As soon as Jilei enters the door, she bumps into Luo qianrou and comes out of the room. "Who was just here?"

Ji Lei also did not hide, said to Luo qianrou: "it is Yi Qiuling, he said he would like to invite us to join the Autumn Pavilion."

"Autumn Pavilion?" Luo qianrou blinked her eyes, and her long eyelashes fluttered like a fairy. Then she looked at Jilei curiously and said, "did you agree?"

"Yes, why not?" Jilei pulled a chair and sat down and said, "two months later, cangyunzong will hold a four chamber meeting, and the winner can get a lot of good things. Although Yi Qiuling is not popular, he is not weak at all, but... I think for a second that if Yi Qiuling will choose to win me over, then the other three chambers will certainly not just watch Yi Qiuling pull us into Qiuge like this?"

"What do you mean..."

Ji Lei gave a bad smile, rubbed his hands and said, "why don't you take this opportunity to squeeze him...

Yi Qiuling was practicing with his eyes closed. He suddenly felt a chill in his back, and then opened his eyes. His eyes were full of confusion.

"What's this strange feeling about?"

But Yi Qiuling did not want to understand, the door of the Autumn Pavilion was kicked open, Duan Yanqi wind rushed in and threw Yi Qiuling a pile of books.

"I checked jiley's identity by the way. Guess what I found? Ji Lei and Ji Yun are from the same family! " Duan Yanqi, as if he had discovered some big secret, danced to Yi Qiuling: "they all came out of Qingyun city of Luoyun state, but Jiyun has been chosen by cangyunzong for a long time, and Jilei is cangyunzong who entered cangyunzong after screening out his opponents."

"Are they a family?" Yi Qiuling frowned and said, "why does Ji Lei look so ugly when he mentions Ji Yun?"

"You don't know that!" Duan Yanqi has a mysterious face and whispers a few words in Yi Qiuling's ear. Yi Qiuling listens, and then... His mouth gradually widens, and his eyes show the light of shock.

"The hatred of life and death? Can't you? " Yi Qiuling is full of disbelief.

"I don't know if it's true, but this kind of thing is not impossible. Besides, Ji Yun did not show his face again after Ji Lei entered cangyun sect. I guess he must have been hiding."

"Where is he hiding?"

"Summer Pavilion." Duan Yanqi replied.

"Summer Pavilion? That's not the company's....

"exactly." Duan Yanqi nodded and said.

Yi Qiuling suddenly sneered, "is it true that enemies don't get together? Luo qianrou hit sikongmiao at the beginning, which is Si kongmiao's younger brother... Ji Lei has a feud with Ji Yun again... It seems that Liang Zi of Qiuge and Xiage has already been married already!"

"Si Kong Ji is just a name. The man who is burning the billboard is not hard to deal with, but the one who is really difficult to deal with..." Duan Yanqi is worried. Yi Qiuling drops his head after hearing the words, and his eyes become ancient and undisturbed. However, there is a burning flame, which is slowly coming up from the bottom of his eyes.

"That guy... Ha ha..." Yi Qiuling suddenly sneered: "it's time to end it!"


cangyunzong is not only a quiet training room and a sutra Pavilion. If it is like that, it will not touch a trace of fireworks. In his spare time, the disciples of cangyun sect will also visit the noisy square city. Ji Lei walks alone in the only square city of cangyun clan, which is really eye opening for Ji Lei. There are countless stalls on the stalls Even the monster and demon Jing, who just cut off and still bleeding, has it, but the grade is not more than the second level. Jilei is not very good at it.

He came here to help Luo qianrou find some elixirs that can control the cold. Although he doesn't know how to use these pills, there is a unique organization called Lingdan Pavilion in cangyun clan. Most of the disciples in it are Dan masters. Ji Lei finds them with things and pays a certain amount of cangyun order. They can help Ji Lei refine pills.

Each miraculous herb in cangyunfang is marked with its own properties and grades. There are nine kinds of pills. The more you go up, the higher the grade, the more complex the herbs need and the higher the price. Most of the herbs in cangyunfang are low-grade ones, so the price is not very high.

"Red flaming grass... No cold fruit... Burning ice branches..." as long as they are fire related herbs, Ji Lei has searched them all. Although they are all low-level medicinal materials, the total price is quite high. When the disciple who sells the medicinal materials to Ji Lei, he buys so many herbs and hands him a ring like thing.

"Take this one, younger martial brother Najie, to hide things."

This is the gift given to Jilei by the stall owner. The material of Najie is special, and the inner space is self-contained. So even a small ring can store a lot of things. Of course, there are many kinds of treasures that can be stored in Wushen heaven, not only Na Jie. This Na ring looks old and can be stored There are not many things, but it's better than Jilei holding these herbs empty handed, so Jilei readily accepted this small idea."This cost 200 pieces of the order of Lord level cangyun and scholar level cangyun order..." Ji Lei felt some heartache. The speed of his wallet shrinking was too fast. In a short time, he spent half of cangyunling. Only when he thought that these things were used to refine pills, Jilei felt a little better.

Ji Lei goes to the Lingdan Pavilion, knocks on the door and goes in, only to find that there is an old figure and a young figure. I can't help wondering.

"Guests?" The old man looked at Ji Lei with a smile, "I am cangmu, the master of Lingdan Pavilion."

"Yes, elder." Ji Lei asks for help. Naturally, he doesn't dare to neglect him. Cangmu looks at Ji Lei and says with a smile, "at this time, all the Dan masters are resting. Only I and elder martial brother gujue are left. What pills do you want to refine?"

After hearing this, Ji Lei spreads out all the herbs in Najie and says respectfully to cangmu: "please help me refine these herbs into pills that can suppress the cold... I have an urgent need."

