After taking Lingyuan pill, Ji Lei's body immediately had a reaction. Compared with the body quenching pill, the aura brought by Lingyuan pill is much more rich, and the quantity is also quite large. It is worthy of second grade pills!

With the help of Lingyuan pill, Ji Lei's cultivation has broken through the dual level of quenched body state easily, and the rising momentum has not stopped. After breaking through to the triple level of quenched body state, Ji Lei's cultivation has slowed down.

In the end, Ji Lei's strength stopped at the triple peak of quenching body state, and a pill improved two levels. Ji Lei was very satisfied with the speed.

Of course, the effect of Lingyuan pill is more than that. Only because Ji Lei still needs to support the matchless spirit, naturally, he does not have much aura. Most of the aura is swallowed up by the matchless martial spirit. Therefore, it is quite difficult for Ji Lei to break through this cultivation by relying on about 30% aura.

However, the matchless spirit does not disappoint Ji Lei. When the aura is infused into Xiao Long's mouth, a small horn gradually condenses from the dragon's head.

A horn, representing the level of unparalleled martial spirit, has been upgraded one level again.

The martial spirit of yellow rank five grades!

As long as the level of Maggie's family is improved enough, compared with the level of Lei Ji's younger generation, it can be guaranteed that the level of her is enough.

"A strong cultivation should be combined with appropriate martial arts skills." Ji Lei stares at the matchless martial spirit, and suddenly feels a way: "without proper martial arts skills, we can't give full play to the incomparable martial spirit's powerful strength."

Martial arts is one of the means used by warriors to attack. It can be divided into four levels: xuanhuang and Tiandi, and each level is divided into three grades. In the Martial Arts Pavilion of the Ji family, there are many martial arts skills, but Ji Lei doesn't know whether there is one suitable for him.

"No matter whether there is one or not, we have to go and have a look first."

The next day, Ji Lei comes to the Martial Arts Pavilion early. At this time, the Martial Arts Pavilion is still a little lonely. Only a few figures can be seen, as well as the elder who guards the Martial Arts Pavilion.

"Old cloud." Ji Lei came to the table of the elder of the Martial Arts Pavilion and saluted him: "I want to choose martial arts."

The elder of the guard looked up a little, then handed a piece of paper and said to Jilei, "register here, and then go in and pick one."

Ji Lei is a little surprised. He didn't think it would be so easy for him to put himself in to choose martial arts skills. Who knows how easy it is!

"Hurry up. Don't waste your time. There's someone behind you." Seeing Ji Lei hesitated, he could not help feeling impatient.

After Ji Lei came back to her senses and wrote down her name at will, she ran to the second floor of Wuji Pavilion.

But in the face of a wide range of martial arts skills, Jilei has some headache.

"Batian Dao... Folding spear... Getting inflamed..." Ji Lei scratched his head and crossed his eyes. He didn't choose a suitable martial art book, which made Ji Lei worried.

Ji Lei selects the last martial arts cabinet, which contains either extremely mediocre martial arts skills or special weapons to release. However, Ji Lei's weapon is halberd, and there is really no match for Ji Lei's weapon in the Martial Arts Pavilion.

From full of expectation, Ji Lei gradually turns to be dejected. He turns over the last martial arts book, and he doesn't find one suitable for him. Just as Jilei is ready to give up and leave the Martial Arts Pavilion, the rest of his eyes suddenly turns to a book with a blue cover.

The location where it is stored is not very impressive. If the color is not obvious, Jilei may not have noticed it. Anyway, there is no other martial art to choose from. Jilei takes a chance and draws out the volume of martial arts from the counter.

But when Ji Lei saw the words written on the martial arts, all of a sudden the excitement broke out. In the martial arts, there were only three short words: greedy wolf halberd.

This is actually a halberd spectrum!

This can be regarded as unintentional insertion of willows and willows. By mistake, we found a halberd spectrum! Ji Lei is excited and trembling. He turns over the greedy wolf halberd with his hands, and his eyes move with the words.

"Greedy wolf's Halberd is the middle level martial art of the Yellow level. It is divided into three levels: the first is the wolf sudden, the second is the wolf attack, the third is the wolf howling. After all the skills are practiced, the power is comparable to that of the Xuan level."

