The next day's competition, Cang yunzong's grandstand was jammed with people. Many students were looking forward to the nine disciples on Cangmang's stage to see which Pavilion could stand out. Advance to the final and compete with Xiage for the championship.

Yi Qiuling attaches great importance to today's game, so after Duan Yanqi lost the ability to fight, Yi Qiuling let Qiuge's three strongest fighting abilities, namely Ji Lei, Luo qianrou, and himself to meet the disciples of the other two chambers.

The fighting effectiveness of the spring Pavilion is Xiao Jingyun, Xiao Lingxue and Wang Jin. As for the winter Pavilion, Ji Lei has never known about it. Apart from Gu Jue, he does not know the other two. Xiao Jingyun didn't want to let Xiao Lingxue play, but when she thought that if Chunge was defeated in this competition, she would have to wait another year if she wanted to play. Xiao Jingyun didn't want Xiao Lingxue to have any regrets. So even though Xiao Lingxue was not the strongest disciple in Chunge, Xiao Jingyun still let Xiao Lingxue play after obtaining the unanimous consent of his Chunge disciples.

At the moment, Ji Lei has no smile on her face. Other people are OK to say that the key is Xiao Lingxue. How should he eliminate her... With his fist? It seems too rough. To persuade her to quit? It seems unrealistic...

Ji Lei has some difficulties, but he doesn't have time to think about it. After the big elder announced the start of the game, all the disciples of the other two chambers rushed up, and Ji Lei had to go forward to meet the enemy no matter how worried.

Si Kongji is on the stand, looking at Ji Lei in the middle of the field. "Don't let me down... If you can't get to the last round, the four pavilions will be a little boring..." Xiao Jingyun slammed his hand on the ground, and schizorrhiza sprang up from under the ground, spreading towards the disciples of Qiuge and Dongge. Facing these vines, Ji Lei has not started yet. Luo qianrou is easy First, he waved his phoenix feather gun. With the cold light, all the vines were torn by Luo qianrou in a flash. On the other side of Dongge, Gu Jue directly grasped the vines. Suddenly, a burning fire burst out in his hand, and all the vines were burned.

Xiao Jingyun looks a little dignified as she looks at the ashes of Cleistogenes. At this time, Xiao Lingxue suddenly raises the antelope bow in her hand, and the rain of arrows falls from the sky. For a time, the disciples of the other two pavilions can only defend.

"I didn't expect that spring Pavilion had the upper hand at the beginning." Tang Hao looked at the scene on Cangmang stage and said faintly. Wen Tingting beside her suddenly raised her charming red lips and suddenly said, "what's the name of the one with the bow?"

"She? Her name is Xiao Lingxue. " The Secretary answered.

Wen Tingting suddenly flashed a trace of hatred in her eyes. Tang Hao seemed to notice the change of Wen Tingting's look. Then he seemed to think of something, but he still didn't say it.

Ji Lei stands at the other end of Cangmang platform with a calm face and looks at Xiao Lingxue. She hasn't seen her for a long time. Xiao Lingxue's strength has improved so fast that Ji Lei has no idea. It seems that Xiao Jingyun has no reason to allow Xiao Lingxue to play.

"Qianrou, can you stop Xiao Lingxue?" Ji Lei looks at Luo qianrou beside her. When Luo qianrou hears her words, she nods. Then she holds a phoenix feather gun and turns into a light wind. In a flash, she comes to Xiao Lingxue. Xiao Lingxue may be a little stronger in the distance, but as soon as she is close to her, her combat effectiveness is far less than that of Luo qianrou. Seeing Luo qianrou suddenly appear, Xiao Lingxue is also shocked, but she reacts in a flash. Then she pinches her hand, and a big green aura clock appears on Luo qianrou's head, and then covers it immediately!

Luo qianrou is busy dodging. If it is covered by the antelope King bell, Luo qianrou's initiative will be lost completely. So this clock, Luo qianrou dare not hide!

"Dang!" Luo qianrou skilfully dodges. Xiao Ling Xue falls into the air. The king antelope clock suddenly hits the ground, making a dull sound. One blow is heavy, and even cangmangtai shakes. Xiao Lingxue takes advantage of this opportunity to quickly open a distance from Luo qianrou, and then attacks Luo qianrou again with arrows and rain,

and always keeps a distance from Luo qianrou, so as not to be close to her again.

"I didn't expect that she was still a double warrior?" Tang Hao is quite surprised to see Xiao Ling Xue, but after seeing Wen Tingting's iron green face, Tang Hao chooses to shut up.

"People of Xiao family..." Wen Tingting's silver teeth clenched and looked at Xiao Lingxue's eyes, full of hatred. While Luo qianrou and Xiao Ling Xue are fighting each other, Ji Lei rushes to Xiao Jingyun. Xiao Jingyun sees Ji Lei rushing to himself, and quickly turns the Cleistogenes into a defensive situation, forming a vine barrier and wrapping himself firmly. However, Ji Lei's pace does not stop at all. He jumps into the sky with a

Dragon grain halberd and stabs Xiao Jingyun with sharp edge!

"It's like blocking me with these vines?"

The dragon pattern halberd stabs Xiao Jingyun, but is obstructed by the rattan. Ji Lei does not panic at all. He picks up the dragon pattern halberd in his hand and splits again. Xiao Jingyun, hiding in the cleft ground vine, immediately reveals. Xiao Jingyun sees that Ji Lei's dragon pattern halberd is sharp and can only defend again.

