When Xiao Ling Xue wakes up, she sees Jilei's familiar figure sitting beside her and gets up. In the beautiful eye is full of joyful light: "you wake up?"

However, Ji Lei's face has always been a strange look. Xiao Ling Xue can't help but wonder at the way she wants to speak.

But Xiao Lingxue suddenly felt that her body was getting colder and colder. She was frightened to find that she had nothing on except a light gauze dress. She woke up and was overwhelmed by joy. Only then did she find that she had changed her coat. Xiao Lingxue's white body, shrouded in gauze, exudes an incomparable allure. With her perfect figure, she is full of blood. Looking at the pair of eyes that can't hold back the light, Xiao Lingxue's face is red to the root of her neck, and the color is like a drop of blood,

coupled with the lingering fragrance in her boudoir, the atmosphere is extremely beautiful...

in addition, the atmosphere is extremely beautiful "what are you looking at! Turn around Xiao Lingxue chided, and then she got into the brocade quilt. The rustling sound sounded. Ji Lei was stunned for a long time and then turned the whole person around.

Brocade is sketched out Xiao Lingxue's infinite beautiful figure. Ji Lei swallows a few mouthfuls, turns around and murmurs: "when will the figure become so good..." let Xiao Lingxue want to find a place to sew in, and her cheek is red and hot.

After a short period of time, Xiao Lingxue finally changes her clothes. After hearing a long cry from Xiao Ling Xue, Ji Lei turns her head and looks at Xiao Ling Xue with a smile.

"You still laugh!" Xiao Lingxue's face is still crimson. She looks at Ji Lei with shame and anger. Her eyes are eager to cut Ji Lei into pieces.

Ji Lei scratched her head after hearing the words, and her face suddenly became serious. She said to Xiao Lingxue, "do you know the result of the four chamber meeting... Who won?"

Reasoning, Ji Lei's move made the whole cangyunzong dark. Until the end of the day, Ji Lei only had a fight with Tang Hao and Wen Tingting. Therefore, it is still unknown what result the elder will announce.

Xiao Lingxue hears the words, stares at Ji Lei, and then hums, "that still needs to ask! You are half dead. Of course, Xiage won After hearing this, Ji Lei's face suddenly turned pale. The whole person stayed there. Looking at Ji Lei's appearance of being struck by lightning, Xiao Lingxue couldn't help laughing. Then she patted Jilei's shoulder and comforted him: "well, I'm kidding you. The elder doesn't have eyes. Of course, he can't tell which one is better than the other."

Ji Lei looks at Xiao Lingxue hesitantly: "well...

" of course you won! "

Ji Lei is full of ecstasy. The whole person almost jumps up. His brain is hot. He suddenly reaches out his hand and hugs Xiao Ling Xue into his arms and gives her a sharp kiss on her blow blown cheek! Xiao Lingxue's face turns red and hot, and Ji Lei is extremely embarrassed at this time, because he is absolutely unintentional and makes this move subconsciously. Xiao Lingxue is not Luo qianrou, and the relationship between him and Ji Lei is not as close as that... Even Luo qianrou would not be happy to be like this by Ji Lei.

... After all, Ji Lei's action is actually a little light...

Xiao Ling Xue's cheek is as red as an apple, and her eyes are staring at Jilei with shame and anger. Jilei has been crying bitterly in her heart. Xiao Lingxue must have regarded herself as a hooligan and regretted that Jilei wanted to kill her.

All of a sudden, a sharp pain comes from Jilei's waist, but Xiao Ling is angry. She pinches her hand hard on the soft meat of Jilei's waist, and then she violently twists into a whirlpool. Ji Lei grins in pain and pleads for mercy and apologies.

"You're a little too hard." Jilei rubbed the black skin on his waist. When he touched it, he felt sharp pain, which made him grinning.

Xiao Lingxue is still angry. She takes a look at Ji Lei. Ji Lei looks up pitifully, but Xiao Lingxue says, "who told you to be dishonest?"

Ji Lei could only swallow the bitter life, then looked at Xiao Lingxue's face fading away, and asked, "when can I get the prize for Qiuge?"

At this time, Xiao Lingxue looks at Ji Lei in surprise, "why, you haven't got the prize yet?"

Jilei was confused: "no, I haven't even seen the prize."

Xiao Lingxue is in a hurry at this time. She takes Jilei's hand and goes out.

"Hello, why are we going?"

"What do you think? Of course, I'm going to ask cangyunzong for a reward! "

Xiao Jingyun is sitting down when a gust of wind blows in front of him. He sees two figures and goes out of the spring Pavilion in a blink of an eye. Xiao Jingyun's eyes gradually sink down, and then turns into relief and sighs bitterly.

"If you were not born in the declining Xiao family, it would be great..."

Xiao Lingxue comes to Qiuge with Jilei. Yi Qiuling is practicing, and the door is kicked open by Xiao Lingxue!

Yi Qiuling opens her eyes alertly, but what she sees is Xiao Ling Xue. She comes to her with a look of questioning her teacher. She feels surprised.

"Yi Qiuling, didn't you say that you have brought all the rewards of Jilei?! Why hasn't jiley got it yet? "Yi Qiuling looked at Xiao Ling Xue and Ji Lei with a confused face. She replied, "didn't I bring the things...

Xiao Lingxue frowned slightly and asked," did you go to get it from the elder? "

"It's not," Yi Qiuling shook her head and said, "I asked Qiuge disciple to get it. I thought he had sent it directly to Jilei's house. Why didn't you receive it?"

Ji Lei was stunned: "I just woke up, and qianrou didn't tell me what disciples had come."

"What about the disciple? You call him here Xiao Ling snow see Yi Qiuling seems to be really do not know the appearance, then said. Yi Qiuling gave an order to the disciple beside him. After a moment, the disciple ran to Yi Qiuling in a panic. He looked a little serious and said, "head, I've looked for Chen Sheng's place. I've been to the place where Chen Sheng lives. I can't find his shadow in the place where he's used to practice. His disciples who have a good relationship with him tell me that he hasn't appeared for nearly a month, and they don't know about it He went there

"What?" Yi Qiuling quickly stood up and glared at the disciple and said, "where will he go?"

The disciple was in a dilemma: "this... I don't know."

Yi Qiuling's face became very ugly. Ji Lei saw this and said, "when did you go to ask for the reward from the elder?"

"I went to find it the next day after the end of the four cabinet meeting." Yi Qiuling facial expression has obvious exasperation, angry to gnash one's teeth: "this Chen Sheng won't be these reward all embezzlement?"

"It must be so." Xiao Lingxue is also worried, and then blames Yi Qiuling: "as the leader of one cabinet, the four chambers will reward such important things. It's irresponsible to send someone to ask for it casually!"

In the face of Xiao Lingxue's scolding, Yi Qiuling says that he can't argue with her. At this time, he has no time to pay attention to Xiao Lingxue. The reward has been stolen. He has to find all these things back! "It seems that he has been walking for a long time, and it is not so easy to find it back..." Yi Qiuling rubbed her chin, and her face showed a puzzled look, "it's hard to do...

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