In cangyun square, Ji Lei is confronting a group of people. People come and go here. Such a thing naturally causes a crowd to watch.

Ji Lei came to cangyun square, and the purpose was very simple. He wanted to sell the extra pills. However, as soon as Ji Lei found the stall, someone came to stop him.

"Don't you understand, you new man? This is our boss's position. Pack up and get out of here One of the people who confront jiley suddenly said so.

Ji Lei smell speech but disdain, "here again did not write your elder brother's name, why can't I be here?"

"The new comer has no eyesight," a young man in red came to Jilei, and his tone was full of scorn: "I don't even know the tenth person on the list."

"Tenth on the list?" Ji Lei can't help laughing. Even Yi Qiuling, who is the third in the star list, asks him to join the Qiuge. What's the tenth place in the list?

"No. 10 on the list, Su Hao!" The man reported to his family, and his tone seemed to have a strong sense of pride: "if you are wise, you'd better take your junk away! Otherwise, be careful, I will smash your stall directly! "

"Suhao..." Jilei murmured the name, as if trying hard to recall the impression of the name, but in the end, Jilei gave up, shaking his head and regretfully said, "I haven't heard of it."

"You Su Hao was so angry that he said with a cold smile, "it seems that these new disciples have some skills, so they want to challenge the authority of their predecessors. Well, take this opportunity, I will let you learn what is humility!"

"There are so many people who have said this to me. Who are you?" Jiley stood up, fearless!

Seeing this, Su Hao stepped on Jilei's pills. In a flash, a burst of broken sound sounded. One pill after another, Su Hao stepped on it, and it went out of smoke!

Looking at the debris all over the ground, Jilei's eyes suddenly filled with violent killing intention!

But the people behind Su Hao's back, however, came the unbridled laughter. Su Hao looked at Ji Lei with pride and said contemptuously, "what's the matter? Elder martial brother, I have crushed your pill. What can you do to me? "

As soon as Su Hao's voice fell, Ji Lei's fist suddenly rushed into Su Hao's face. A fist mixed with a thick anger went straight to Su Hao. The distance between Su Hao and Ji Lei was too close to avoid! Ji Lei's punch hit Su Hao in the face!


Su Hao's body suddenly flew upside down and fell on another stall, smashing all the goods on it!

Those who had been laughing wildly could not laugh for a moment, and the expression on their faces turned to panic. Su Hao stood up with his teeth bared. His clothes were messy and his eyes were burning with anger. Although Jilei's fist only hurt him a little, it made him lose his face! This new man, he must not let go!

"Asshole!" Su Hao stood up, looked at Ji Lei angrily, and yelled: "fire point gun!"

The red light flashed by, the temperature of cangyunfang suddenly rose, and the thick smoke suddenly diffused, covering Ji Lei's eyes.

Ji Lei Xu squints and keeps an eye on Su Hao's movements. Suddenly, the fire breaks through the thick fog, and a gun tip with cold light is pointing at Jilei's eyebrow, and suddenly stabs at it!

Ji Lei's eyes were shining. He had expected that Su Hao would take the opportunity to attack, so he turned around and avoided Su Hao's shot. Then the dragon pattern halberd suddenly appeared after a sudden thunder. When he twisted his hand, he blocked the gun head of the firepoint gun. Ji Lei turned around again. The halberd tip of the Longwen halberd collided with the gun head of the firepoint gun, and a sound of gold and iron was heard! Then, there was a crisp crash sound!

The sound of collision gradually died out, and the smoke also dispersed. In the smoke and dust, Ji Lei's Halberd tip suddenly exerted a strong force on Su Hao's gun head. The two sides of the dragon pattern halberd shook. In this moment, the tremendous strength reached Su Hao!


Su Hao's body shape flies upside down, but this time Jilei exerts more power than the last time. However, Jilei has done more than that. He wants to let all those who dare to look down on himself know that if you want to laugh at others, you have to have capital!

"Battle dragon strangle!"

The dragon pattern halberd ascends the sky with pride, and Ji Lei leaps high. At this moment, the dragon power is released in an instant. It is full of the mighty roar of ancient majesty, shaking everyone's eardrums!

The holy dragon goes up through the air and suddenly rushes down to the ground. The sound of the Dragon chanting is magnificent!


The holy dragon broke through the ground, and the air wave spread around Jilei! Except for Jilei, everyone felt that they were standing unsteadily, their bodies were crumbling, and the scene on the ground was even more terrifying. Cracks like dragons were spreading towards SOHO!

Su Hao had already been scared white by the momentum of Zhan long. Where did he want to resist? You can't move with two legs! And the cracks on the ground have already spread to Su Hao. In a short time, a huge mouth will appear under Su Hao's feet and let him sink down, and then squeeze into blood foam!Su Hao's eyes were full of fear, but his feet were as heavy as lead, so he couldn't move at all!

Ji Lei's eyes narrowed slightly, gritted her teeth, and spread the crack directly to Su Hao's feet!


Seeing that Su Hao was about to fall into a huge crack, a sudden burst of energy from nowhere flew Su Hao's body out. This shot, however, made him leave his place and happened to save his life.


Ji Lei was annoyed by the branches. Looking at a figure coming out of the crowd, Jilei's face became more gloomy.

"Space company?"

He looked at Ji Lei lightly and said, "I'll pay for the loss caused by SOHO."

"Will you pay for it?" Ji Lei sneered, and then in her eyes, a cold light suddenly gushed out of her eyes. Her low voice, however, made her face blue and white.

"What are you? Get out of here

As soon as Ji Lei's voice falls, the Dragon grain halberd throws out and stabs at Su Hao, who leans on the ground and is covered with blood! He saw this in the air, his pupils flashed slightly, and his body immediately rushed to the dragon pattern halberd, trying to stop it before it stabbed Su Hao!

"Give me get out of here

Ji Lei's killing intention in his eyes can't be restrained any more. His figure flashes. Before he rushes forward to Si Kong Ji, he stops Si Kong Ji!


Jilei's fist is mixed with rolling thunder! One punch hits Si Kongji on his shoulder. Si Kongji blocks with his fist. The two fists collide, and Si Kongji's moving figure slows down suddenly. Ji Lei's eyes are cold. He hits Si Kongji's forehead with another punch!


The aura forms a roll of wind, raging cangyunfang, which is heard by almost all the people of cangyun sect.

"Cough!" Sikonji's throat is filled with a touch of sweet smell. He tries to endure the pain. The sky covers the fist that Jilei has dropped and is firmly caught by his hands. However, Ji Lei makes a noise. Since Si Kongji resists with both hands, Jilei will not be polite. In an instant, he gives a punch to Si konji's chest!

The figure of Si Kong Ji fell to the ground in the eyes of everyone's exclamation, but before he stood up, there was a cry of heartrending pain not far away.


The voice reached the ears of Si Kong Ji, which made his face completely black. , the fastest update of the webnovel!