Luo qianrou's face was about to bleed. She covered her eyes tightly with her hands. She ordered Ji Lei to say, "don't put on your clothes quickly."

Jilei rolled her eyelids and covered the important parts. Then the wind came into the room. After a stir, Jilei came out again in plain clothes.

Luo qianrou still clutching her hand and not letting it go. She was afraid that she would see something she shouldn't have seen. Jilei saw this and directly pulled Luo qianrou's hand down and said, "I've got my clothes on. What are you covering?"

Luo qianrou closes her eyes. She is very flustered. She stealthily narrows a slit. She finds that Jilei is no longer naked. She opens all her eyes. But her face is still red, her eyes are flickering, and she dare not look directly at Ji Lei.

Ji Lei gave a helpless smile, and then explained to Luo qianrou: "I just practiced there. Who knows you'll come down suddenly...

LUO qianrou looks totally distrustful and snorts," come on, I've never heard of anyone who practices to take off all his clothes! "

Ji Lei hears speech more helpless, he can't tell Luo qianrou everything about matchless spirit, right? Looking at Luo qianrou's suspicious cheek, Jilei simply does not explain, he is too lazy to explain, Luo qianrou love how to think.

However, Luo qianrou suddenly frowned and glanced at Jilei's whole body, which made her feel a little hairy. She thought that this woman would not fall in love with herself after seeing her own body. Would you like to have a strong bow? Although Jilei didn't have such resistance in his heart... But things came so suddenly that he didn't have any preparation at all...

LUO qianrou was frightened to find that Ji Lei's expression on his face showed a very strange twist. This guy's heart would not be thinking of anything dirty, right?

"Are you promoted?"

As soon as Ji Lei hears Luo qianrou's words, she immediately seems to vent her anger. Dare she have been spying on her own strength? Ji Lei was excited for a long time. However, Ji Lei was a little surprised. Luo qianrou could see her own strength at a glance. Then she straightened her face, nodded, and then said in an ostentatious tone: "now it's a heavy forging soul state!"

"Forging a soul state?" Luo qianrou's red glow faded from her face, blinked her pretty eyes, and then stretched out her white fingers like Lanzhi jade and pointed them on Jilei's chest.

A warm golden aura suddenly spreads to Luo qianrou's heart along her fingertips. The feeling of incomparable stability emerges again. Luo qianrou closes her eyes and quietly enjoys the feeling that lasts for a moment. When time goes by, Luo qianrou opens her eyes with some indefatigable intention, and then says to Ji Lei: "it really has the flavor of forging soul state."

Ji Lei's sharp eyes find that Luo qianrou's expression at that moment is very delicate. Although the night is very thick, Ji Lei still sees it vividly. The moonlight shines on Luo qianrou's soft green silk, which is as soft as silk and satin!

"What is this?" Ji Lei subconsciously puts his hand into Luo qianrou's hair. A cold feeling instantly spreads to Jilei's palm. Ji Lei is unprepared. He quickly puts down Luo qianrou's hair.

"Why is your hair so cold?" Jiley asked, frowning. He had never felt such a low temperature in anyone else. It could be described as cold! At the moment Luo qianrou touched Jilei just now, her face turned pale and then ruddy, and then returned to normal after an instant. This is quite strange!

in the face of Jilei's question, Luo qianrou hesitated and could not answer. Ji Lei saw that Luo qianrou's reaction was quite abnormal. She pulled Luo qianrou's hand and pressed it on her chest Loaded!

Ji Lei's aura spread to Luo qianrou's body again. He guessed right. Luo qianrou's face turned pale and ruddy! Looking at the gradually rising white air, Jilei's brow has been tightly wrinkled into a ball, which is clearly cold! Ji Lei's eyes widened, holding Luo qianrou's white wrist and asking, "what's going on here?"

Luo qianrou drew back her hand like a frightened fawn. She was anxious to cry, but she didn't speak.

The atmosphere in the room dropped to the freezing point, as cold as the cold air on Luo qianrou's hair. It was very quiet and terrible all around, but Jilei heard a low sob.

He understood that Luo qianrou must have some secret. He was as insidious as Ji Lei's unparalleled soul. He suddenly thought that Luo qianrou suddenly appeared in the forest of cangyun mountain. He was like a flying insect attracted by warm fire in winter, just to survive.

