Ji Lei looks like ice. He looks at Shen Tu Ke who is lying on the ground. Suddenly, he lifts his hand, and a sharp aura pierces Shen Tuke's body.


Shen Tu Ke's face was pale and empty. He felt a pain in his abdomen. His body softened at that time. All the auras in his body were detached from his body at this moment.

"It's a small punishment and a great admonition to abolish your cultivation." Although Ji Lei didn't kill Shen Tu Ke, she would not let him go so easily, so she broke Shen Tu Ke's meridians and abandoned all his accomplishments. She could no longer practice in this life. But for a warrior, it's more difficult than death to be unable to practice. Jilei wants to make life worse than death.

Shen Tu Ke looks at Ji Lei bitterly. Ji Lei snorts and kicks Shen Tu Ke's temple. Shen Tu Ke faints immediately.

When Ji Lei abolished Shen Tuke, all the people in the Ji family felt relieved. However, the people in the Shentu family were afraid to express their anger and could only hold back their anger. However, the Luo family and the Wang family were even lucky that their young master had been eliminated early. Otherwise, there might be two more figures lying on it...

SHEN Tuke was abolished Ji Yun's face turned white for a moment. Looking at Ji Lei's back, he sighed with a sigh that he was cruel. Ji Lei really went to deal with such things as disabled people... Since then, most of the talents of the Shentu family no longer exist. Instead, there is only one disabled person who has been abandoned to cultivate meridians...

"ho!" All of a sudden, Lei Ji and Lei Ji look at him in a fright.

"Cough, since the competition has been finished, I will come to pick you up and go to cangyunzong in five days. If you need anything, you can prepare for it." Cangshan patted Ji Lei on the shoulder and said with a smile that he didn't pay any attention to Shen Tuke who fell on the ground. The loser is not worthy of sympathy.

Ji Lei nodded and saluted Cangshan: "thank you, elder... And... My soul..."

"don't worry, my mouth is not so broken." Cangshan says to Ji Lei. He thinks clearly that if Ji Lei's two martial spirits are known, for whatever reason, he will put Ji Lei in a very dangerous situation. How many years can Luoyun Kingdom produce a talent of double martial spirits? Before Jilei grows up, Cangshan will surely help Jilei to keep this important secret.

Hearing Cangshan's promise, Ji Lei smiles at ease. He gives Cangshan another salute and plans to leave.

"By the way, wait a minute." Ji Lei is about to leave, but Cangshan suddenly stops Ji Lei and hands him a scroll and a small jade box.

"This is a roll body technique and two Lingyuan pills. Take them."

"Body and martial arts? Lingyuan pill Ji Lei looks at the two things in Cangshan's hand in surprise. His body skills and martial arts skills are rare treasures for Ji Lei. They are not sold in the Martial Arts Pavilion. They are extremely rare, not to mention Lingyuan Dan. Cangshan gives two of them as soon as he gives them!

"I see one of your martial spirits. Should he rely on speed? Although this body skill is only the middle level of the Yellow level, it has a lot to improve the speed. Together with the Lingyuan pill, it's a gift from Cang yunzong. " Cangshan gives two things to Ji Lei with a smile. Ji Lei takes it subconsciously. After a while, she responds to Cangshan and says, "thank you, elder!"

"These five days have to be spent in Qingyun city." Bai Chen said to himself regretfully: "I didn't expect that Jilei is so strong."

Ji Yun smell speech, complexion suddenly flustered up, Na Na ground says: "elder martial brother... What do you say? What are these five days... "

Bai Chen turned his head and said to Ji Yun," based on my understanding of Cangshan elder, we should stay in the Qingyun city for the past five days, and return to cangyun sect with Ji Lei after five days. "

Ji Yun's heart was empty: "what? Let's next... "

Bai Chen shrugged:" of course, it's to find a place to live. "

Ji Yun smell speech, the mood is to fall to the bottom of the valley, half of the body is cool through, and Ji Lei together will cangyun Zong? Not to mention how frightened Jiyun will be along the way. In these five days, with Ji Lei's current ability, if he wants to find Ji Yun out of his hiding place, it is a matter of using his fingers. After Ji Lei catches Ji Yun, Ji Yun's fate will surely be worse than that of Shen Tu Ke. Ji Yun's hair will stand on end when he thinks of it.

