
The current flows through Jilei's body, and tomorrow will be the last round of battle with Xiage. Ji Lei knows the difficulty of dealing with Xiage, so he has been practicing in the jingling mountains for several days. There is no one in cangyun's clan.

"Boom Ji Lei a halberd, point on the mirror like pool, the pool immediately rolled up a hundred Zhang high waterfall, straight brush the jungle gully.

"I knew you would be here." When Ji Lei is dancing halberd to draw the meaning, a voice suddenly comes down from a high place. Ji Lei looks up, but Xiao Jingyun is standing on a high slope, overlooking the mountain stream.

Ji Lei is wondering why Xiao Jingyun suddenly appears here, but Xiao Jingyun jumps down and comes to Jilei.

"What? If you come to me at this time, are you still dissatisfied with the result? " Jiley joked.

However, Xiao Jingyun shook his head very seriously and said, "I'm convinced of your strength, but you've made some publicity."

"Publicity?" Ji Lei doesn't understand Xiao Jingyun's meaning. Xiao Jingyun sees this and says to Ji Lei, "Ling Xue, she likes you very much. Do you know that?"

He is not a fool. How can he not see Xiao Lingxue's mind? What's more, Xiao Lingxue's mind has been revealed before he knows it. Ji Lei can see it even if he is blind.

"So you know that?" Xiao Jingyun raises his eyes and looks at Ji Lei. Ji Lei doesn't answer. He doesn't know what he is hesitating about.

Xiao Jingyun didn't wait for Ji Lei to speak. He said directly, "although I don't have a bad feeling for you, I have to remind you that it's better not to go too close to my sister."

"Oh? Why would she eat me

"Because no matter how much Ling Xue likes you, she is a member of the Xiao family. Therefore, the Xiao family has already arranged Ling Xue's life-long events."

Xiao Jingyun's words, like a thunder blast in Ji Lei's ear, but Ji Lei's glare still doesn't change much, but the tone of voice sounds more uncertain: "it has nothing to do with me."

After hearing Ji Lei's reply, Xiao Jingyun nodded. "It's best. As your elder martial brother and Xiao Lingxue's brother, I have to remind you that it's better to keep a distance from her. Some things are not her own decision. It's good for everyone to be far away from her."

Xiao Jingyun's words are meaningful. Ji Lei doesn't understand what he means. However, Xiao Jingyun just looks at Ji Lei with a complicated look, and then says, "family members, everything must be based on family interests. You won't understand."

"Remember, don't tell anyone I've come to see you, especially Ling Xue."

With that, Xiao Jingyun disappears in front of Ji Lei. Ji Lei's eyes are empty. He looks at the stars all over the sky and smacks his lips. It seems that he is aftertaste of Xiao Jingyun's words. Then, a burst of bitterness comes into his heart.

"The family, everything can be family interests first..." Ji Lei seems to understand something, looking at the direction of Xiao Jingyun's departure, heart is not taste. A sense of uneasiness came from the bottom of my heart for no reason.

The next day, when the morning light comes up, Jilei goes out of the door. At this time, Ji Lei seems to be a little different from usual. Today, his eyes are particularly indifferent, and his whole body exudes a kind of indifference that refuses people from thousands of miles away.

Ji Lei seems to be in a bad mood. Today, Luo qianrou is indifferent to Luo qianrou. Luo qianrou feels a little strange, but she is full of doubts. She just follows Jilei quietly.

Ji Lei walks all the way, but meets Xiao Lingxue. After seeing Xiao Lingxue, Ji Lei recalls what Xiao Jingyun said to himself last night, and her face is a little embarrassed.

With a good mind, Ji Lei tries to squeeze out a smile. Xiao Lingxue can see that Ji Lei is reluctant to smile. However, she thinks that Ji Lei's body has not been cured, but she is more concerned about her.

Xiao Jingyun walks behind Xiao Lingxue. Ji Lei smiles at him helplessly. Then she winks at Xiao Jingyun and asks Xiao Jingyun to take Xiao Lingxue away.

Seeing this, Xiao Jingyun said to Xiao Lingxue, "well, sister, you see that younger martial brother Ji Lei still has a competition today. Let's go to the grandstand to grab a good position, or we'll all be robbed."

Although Xiao Ling Xue didn't want to, she finally nodded and left with Xiao Jingyun.

Ji Lei breathes a sigh of relief. At this time, Luo qianrou is aware of some clues and asks Ji Lei, "you seem to be afraid to stay with Xiao Ling Xue?"

Jilei is alert, but her mouth is still indifferent: "I have nothing to fear, she will not eat me."

"You can be stubborn." Luo qianrou takes a look at Ji Lei. Ji Lei is silent for a moment. Then he suddenly holds Luo qianrou's white hand and asks in a low voice, "qianrou, do you... Do you want to go back to your family?"

Luo qianrou was stunned and puzzled: "why do you ask this?"

Ji Lei's eyes were a little red. "Your family must be very powerful in frost island?"Luo qianrou thought about it for a while, and then she lightly nodded her head and agreed with Ji Lei's saying: "although I really don't like that family, the Luo family is really one or two big families in frost island."

"Well... Will you want to go back to Luo's house one day..." "I don't want to go back to that place!" Luo qianrou bit her teeth and said that the affirmation of her tone made Ji Lei very surprised. Ji Lei was stunned on the spot. Then, she felt as if a stone had fallen on the ground. Her face was much better. Luo qianrou looked at Ji Lei with a smile and said, "is there anything else?"

"No, no more." Ji Lei waved her hand, and then took Luo qianrou to cangmangtai and entered the camp of Autumn Pavilion.

Yi Qiuling sees Ji Lei and Luo qianrou on the scene, and then says to Ji Lei: "it's really thanks to you that you've collapsed cangmangtai. If there's no repair in these three days, I'm afraid yanzaki won't be able to participate in the competition."

Behind Yi Qiuling, Duan Yanqi is standing quietly behind him. Seeing Ji Lei and Luo qianrou coming, he shows a bright smile. It seems that the injury has been cured and has not been affected by the defeat in the war.

"Is your injury OK?" Ji Lei still asked anxiously. Duan Yanqi waved his hand and said, "what can those small injuries do to me? I'm waiting for today to have a good turn over

Xia GE's people, at this time also slowly pace into the field, Ji Lei inadvertently a glance, is to see Si Kongji to himself, do a wipe neck action. "Oh, I have already thought about how to die before I start..." in Jilei's eyes, the ice cold gradually rises.

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