Ji Lei hears the speech, although greatly surprised, but still does not say a word to go directly to the Autumn Pavilion.

The Autumn Pavilion is full of people. Xiao Lingxue and Xiao Jingyun, who are from the spring Pavilion, are already in the Autumn Pavilion. A group of people surround Chen Sheng. At this time, Jilei comes to the Autumn Pavilion. All the people cast their eyes on Jilei. When Jilei sees Chen Sheng, he is shocked.

At this time, Chen Sheng was covered with injuries and his face was blue and purple. There was not a piece of good meat on his whole body. Even his red clothes were covered with dust, and several pieces of cloth were torn. At first glance, he looked like a prisoner who came out of the prison.

Just when Ji Lei is surprised, Xiao Ling Xue turns her head and whispers to Ji Lei, "this is what he looks like when he comes to Qiuge. When we ask him, he doesn't answer, he just says he wants to call you."

On hearing this, Ji Lei nodded his head without a trace, looked at Chen Sheng's dull eyes, and directly asked, "what about my martial arts skills?"

Chen Sheng raised his face full of blood stains with trembling voice and said, "no... no...

half a thread of killing intention flashed in Jilei's eyes, but was soon suppressed by Jilei. Jilei looked directly at Chen Sheng's turbid eyes and asked patiently," where did you go? "

Chen Sheng shivers his lips, his cheeks pale and colorless. He says cautiously to Ji Lei: "it was taken by the people of Xiage...

" Xiage! " At the same time, Duan Yanqi couldn't stand at once when he heard the words. The fire in his heart burst out in an instant. He started to rush to the Summer Pavilion and said, "the Summer Pavilion has lost. Do you want to admit it? I'm going to cut down the air line! "

"I don't have the courage to rob these martial arts." Jilei's face was calm, and said slowly, "someone must have ordered him to do so."

"Who else can there be but the stewardess?" Duan Yanqi retorted: "those two people in Xingyun pavilion have been beaten away by you. The whole cangyunzong can do this kind of thing on the air?"

A trace of anger flashed between Ji Lei's eyebrows, and a slight light suddenly flowed through his eyes: "that's not necessarily...

the atmosphere in the Summer Pavilion is somewhat strange. Many disciples seem to be waiting for something. They hide on both sides of the hall, and the candles in the pavilion are extinguished. Only a solitary lamp is hanging on the high platform, emitting a faint yellow light.

The moonlight penetrated through the eaves of the window, shining into the Summer Pavilion. The cold luster shone on Li Xuan's thin and old face. His face, which was as dry as wood, was even more stiff and white.

Si Kongji stood at Li Xuan's side without saying a word. It seemed that he was waiting for something.

If you observe the dark place of the Summer Pavilion carefully, you can still see it. In the dark, there is a little cold light flashing, but it disappears in a moment.

"Are the swordsmen ready?" Li Xuan did not look at Si Kong Ji and asked.

"Yes, it's all ready," he replied respectfully

"Don't let anything go wrong." Li Xuan's withered palms dragged his gills, and his hawk like eyes looked straight at the slightly open gate.

All of a sudden, outside the crack of the door, a figure grew longer and longer. The door banged and kicked open. The familiar figure, in the moonlight, slowly walked into the Summer Pavilion.

When he sees Ji Lei coming, he is busy ordering the arrest, but Li Xuan stops him with a wave of his hand.

"What are you doing here?" Li Xuan's face was mocked by cat and mouse, and his hoarse voice echoed in the open Summer Pavilion.

On hearing this, Ji Lei's face did not change much. His sharp eyes, like a blade, collided with Li Xuan. Then he replied, "the elder cheated me."

Li Xuan denied with a smile: "no, no, no, how can this be called deceit? We should ask those who wish to take the bait."

Ji Lei snorted coldly from the tip of his nose, but he did not answer. He looked at Li Xuan and said, "bring me your martial arts."


The three lights fall at Ji Lei's feet. They are the three volumes of martial arts skills that Ji Lei was robbed. Li Xuan threw them on the ground at random and said, "the martial arts skills are at your feet. Take them if you want."

As he spoke, Li Xuan's voice, as light as a mosquito, sounded in his ear: "while Jilei bent down to pick up his martial arts skills, he ordered the axe and knife to kill him."

The Secretary in the air heard the speech and nodded his head.

But to Li Xuan's surprise, Ji Lei ignored the three volumes of martial arts skills at his feet, and burned them into ashes!

His martial arts skills are reduced to ashes. Ji Lei throws a fan of his hand, and all the ashes fly out of the window. Ji Lei doesn't even look at him. He says to Li Xuan, "the elder really looks down on me."

"It's a little contemptuous of you." Li Xuan's face is a little ugly, dry hoarse voice said.

"Then give me the real martial arts skills." Jiley extends her hand.

Li xuanxu squints his eyes and looks at Ji Lei. Suddenly he reaches out and throws three volumes of martial arts to Ji Lei.

Ji Lei took it in his hand steadily and smoothly without any hesitation. After hiding three volumes of martial arts skills into Najie, he waved to Li Xuan and said, "thank you very much. If you still want to borrow it in the future, please tell Ji Lei that Ji Lei is not a petty person."Ji Lei's words pierced Li Xuan's heart like a sharp sword, which made Li Xuan's face even more indelible. Looking at Ji Lei's face, he was full of killing intention.

Ji Lei gets his martial arts skills, and then he says to Li Xuan: "since the borrowed martial arts skills have been returned, Ji Lei will not stay here for a long time. The Summer Pavilion is gloomy and really cold and flustered." With that, jiley turned to go.

Li Xuan sneered at Ji Lei's departure? Can you leave? "

The Secretary saw this in the air, waved his hand and drank his life: "do it for me!"

On both sides, a group of Xiage disciples with iron armor and spear soldiers rushed out on both sides, and the cold light chopped at Ji Lei.

Ji Lei's eyes suddenly become fierce. The dragon pattern halberd flashes out with the golden light. Ji Lei holds the Dragon grain halberd. When he turns around, a strong gust of wind blows around him, blowing away all the iron clad disciples who rush towards him!

After that, the dragon pattern halberd immediately took off. With Ji Lei as the center, sharp pointed out a whole circle and scratched them on the iron armor of those disciples. Those seemingly unbreakable iron armor was immediately torn into two under the edge of the Dragon grain halberd.

After a burst of ping-pong chaos, those cold iron armor, then all fell to the ground.

"What?" Li Xuan stands up and stares at the figure of Ji Lei in the Summer Pavilion. His face is unbelievable!

Ji leinegative is holding a dragon grain halberd, majestic. His cold side face slowly deviates. His eyes are sharp and piercing like an arrow, and his tone is cold. "Elder... What's this going to do...

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