In a cave in the zangyun mountains.

Looking at the drizzling rain outside, Jilei decides to keep hiding in the cave. She takes out a fire red crystal from her arms. Jilei's eyes suddenly shine.

"This is a demon crystal of the second level monster..." Ji Lei's eyes were hot. He looked at the red flaming wolf demon crystal, and swallowed his mouth. The strength of the second level monster was almost equal to the strength of the soul refining realm one level higher than that of the quenched body state. If such a warrior stood in front of Jilei, he would be able to break up Jilei easily, so he could kill him with one blow That's the lucky one.

The throat of the red flaming wolf is its softest part and the heaviest defense place. The reason why those big men can't help the red flaming wolf is that its fur is quite hard. However, for the Dragon grain halberd, no matter how hard it is, it can penetrate through. Therefore, as long as one hit at the key point of the red flaming wolf, the red flaming wolf will naturally not survive.

There are many functions of demon crystal, but the most well-known one is to devour the warrior and refine the aura inside. Jilei plans to do the same.

After wiping the demon crystal a little, Jilei swallows the demon crystal. Half a fist sized demon crystal almost blocks Jilei's throat and lets him carry his breath. But fortunately, Jilei still eases up in the end. When the demon crystal is down, Jilei waits for the aura to come into being.

No, Ji Lei's body was spread by aura. The aura from the demon crystal wrapped all the eight meridians of Jilei's miraculous scriptures and nourished it together with the spirit of martial arts. It seemed that Jilei could feel the satisfaction of the matchless spirit after absorbing so much aura.

The spirit of the second level monster's demon crystal can be said to be quite rich, even compared with Lingyuan Dan. Jilei did not let go of any aura. After about half an hour, Jilei felt that his body had changed.

I don't know if it's Jilei's illusion. He feels his fists become more powerful and his whole body is full of strength.

Jilei clenched her fist. It seemed that her arm had become more robust than before, but it was hard to see if you didn't look carefully.

At the moment of Ji Lei's doubt, a burning sensation suddenly comes from his abdomen, which makes Ji Lei's surprise.

After a while, the fire became more and more hot, and it was too hot for Jilei to bear. Jilei was in a panic and was thinking about how to remedy it. But at this time, Jilei's head suddenly felt dizzy. Jilei then responded. This must be the demon crystal that just swallowed.

Jilei ignores one point, that is, although the demon crystal is the gathering place of the spirit in the monster's body, it is also the soul of the demon beast. Every spirit of the demon beast is violent, and the demon crystal just enlarges the violent atmosphere infinitely, which causes the swallower to absorb the aura, and at the same time, it also gives the bad negative things to the monster Absorbed in, this kind of thing is the most primitive and violent nature of the monster itself.

Jilei suddenly, but it's too late to understand. The flame in his stomach thinks of the spread of Jilei's upper body with the potential of burning a prairie fire. Jilei feels a tightness in his chest. Then, blood streaks are gradually covered in his eyes.

The brain has become chaotic, it is difficult to think about anything, and it is even more difficult to calm down. Now jiley's whole person has become manic.

Jilei wants to suppress the rising flame with instinct, but the effect is very small. With Jilei's ability, he can't stop the expansion of the second-order Warcraft's beast in his body.

"Damn it!" Jilei can feel that his mind has gradually warmed up, and his eyes are also a blur. If this goes on like this, Jilei will certainly become a human like beast with a human body, but he has no ability to think and can only drink blood.

Jilei has some regrets. The demon crystal of the second level monster is not what he can control now. But now it is too late to regret. If he doesn't do something, then he can only be controlled by the demon crystal.

Ji Lei vaguely saw the drizzle outside. He didn't care much about it at the moment. He lowered his head and rushed to the outside of the cave. After running out of the cave, the raindrops in the sky fell on Jilei. The cold feeling made Jilei sober up a little, but it was not so easy to suppress the flame of demon crystal.