"You can't be anxious to refine pills..." cangmu twists up a ChiYan grass, looks at it, and then says to himself, "the red inflammation grass is dry, and the cold fruit is shriveled... Your herbs can't play a full effect."

"What about that?" Ji Lei said anxiously, "I've brought all the herbs of fire attribute in cangyun square."

"Don't worry," cangmu comforted. "It's just that the quality is not very good, and it's not that you can't use them. You want to take these pills to suppress the cold, right? I'll take these things to refine three second grade red fire pills and five one grade one pills Yanghuo pills."

When Ji Lei hears this, he is so dark that he can only refine eight pills? It seems that this Dan master is really not so good. It takes so much medicine to refine eight pills. These are all money!

"Three second grade pills, five one grade pills, a total of 800 pieces of Wang level cangyun order." When Ji Lei is surprised in his heart, Gu Jue beside cangmu says with a straight face. When he comes in from Ji Lei, he has a cold and indifferent attitude. When he says this, Ji Lei's feet are soft, and he almost doesn't fall to death.

"What... What? Eight hundred pieces of Wang level cangyun order?! Why don't you grab it? " Ji Lei didn't hold back for a moment, and directly said all his thoughts in his heart. But cangmu didn't seem angry. He just said to Jilei, "this is the rule set by the clan. I can't make an exception."

"What's more, do you think it's so easy to ask a third grade Dan master to refine pills? If the outside world can find a Dan master, it's not only the same as the ancestors, but also the price is skyrocketing. I have 800 cangyun orders here. Where can you find such a cheap Dan master....

"it turns out that being a Danshi makes so much money..." Ji Lei thinks that if he can become a Dan master, he will make money at will "Don't think about it." every disciple Gu Jue met who came to Lingdan pavilion to ask for medicine would look like Ji Lei after hearing the terrible price and cangmu's narration. So Gu Jue saw Ji Lei's mind at this time, and directly said: "to become a Dan master, you must first have the flame spirit among the spirit spirits, and also the medicinal materials They have a very sensitive perception. The first one alone can wipe out 99% of the disciples. "

Ji Lei suddenly, he finally understood why the number of Dan division is so rare. Dare to be a Dan master, you have to have the spirit of fire! As a kind of spirit and martial spirit, the number of fire spirit has always been quite rare. It is the so-called rarity that makes the profession of Danshi more rare and noble. As long as you become a Dan master, even if it is the lowest grade, you are qualified to see people with your nostrils.

"So..." Ji Lei is frustrated. Where does he go to find the flame spirit? It seems that Dan Shi's profession can only be thought about in his dream.

"In fact, it doesn't have to be the flame of the martial spirit," cangmu said, comforting Ji Lei with a kind smile: "as long as the spirit is strong enough, it can naturally condense into a red fire when refining medicine. As long as there is a Dan fire, then you can refine pills, but... The requirements for the spirit of martial arts are also higher..."

when Ji Lei hears this, a trace of it rises in his heart Hope, "as long as it's enough Yang Gang's martial spirit? Can I have a try? "

Cangmu is stupefied. It seems that he didn't expect why Ji Lei was so excited. However, after cangmu said this, his disciples who wanted to become Dan master would have a glimmer of hope. Cangmu originally wanted to find more Dan masters for Lingdan Pavilion, but the results were disappointing.

"Well, it's not a dead heart again." Gu Jue Leng snorts. Ji Lei doesn't pay attention to him. He just looks at cangmu seriously. Cangmu sees that Ji Lei doesn't seem to be joking, so he nods. Anyway, it's not the first one. It's a confession to Jilei. If it doesn't work, it's a big consolation.

With this thought, cangmu took out a pot of medicine stove and said to Ji Lei: "this is the medicine stove for alchemy, which can also be called medicine cauldron. The first step of alchemy is to raise the Dan fire. You just need to gather the spirit in the spirit of the martial spirit in the furnace, and naturally you can raise the Dan fire. I will tell whether you are suitable to be a Dan master according to the color of the fire."Ji Lei nods. Then he puts his palm into the fire at the bottom of the medicine cauldron. His heart is moved. The spirit of the matchless martial spirit continuously flows from his body to the heart of the stove. After waiting for a moment, Jilei reaches out and patiently waits for the aura to make a fire.

About half a quarter of an hour later, the fire in the furnace still did not rise. Cangmu shook his head and sighed. In this way, Ji Lei did not have the talent to become a Dan master. Gu Jueling snorted and was about to take back the medicine cauldron. But under the medicine tripod, a flame suddenly sprang up in the furnace core! Ji Lei can't help being overjoyed, but cangmu's face doesn't show much joy. At most, it can only show that Ji Lei's martial spirit is the attribute of Yanggang. Many disciples of cangyun sect can also achieve this level of fire. It's just a small flame, but still can't generate enough Dan fire to refine Dan.

"Ah... It's not good as expected..." cangmu had expected, but he was still disappointed. After all, there are too few Dan masters in cangyun sect. So far, there are no more than 50 disciples. Compared with the four chambers which often have hundreds, the number of disciples in Lingdan Pavilion is pitiful. So cangmu can discover one after another, but Ji Lei's performance makes cangmu's expectation fail again. He can't help but feel a little disappointment in his indifferent eyes. Why doesn't he want to let the Lingdan Pavilion develop and grow?

"Anyway, the spirit of martial arts is not something that can be forced. You don't have to be discouraged." Cangmu comforts Jilei like this and comforts himself.

But just as cangmu's voice had just dropped, the flame under the cauldron, flickering, spread around. In cangmu's and Gu Jue's astonished eyes, it was more and more prosperous...


Finally, when the flame burned all over the fire, the medicine cauldron burst with a loud noise and then burst open , the fastest update of the webnovel!