last night, they still made a fairly detailed report.

The largest black dwarf star, in the estimation of S.H.I.E.L.D., has the strength not to lose to Hulk.

And the couple of General Dead Blade and Proxima Dark Night, in the estimates of SHIELD, also have the strength not to lose to ordinary superheroes.

However, what really attracted Russell's attention now was not the information about the Rubik's Cube and the General Dead Blade, but a scepter, a scepter that he would never be unfamiliar with.

Because the vanguard became the three generals of the dead blade, the scepter that should have been given to Loki was now given to the general of the dead blade.

After seeing the scepter in General Dead Blade's hand, Russell controlled his expression well, lest Coulson see anything.

"You want me to help you find the Cosmic Rubik's Cube?"

Russell put his eyes back on Coulson and said slowly.

"Yes, in addition to the universe cube, if conditions permit, we hope to capture these three targets alive."

Capture the three generals of the dead blade alive?

Russell looked at Coulson in surprise.

But soon, he knew what S.H.I.E.L.D. was planning.

Although the current S.H.I.E.L.D. can initially control the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to open the portal, it is obvious that they still don't know enough about the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

The three generals of the dead blade can make the Cosmic Rubik's Cube take the initiative to open the portal, so that they can come directly to the earth from far in outer space.

From this point alone, S.H.I.E.L.D. has ample reason to suspect that the three Generals of the Dead Blade have information that they do not know.

If you can get this information from the three people of the General Dead Blade, it can greatly speed up their research on the Rubik's Cube of the universe.

"Apart from me, what foreign aid did you find?"

Russell continued to ask.

"Mister Fantastic Reed and others will also join, in addition to them, Tony Stark."

After Coulson finished speaking, Russell raised an eyebrow.

He was not surprised that S.H.I.E.L.D. would seek the help of the Fantastic Four.

But S.H.I.E.L.D. would find Tony, which he didn't expect.

Tony is not a superhero yet.

Although Tony has developed the Mark series of steel suits, and has been updated to Mark 6.

But Tony is still just a playboy.

In the movie universe, S.H.I.E.L.D. will find Tony because Tony is already known as Iron Man and has shown his own superhero style.

"How did you impress Reed and Tony?"

Russell continued to ask.

"They all have a lot of interest in the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. We agreed to their conditions. As long as the Cosmic Rubik's Cube can be retrieved, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube will be handed over to them to study for a period of time."

Coulson said calmly.

"Their remuneration is the research opportunity of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and my remuneration is the confidential information of S.H.I.E.L.D. It's a pity that you don't do business!"

On the surface, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been sincere.

But in reality, S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't pay much.

No matter whether there is a research opportunity for the Cosmic Rubik's Cube or confidential information, there will be no loss to S.H.I.E.L.D.

In particular, the decision to hand the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to Reed and Tony to study for a period of time is an arrangement that can make S.H.I.E.L.D. win.

Once Reed and Tony have researched something, S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely pay their research results without saying a word.

Reed and Tony may make a small profit, but S.H.I.E.L.D. never loses!

However, the premise of all this is that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube can return to the hands of SHIELD.

"It's all about keeping the world safe."

Coulson ignored Russell's ridicule and said with a smile.

"Whether it is to maintain world peace, you know in your heart."

"Okay, this time, Zhenglian and I have joined."

Russell said silently.

"Okay, thank you for your support, we will contact you again before the action."

After that, Coulson got up and left the office.

When Coulson left, Russell said to No. 3: "When invading S.H.I.E.L.D. in the future, don't use the means that have already been used."

"Okay, sir!"

3 quickly returned.

After reminding No. 3, Russell quickly thought about it.

This time, he did not intend to bring too many people to participate.

Peter and Gwen were first ruled out by him.

Both of them are not particularly strong, and the time is not particularly abundant, and they still need to maintain their status as students.

After excluding Peter and Gwen, Kara was also excluded by him.

Carla is so busy making movies now that there is no need to follow them around the world.

After Kara, Godzilla and Grendel were also ruled out by him.

Godzilla and Grendel's combat effectiveness is not low, but this kind of task is obviously not suitable for them.

After excluding Kara and others, the only remaining candidates are Hulk and Diana.

After thinking for a while, he decided to bring the two together.

Since Diana is about to make her debut as Wonder Woman, let Diana be involved from start to finish.

After making a decision, he took out the phone and called Diana, and briefly talked to Diana.

After listening to his story, Diana agreed without any hesitation.

After notifying Diana, Russell asked No. 3 to notify the Hulk at the headquarters of Zhenglian, so that the Hulk was ready to set off.

When No. 3 notified Hulk, he leaned back in his chair, stared at the ceiling, and had some small expectations in his heart.

The Battle of New York is a good opportunity to get Space Gems and Mind Gems.

If he is lucky, this time he can not only get the space gem and the mind gem at the same time, but also have a good experience with Thanos, known as the "Crazy Titan".

Apart from Thanos, Thor and Loki, who have yet to show up, may also show up.

If Thor and Loki also appeared, then this time the battle of New York will definitely become the focus of the world's attention.

Because Thor and Loki are not only aliens, but also gods in Norse mythology, their appearance will make humans on earth re-examine various myths handed down from ancient times.