The fire doesn't wait for Jilei. It just spreads upward, and the speed is even faster than before. Jilei looks at the cliff below, and his consciousness becomes blurred again.

Jiley's last thought before this was that if he really became a beast, he might as well die.

Heart a horizontal, Ji Lei closed his eyes, facing the cliff down.

Ji Lei's figure gradually disappeared in the seemingly bottomless mountain stream.

The cold feeling penetrates into his heart. Ji Lei tries to open his eyes. Several bright lights come through and shine on his face.

"I didn't die?" Jilei touched her body from head to foot and found that her limbs were intact except for some wounds!

"Wow."Jilei rowed for a while, and there was a splash of water around him. He found that he was in a pool.

Jilei looked up to the sky. She should have fallen into the pool when she fell down, so she could save her life.

The water in the pool has been dyed red by Jilei's blood. Although he hasn't broken his hands and feet, he still has a lot of blood. However, compared with before, Jilei's consciousness has been sober, his body is no longer burning, and his eyes are all clear.

"I'm ready?" Jilei couldn't react for a while, but when he confirmed that he had really recovered, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, "I'm better?"

Jilei was naturally happy, but before he was happy for a long time, suddenly there were some changes in his body. However, this time, it was not the demon crystal that caused the trouble, but the matchless spirit reacted.

Wushuang Wuhun becomes extremely happy. He swims around in Jilei's body like a fish. Before Jilei knows what's going on, he suddenly feels a little strange. In the water, there is a aura that is constantly permeating into his body!

"Is this a pool of spirits?" After Ji Lei's reaction, he was overjoyed. The so-called spirit pool is the pool water with aura. The heaven and earth are so big that the aura in the pool water is much purer than that in the demon crystal. It is very rare for martial arts. However, the number of such strange things in heaven and earth is too limited, but I didn't expect that there would be a soul pool in the zangyun mountains.

"These injuries should be cured by the spirit pool, as well as the flame of demon crystal..." Jilei looked at his wound, and the blood stasis had been eliminated. As for the animal fire that was burning in his body before, the pure aura in the spirit pool can extinguish the flame, so there is no need to worry about it.

Jilei closes her eyes and feels the benefits of the pool. The warm feeling flows into Jilei's heart. It seems that his whole soul has been sublimated. The aura in the spirit pool flows into Jilei's body more quickly because Jilei consciously absorbs it.

The water in the spirit pool gradually becomes shallow...


Jilei suddenly stands up, shakes the water off her body, and then puts on her wet clothes and walks out of the spirit pool.

The spirit pool has been able to see the bottom, which shows that the aura here is very thin. It will take at least decades or even hundreds of years to regenerate a soul pool of this size. With this point in mind, the time for the soul pool to derive will be greatly shortened.

The spirit between heaven and earth can be obtained, but it is not allowed to be plundered. It is Jilei's creed to do things in a certain way. His awe of nature stems from the gratitude of the soul.

So Jilei will never absorb the spirit pool completely, although there are still some auras that can be absorbed.


Jilei suddenly feels that his body seems to have some changes. After finding out, Jilei's mood suddenly becomes extremely happy.

When he was in a coma, his accomplishments had already broken through the five levels of quenched body state. No wonder Ji Lei felt that his fist had become stronger. He was preparing for the breakthrough and feeling the power. He knew that his quenched body five was probably the best, and his pure strength was not discounted at all, He poured it into Jilei's body, which made him not only gain the spiritual cultivation, but also the strength of his body.

"This practice has gained a lot..." Ji Lei is very satisfied with the harvest of his trip to the Tibetan cloud mountains. It seems that the day when cangyun Zong comes to Qingyun city is coming to calculate the time...

"Oh, my God!" Ji Lei is suddenly surprised. He suddenly remembers that he doesn't know how long he has been sleeping, maybe a day or two, or even longer... If this is the case, then he has missed the time when cangyun Zong came to Qingyun city to screen his disciples?

In a hurry, Jilei suddenly heard a rustle of footsteps around her , the fastest update of the webnovel!