"Thick soil is the bell!" All the gravel on the stone road under the platform floated in the air. With Xiao Jingyun's fingerprints falling, all the stones piled up in front of Xiao Jingyun to form an extremely strong defense barrier. Ji Lei stabbed the barrier with a halberd. His strength was largely dissipated by these rocks. Naturally, Xiao Jing could not be hurt againCloud!

"Boom At this time, a figure suddenly flies out of the field. Ji Lei takes a close look and finds that it is Gu Jue of the winter Pavilion! Yi Qiuling panting atmosphere, sweating, compared to is holding a breath, to yesterday lost to Gu Jue to find back. However, when Yi Qiuling knocks Gu Jue out of the arena, the other two people of Dongge

put their hands together and hit Yi Qiuling in the chest, which will shake Yi Qiuling out!

Yi Qiuling fell out of the court and sighed helplessly: "Alas, I'm careless..."

the two left the arena one after another, which made the originally silent stands hot immediately. The masters of winter Pavilion and Autumn Pavilion were eliminated successively, and the backbone of the two pavilions had already left. What should the remaining disciples of the two chambers do?

"Yi Qiuling and Gu Jue have already been eliminated. Spring pavilion has the upper hand in terms of number and morale. It seems that Chunge won this time. " Tang Hao watched the situation on the field and then analyzed it. However, Si Kongji shook his head firmly, and disagreed with Tang Hao's view, "if the winter pavilion has no gu Jue, it is no flies, but Autumn Pavilion... Yi Qiuling is not important to Ji Lei and Luo qianrou. On the contrary, without Yi Qiuling, Ji Lei and Luo qianrou have no constraints, and they don't need to close any more

note the battle situation of Yi Qiuling, but can fight with all their heart and soul."

Tang Hao heard the speech, but argued: "but without Yi Qiuling, Qiuge's combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced."

"It depends on who it is for." Si Kongji said coldly: "if for Dongge, if Yi Qiuling's fighting power is not enough, the morale will be greatly reduced, but not necessarily for Yu Jilei and Luo qianrou...

Si Kongji suddenly said in a calm voice:" maybe... Among these three people, Yi Qiuling is the weakest one... "The situation on Cangmang stage is extremely chaotic However, the only one who can get rid of each other's fighting is the one who can't get rid of each other's mind !

"For the time being, we don't have to take care of the two people in the winter Pavilion." Ji Lei whispered to Luo qianrou and said, "first eliminate Xiao Ling Xue. Remember, don't be cruel."

Luo qianrou has a strange look at Ji Lei. At this time, she still wants to be tender to her. Ji Lei is really soft hearted, but Luo qianrou has no objection. After a look at Ji Lei, the two people rush to Xiao Ling Xue in different directions! Xiao Jingyun sees that Ji Lei and Luo qianrou are like arrows from the string, and they are still Xiao Ling Xue. Their intention is quite obvious. He urges the vine to stop them. However, it is easy to tear up the vine defense, whether it is a dragon grain halberd or a phoenix feather gun. Therefore, Xiao Jing's blocking does not have a good effect. "Stop it Xiao Ling Xuexue sees that their target is obviously themselves, and she dare not neglect them. The Lingwang bell falls down in an instant, but Luo qianrou sees it, but does not evade. Instead, she throws the Fengyu gun and hits the Lingwang bell. The Lingwang bell immediately deviates from the line and fails to hit Ji Lei. Instead, she hits two disciples of Dong


The two disciples of Dongge were repulsed by Xiao Ling Xuexie, and all of them came out. Since then, all the disciples of Dongge were eliminated in the second round!

Gu Jue saw this, but he didn't say anything. All this, as he expected, took two self reproachful disciples to the stands.

Compared with the spring Pavilion, Gu Jue hopes that the Autumn Pavilion can win, because Ji Lei is his younger martial brother. Gu Jue is more partial to Ji Lei.

"Winter Pavilion people have been eliminated." When Ji Lei sees that the two disciples of the winter pavilion are all eliminated, he suddenly moves around and walks behind Xiao Lingxue. He grabs Xiao Lingxue's hand and is about to pull it out.

However, Xiao Lingxue breaks away from Ji Lei's hand in an instant, and then jumps back. In a short period of time, she shoots three arrows and shoots at Ji Lei, which Ji Lei can only resist. However, when Ji Lei is concentrating on resisting, Xiao Jingyun and Wang Jin are unwilling to let go of this opportunity. They both rush to Luo qianrou. Luo qianrou pays attention to Ji Lei. Suddenly, Luo qianrou suddenly notices that they are approaching. Suddenly, she retreats and wants to widen the distance. But at this time, Xiao Lingxue shoots an arrow at Luo qianrou, facing Luo qianrou's eyebrows. Luo qianrou can only delay her pace to resist the arrow, It is also taking advantage of this opportunity that Xiao Jingyun and Wang Jin both urge the spirit of martial arts to burst out and rush to Luo qianrou. Although Luo qianrou tries his best to resist it, he can not help being rushed out of the competition.


Luo qianrou falls to the ground, and many of his disciples are filled with heartache. Ji Lei looks at Luo qianrou, who is eliminated. For a moment, she has no reaction.

"Spring pavilion's cooperation is too good, I'm sorry..." after Yi Qiuling helped Luo qianrou up, Luo qianrou blamed himself and apologized. "It's just that a few are outnumbered. Don't blame yourself." Yi Qiuling comforts her, and then she looks at Ji Lei, who is still on the stage. At this time, Ji Lei's situation can be said to be worse than ever...

in this case, she can't be any worse , the fastest update of the webnovel!