Chapter 330 - 330: Focus on Cultivation

Chapter 330: Chapter 330: Focus on Cultivation

Translator: 549690339

From afar, watching this scene, Tian Tian also revealed a happy smile.

Qin Tian could already speak, but there was still no movement from Tian Tian’s stomach.

However, after a few more months, finally, Tian Tian was carrying Qin Changqing’s second child.

About a year later, Qin Tian had grown into a crisp little Ioli, and Tian Tian had given birth to Qin Changqing’s second child. Folloow current novÊls on nov/3lb((in).(co/m)

“A fourth-grade spiritual root!”

The spiritual root of this baby was not as extraordinary, only being a fourth-grade spiritual root.

Forth-grade spiritual root was considered pretty good too.

But of course, it could not be compared to a first-grade spiritual root.

Looking at it this way, being able to give birth to Qin Tian this time, might have used up a significant amount of their luck.

In terms of the system’s odds, a miracle had indeed struck here.

Of course, this also had much to do with the superior spiritual nature of Tian Qin Changqing’s state of mind was rather calm about this.

First-grade spiritual roots are rare to begin with, in the vast wave realm with so many people, you would only expect one to appear every few years. Now that one had appeared, Qin Changqing was extremely satisfied.

At this point, more than five years had passed since Qin Changqing’s breakthrough to the Void Refinement.

There was still no news from Youyue about how her breakthrough to Void Refinement was going.

Over twenty years had gone by already.

It had been more than three years since Master Butterfly Cloud had received that elixir, and there were still no developments as of now.

However, she soon arrived.

Master Butterfly Cloud seemed to be in a very good state, exuding a kind of radiance and energy that reminded one of a person filled with joy.

“Master, congratulations, congratulations.”

Just by looking at her state, Qin Changqing knew what had happened.

Master Butterfly Cloud had surely broken through her bottleneck.

That’s why she was so happy.

Perhaps due to breaking through the bottleneck and reaching the peak of happiness, Master Butterfly Cloud revealed a bit of her girly heart.

The corners of her mouth lifted slightly: “How did you know that I have broken through the bottleneck?”

Qin Changqing said, “Your eyes have already told me.

Master Butterfly Cloud looked at Qin Changqing: “Qin Changqing, all of this is thanks to you. I haven’t thanked you properly yet. By the way, I heard that you and Tian Tian have kids now?”


At this time, Tian Tian had also arrived.

And two little ones were following her.

Master Butterfly Cloud said after looking at them, “They’ve grown so big already.”

Even as she spoke, she was tugging at the hem of Qin Changqing’s trousers.

Master Butterfly Cloud patted Qin Tian’s little head and then went off to retreat.

“Your cave mansion’s prohibition formation is self-contained, but I’ve added a small prohibition formation. If anything urgent happens, you can notify me through this formation.”

Master Butterfly Cloud advised.


Qin Changqing replied.

Master Butterfly Cloud stepped into the cave mansion, activated the prohibition formation, and sealed the mansion.

The cave mansion was now completely undisturbed, and unless someone broke the prohibition formation to alert her, she knew nothing about what was happening outside.

Retreat means to eliminate all distractions, to isolate oneself from external influences, and to wholly concentrate on cultivation.

Her current attempt to breakthrough to the Integration period was going to take a long time, exactly how long, she wasn’t sure about.

It could be a hundred years, it could be a few hundred years, or it could even go up to thousands of years.

It’s really unpredictable.

While a first-grade spiritual root does indeed speed up cultivation, the distance from Void Refinement to Integration is not short. It just depends on how far Master Butterfly Cloud could push before being held back by a bottleneck.

It also depends on whether she has well honed other aspects of herself, such as her state of mind, within these few thousand years even though she wouldn’t progress in her cultivation.

These factors could greatly affect the outcome.

Only a few people in Taixuan Peak knew about Master Butterfly Cloud’s retreat, and Qin Changqing certainly didn’t spread the news.

A few years later, Qin Changqing’s name echoed throughout the Vast Wave


Except for cultivators who have been in retreat for hundreds of years, almost all other cultivators were aware of Qin Changqing’s name.

Another year passed, and Tian Tian was quiet again.

Qin Changqing guessed that it might be too difficult for her to have another baby, so he asked Tian Tian to focus on her cultivation.

After Master Butterfly Cloud arrived at Taixuan Peak, Tian Tian didn’t rush back to Guiyuan Sect. She stayed at Taixuan Peak, teaching and guiding Qin Tian, living a peaceful life. She could cultivate here, too.

On the day when Qin Tian turned six, Qin Changqing’s spiritual root made a breakthrough at last.

It leapt from a fourth-grade spiritual root to a third-grade spiritual root in one go.

A third-grade heavenly spiritual root!

Qin Changqing felt an uplift in his spirit.


His spiritual root was no longer garbage.

Even a third-grade spiritual root, the lowest amongst the heavenly spiritual roots, was far superior to most cultivators.

In Vast Wave Realm, possessing a third-grade spiritual root was enough to make one a genius, even in Guiyuan Sect.

If you are admitted normally into the Guiyuan Sect, a third-grade spiritual root could make you an inner door disciple directly.

As for being a core disciple, there was a considerable chance, as long as one could pass the trial after cultivating for a hundred years..