Ji Lei's heart suddenly gives birth to a little apology. Looking at Luo qianrou, who does not dare to speak, Jilei suddenly opens her arms and holds Luo qianrou in her arms.

Luo qianrou is startled by the sudden embrace. Just as she is trying to struggle, a warm aura suddenly comes from Jilei's body, which covers Luo qianrou's body. This is the first time Jilei has noticed that Luo qianrou's body is so cold!

Holding Luo qianrou in her arms for a long time, Jilei can feel that Luo qianrou's temperature is slowly rising."What's up, are you warming up?" Jilei suddenly bowed his head and said with a smile that he didn't seem to care why Luo qianrou had become like this.

Luo qianrou's cheek is a little red. This is the first time that Jilei hugs her and warms her body. Although she is a little shy, Luo qianrou has never felt like this. The warmth of Jilei ripples in Luo qianrou's heart, which makes Luo qianrou reluctant to leave this warm embrace.

"I've been like this since I was a child," Luo qianrou, who was quiet, suddenly made a subtle voice, which was transmitted to Jilei's ear. "Since I was born, I've been cold all over my body, and my family can't understand why I'm like this. At that time, anyone I met would die of freezing, so people around me would regard me as a monster... Even me My parents did not dare to touch me and locked me in the ice cellar. Until I was 16 years old, I could control the cold air a little bit. However, my family could not accommodate me any more, so I secretly came to cangyunzong...

LUO qianrou's words undoubtedly set off a storm in Jilei's heart. Listening to her narration, Jilei felt a pang of pain, Luo qianrou The treatment he received from childhood was totally different from his own. Although he also had a short period of degradation, Ji Zhen never looked at himself coldly and never gave up on himself during that time! Just because Jilei is Ji Zhen's child!

Ji Lei, holding Luo qianrou's arm, could not help deepening her strength and calming her tumbling mood. She slowly opened her mouth and said, "where are you from?"

Luo qianrou is already tearful at this time, hiding in Jilei's arms and sobbing constantly. Ji Lei waits quietly until Luo qianrou's mind calms down and replies, "my family is in frost island in the north of Wushen heaven."

"Frost island..." Ji Lei didn't expect Luo qianrou to come from there. Naturally, Ji Lei didn't know too much about this frost Island, because Luoyun kingdom was almost in the east of wushentian continent, two extreme regions. It was really difficult to know each other's news. However, Jilei still remembered this place, and he had his own ideas.

Jilei has understood that Luo qianrou needs more temperature than ordinary people. Although the cold air will not hurt Luo qianrou, Jilei will not let it develop like this. Although Luo qianrou can control it a little, it may not be able to suppress it one day. The only reason why Jilei can suppress the cold air temporarily is: matchless spirit.

Wushuang Wuhun is the most vigorous and strong pure Yang spirit. It's natural to suppress the cold air. But Jilei can't hold Luo qianrou all day long, right? So it is necessary to eradicate the cold.

Luo qianrou has never felt so stable. In Jilei's arms, her eyes slowly close and her tears fade away from Luo qianrou's cheek. Luo qianrou, like this, sleeps quietly in Jilei's arms.

Morning light spreads all over the earth, Luo qianrou opens her eyes, and the first thing she sees is Ji Lei's smiling face.

"Awake?" Ji Lei rubs Luo qianrou's head. Luo qianrou finds herself lying in Jilei's arms all night. Ji Lei holds Luo qianrou and sleeps all night.

On Luo qianrou's cheek, a trace of coyness rose. She said to Ji Lei, "I can control the cold...

but Ji Lei suddenly turned into a treacherous face, and said with a smile to Luo qianrou:" you said you touched all of them for me. Do you want to leave? "

Luo qianrou gave Jilei a look of coquetry, "hooligan!" But in the modality, it seems that there is not much resistance.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Jilei was a little surprised. Who would knock on the door in the morning? The inquiring eyes looked at Luo qianrou. Luo qianrou said to Jilei, "go ahead, my cold air doesn't break out all the time."

Jilei nodded, then ran to open the door. At the moment of opening the door, a face that Jilei didn't think about appeared outside the door.

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