The fog in Jilei's eyes gradually became clear, but when he saw the surrounding environment, Jilei's whole person was stunned.

What Ji Lei sees is not the house he is familiar with. There is not a trace of sunshine around it. It is impossible to even describe it as cloudy and cold. On the surrounding walls, there are all black bricks and stones. There is not even a transparent window. There is only one pole of cold iron fence.

Jilei found out that he was in the prison!

"What's going on?" Ji Lei is surprised and looks at the empty cage opposite. Jilei finds that the whole prison is empty, only he is!

Outside the meeting hall of cangyun sect's elders, Yi Qiuling, Xiao Jingyun and other members of the spring Pavilion of Yigan Qiuge are waiting anxiously outside. Luo Qian is even more anxious. She looks at the closed gate with a nervous expression.

Not only outside, but also in the chamber, the atmosphere was so depressing, The big elder sat on the head seat, left and right, and all the elders were sitting. One of them, a gray sheep horn Hu elder, with a gloomy face, suddenly patted the table and said to the elder, "Ji leimu has no patriarchal clan system. He actually destroyed cangyun Fang. I don't think it's enough to put him in the dungeon to warn his disciples. It's better to strip his king level disciple's identity and become a servant!"

As soon as the elder of the grey sheep horn Beard said this, he immediately attracted the opposition of the elder Cangshan. Cangshan sneered and said, "elder Li Xuan, don't scold Ji Lei just because Si Kongji is your disciple. Don't forget that the reason why they fight is not because Su Hao in Xiage is the first to make a challenge? It's a matter of no excuse for this

"Well, at that time, suhao was no longer an opponent of Ji Lei, but Ji Lei still used a cruel and vicious way to destroy Su Hao's military spirit. Could such cruel behavior be offset only by being put in prison?" Li Xuan denounced angrily.

"Ji Lei was brought back to Cang Yun Zong by me. I am the elder to bear the responsibility. I can't get others to tell me what to do!" Cangshan shook his sleeve angrily. He was partial to Ji Lei. No matter what Ji Lei did was wrong or right, he led Ji Lei into cangyun sect. In this case, let him bear all the responsibilities!

"Elder, I voluntarily accept all punishment for Jilei! As long as you will let go of jiley Cangshan bowed his hand to the elder and then petitioned.

However, the elder sighed and leaned on his seat and said to Cangshan, "elder Cangshan, Ji Lei has indeed caused a rather bad impact on the whole cangyun sect. It is already a major event. Therefore, I am not good at making decisions. So, I will not make a statement and let the elders vote. I think Ji Lei should be severely punished Raise your hand, elder, who has deprived him of all his identity. "

When the elder finished, all the elders in the hall, except Cangshan, raised their hands in unison.

Li Xuan looked at the palms of his hands, which were held up all over the hall. He raised a proud look on his face and gave Cangshan a provocative glance. Seeing this, the elder said to Cangshan, "it seems that everything has come to an end. In this case, let's do as elder Li Xuan said..."

"the elder is wise! Ji Lei, such a rebellious disciple, should be used as a warning to others! " Li Xuan did not forget to stab Ji Lei.

Cangshan sees that the overall situation has been decided, even if he wants to recover, there is no chance. After all, people's lives are hard to violate...

"Kuang Dang!"

Just as everyone was ready to leave, the door of the assembly hall was suddenly kicked open. In the eyes of all the people, cangmu rushed in. After entering the door, he said aloud, "who wants to deprive me of my status as a disciple of love?"

The whole hall was quiet. Cangmu saw no one to answer, so he asked again angrily: "who is it?"

"It's wrong, Reggie?" she said Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Li Xuan said quickly.

"I don't care what you old man says! Anyway, as long as I'm here, jiley can't move Cangmu's whole body, powerful momentum instantly swept the entire conference room, an invisible and heavy pressure, diffuse spread out!

Li Xuan was a little out of breath. The elder frowned a little, and then with a wave of his hand, the aura of cangmu suddenly disappeared.

"I said what you are doing... What can't you say? You can't change your rashness over the years." The elder said helplessly.

"I can't control so much!" Cangmu said angrily, "I've been waiting for so many years. It's not easy to wait for Jilei, an alchemist. Are you the old men who say that they will be punished?! If Ji Lei is punished, I will leave cangyun clan immediately! "

Cangmu's words set off a great wave in an instant. The whole cangyun sect is such a master of the three grades of Dan. Cangmu's degree of respect for cangyun sect is even higher than that of the elder. Only cangmu and his elixir Pavilion can refine pills that can supply the whole cangyun sect. Without them, the cultivation of cangyun sect's disciples and elders will become a problem. That's why the great elder The reason why the Lingdan Pavilion will be allowed to become an independent force beyond the four Pavilions is the heart of cangyunzong!

Therefore, the weight of cangmu's words can be imagined. The master of Sanpin Dan can't be found anywhere."You are making trouble out of nothing!" Li Xuan's face was livid and yelled.

Who knows cangmu is generous to admit: "I'm just making trouble out of nothing. How can you be such an old man? You whole summer Pavilion, fight can't, refine Dan can't, don't come out to wander! What a shame

Cangmu's sharp words, it is almost Li Xuan's heart pierced out of the way, bloody. But cangmu's words are not wrong. There are Xiao Jingyun in spring Pavilion, Yi Qiuling in Autumn Pavilion, Dan master Gu Jue in winter Pavilion, and now there is a Jilei. At the same time, she is also the Dan master of Lingdan Pavilion. In their summer Pavilion, they are poor in talent, and the only one who can take it is sikongji, who has been beaten all over the body by Ji Lei, and has not yet woken up yet...

so cangmu's words are just like this After uncovering the scar in Li Xuan's heart, Li Xuan's face turned blue and white for a while, but he had nothing to say.

"Well, stop it! It's all the elders who are shouting. What's the proper way for the younger generation to see jokes? " At this time, the Elder spoke, looked at cangmu, and inquired with caution: "cangmu elder, how do you think Ji Lei should be punished?"

Who knows cangmu Yiang, "should not be punished!"

"What?" Li Xuan Wen Yan's face was even more ugly, "you are not a rogue! If there is no punishment, what is the use of patriarchal clan system? "

Maybe cangmu thought that Li Xuan's words were reasonable. After thinking for a moment, cangmu said to the elder, "in this case, punish Ji Lei and refine 100 pills for cangyun Zong after her wound is healed."

One is to exploit the status to become a servant, the other is to refine 100 pills. It has to be said that cangmu is really an old rascal with thick skin. However, the elder can only agree, because cangmu has already made concessions. You should know that the noble third grade Dan master can completely leave in a rage. The master of Sanpin pill doesn't have to worry that no one will treat you as an ancestor Therefore, cangmu can have no Cang Yun Zong, but Cang Yun Zong can't have cangmu.

If we pursue it further, cangmu will really go on a rampage. Even the great elder can't stop the rampage of this Dan master.

The elder nodded, "OK, that's settled. Punish Ji Lei to refine 100 pills for Cang yunzong, and give him three days after he recovers!"

Li Xuan was impatient and wanted to say something, but he was held back by the elder. "Well, the old man who quarreled with me has a headache. It's so decided. Let's go."

Cangmu smelled the speech, nodded and did not say anything, so he turned and left. Li Xuan's face was very ugly, but the elder had already said so and could not say anything more.

The elder then looked at Cangshan and suddenly asked, "when will your brother fight so hard for a disciple? Is this giray so important to him? Is that amazing? "

When Cangshan heard the speech, he gave a bitter smile and said to the elder, "he is so strange that he has gone... Such a boy is unique in the world..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!