"Xuanjie martial arts skill!" Ji Lei shoots a fine light in his eyes. Although greedy wolf halberd is not a real xuanjie martial art, its unique attribute makes it have the power comparable to xuanjie martial arts. These days, xuanjie martial arts are all the most precious treasures that can not be found in the whole Ji family. Therefore, it is very difficult for greedy wolf halberd to do this.

Moreover, the halberd method of greedy wolf halberd emphasizes the word "ferocity". When the halberd is danced, the situation is like a hungry wolf, defending with attack and advancing with retreat. When we rush to kill the enemy, we should hold the resolute attitude of death without life, so that every inch of the blade can be used to show blood and show its ferocity.

This is exactly what Ji Lei needs. The strong and fierce martial arts moves are very much to Jilei's appetite!

Jilei is looking at the ground infatuated, all of a sudden, his mind, will emerge an illusory light and shadow.After Jilei saw it, she was more surprised because the light and shadow were themselves! With Ji Lei studying as like as two peas, the light and shadow began to show a movement of one move and one type, and its standard was exactly the same as that of martial arts.

"This is made by... Unparalleled martial spirit?" Ji Lei finds out that when his shadow is imaged, the matchless spirit has disappeared quietly. It seems that this is indeed what the matchless spirit has done. When Ji Lei studies martial arts, matchless spirit copies the martial arts skills and replays them in Jilei's mind again and again.

This makes Ji Lei excited as if he had discovered the new world. If the matchless spirit has such ability, why can't he choose more martial arts?

Ji Lei selects the basic fist techniques and reads them one by one. As expected, Ji Lei does not expect that. The matchless spirit of martial arts once again engraves the moves of these skills.

"Lieshanzhang, the middle grade of yellow stage."

"Tiangang boxing, the top grade of the Yellow stage..."

Ji Lei took a breath and found a dozen or so martial arts skills and learned them all. Although they were basically about the middle and inferior level of the Yellow stage, there were also some skills at the same time. Besides, with the existence of Shuang Wu Hun, these martial skills should not be ignored.

However, Ji Lei still knows that these boxing skills are just icing on the cake. What he really needs to learn is greedy wolf halberd.

Ji Lei is immersed in martial arts and can't extricate herself. When the sun is on the rise and there are more and more people in the Martial Arts Pavilion, Jilei looks up and closes his martial arts skills. In a few hours, Ji Lei has benefited a lot.

All the disciples who come and go are curious about Ji Lei. In other words, Ji Lei's appearance on the second floor of the Martial Arts Pavilion is a surprise to many students.

"Why is this guy here?"

"I don't know... I'm afraid it doesn't depend on the relationship."

"It must be because of the relationship of the owner. He is a waste of the spirit of martial arts. How can he go up to the second floor to choose his martial arts skills?"

"That's hard to say. You know, Ji Lei injured Ji Cang yesterday."

"Really? Can Ji Lei beat Ji Cang? "

"I saw that Ji Cang's hands were all twisted into two pieces, which should have been seriously injured."

"No way..."

"Oh, it's just luck to say that Ji Lei defeated Ji Cang."

In the voice of whispering, a sharp Drake's voice suddenly rang out. A wretched man came out and said in his flat voice to the disciples around him: "what strength is Ji Cang? Don't you know? I was a dandy since I was a kid. I have to be as useless as Ji Lei. If I'm lucky, it's normal to beat Ji Cang. "

Ji Lei's eyes are narrowed. He knows this guy. He seems to be following Ji Yun's younger brother. He seems to have called Ji Ye.

Ji Ye doesn't hide anything. He is not afraid that Ji Lei hears it. He continues to talk to many disciples: "it's not difficult to defeat Ji Cang. As long as you take a little bit of luck, anyone can do it. But when you meet a stronger opponent, do you think Ji Lei can still fight?"

Ji Lei snorts and ignores Ji Ye's provocative remarks. He just wants to leave. This guy can only get along with Ji Yun by his eloquence and flattery. Ji Lei always sneers at such people, so there is no need to see him.

Jilei is about to leave, but suddenly he bumps into a figure. He seems to have come to block Jilei.

"Jiley, jiley, you make me easy to find!"

The heavy voice, which was as heavy as thunder, made all the disciples on the second floor of Wuji pavilion have a smile of schadenfreude. , the fastest update of the webnovel!