"Elder martial brother... Can you tell the elder martial brother..."

in the Tibetan cloud mountain range, Ji Lei is walking through the forest at a high speed, and his body looks like a flash of lightning. Just in the blink of an eye, Ji Lei has already flashed dozens of steps away.

"Hoo..." Ji Lei breathed out a breath. Cangshan gave him this volume of body skill called "thunder flash". Although the level is not very high, it is very suitable for his thunder and lightning spirit. At the moment of release, Ji Lei's body will rush in one direction, and Ji Lei can complete a jump of not short distance in one breath. Can hit the enemy by surprise, can also help Jilei escape quickly when the enemy is defeated.However, although the short-term displacement can bring unexpected attacks to the opponent, the consumption of aura is also very large. It costs more than 30% of Ji Lei's aura just once, which can't withstand several times. Therefore, if it is not for the critical moment, Jilei will not easily use this move to flash thunder.

At this time, Ji Lei's strength has been greatly improved compared with the previous one. The aura of two Lingyuan pills is enough to raise Ji Lei's strength to a higher level. Now, Ji Lei, with six levels of body state, is really invincible in this Qingyun city.

"Now you really need to go to a bigger world," Ji Zhen patted Ji Lei on the shoulder with some feelings, but she was more gratified. "The disciples of cangyun clan are all dragons and phoenixes among people. When you get there, there are more people than you. You need to be humble."

Ji Lei nodded, Ji Zhen then said, "by the way, how are you practicing the secret method of Ji family?"

Ji Lei heard the speech and said with a smile, "I've been practicing these five days. I've been quite proficient in this move."

At first, Ji Lei defeated Shen Tu Ke by this move, so Ji Lei must have a deep feeling for this move. In five days, Ji Lei's only one of the dark inferior martial arts skills of the Ji family has been almost understood by Ji Lei. Although it does not need the form and meaning of greedy wolf halberd, it is Zhan long strangle, which is an extremely powerful attack type of martial art, which Ji Lei is currently in contact with The best martial arts I've ever had.

In the sky above Ji's house, a crane, Cangshan Ling Xue and Bai Chen, came down slowly from the crane.

"Master Ji, I've heard of you for a long time. I haven't visited. I'm late. Don't be surprised." Compared with Cang Ji's family, the elder knows that he has the strength of Cang Ji.

"The elder where words, the dog son please expensive Zong, thank you elder trouble." Ji Zhen also responded politely.

Cangshan nodded and then looked at Jilei: "let's go."

But at this time, Jilei was surprised to find that among the people here, there are people who are familiar with themselves!

"Ah? How is it you? " Ji Lei is surprised and says to Ling Xue, "are you also a disciple of cangyun sect?"

Seeing this, Cangshan and Ji Zhen are surprised. Cangshan says to Ji Lei, "how do you know each other?"

"See you once." Ling Xue grabs before Ji Lei shakes out all the things that happened that day, she says it to death. Ji Lei nods when she hears it.

"Since I know her better, she's about the same age as you, but she's a member of the clan earlier than you, so you have to call her elder martial sister." Cangshan said with a smile, "Ling Xue's surname is Xiao. After entering the zongmen, you'll know someone who can take care of her."

Xiao Lingxue hears the speech, curls her lips and murmurs in a low voice: "who should take care of this little rogue?"

However, other people did not hear, Jilei nodded obediently, and then walked on the crane's back. After a while, the crane flew up in the air.

"By the way, elder martial sister, I remember that I came with you originally. Isn't there another one?" Ji Lei can't see Ji Yun around, so he turns to Xiao Ling Xue and asks. Between the tone, it is the feeling of an old acquaintance. It seems that he has long forgotten the extraordinary thing he did to Xiao Lingxue that day in the Tibetan cloud mountains.

Xiao Lingxue is angry when she sees Jilei. She doesn't want to pay any attention to him. But on second thought, if she wants to find out the mystery of Ji Lei's martial spirit, her relationship with Ji Lei can't be so rigid. So she says to Jilei, "he says he's not feeling well. Someone has taken him back to his family."

Ji Lei hears the speech and nods silently, but there is a cold light in his eyes.

"Jiyun, Jiyun, do you think I can't find you by hiding in cangyunzong...

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